In the UK at auction sold the death mask of Stalin

In the UK at auction sold the death mask of Stalin MOSCOW, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. Bronze death mask of Joseph Stalin and casts of the hands of his hands was sold for 13.5 thousand pounds sterling (17,4 thousands of U.S. dollars) at auction at The Canterbury Auction Galleries in the UK, reported on the auction site. Mask and cast of hands was initially estimated auction in two and a half thousand pounds (1.9 to 2.5 thousand US dollars). According to the magazine Antique Collection, the previous owner found them in the things of his grandfather, who was a merchant seaman. The personnel of the auction, it was difficult to assess this item. It was difficult to estimate the cost of the lot, but is the same mask and hands sold for 3.6 thousand pounds (4.6 thousand U.S. dollars) in 2012, so we have decided to offer it with

Accidentally launched into the sky over Estonia, the rocket is not found in the search area

Accidentally launched into the sky over Estonia, the rocket is not found in the search area Shell will continue to seek from the air. RIGA, August 11. /TASS/. The search is accidentally launched into the sky over Estonia missiles on the ground of her alleged fall stopped, the missile is not detected. On Saturday said the defence Forces of Estonia, adding that the missile will continue to seek from the air. “We carefully searched for on the surface of the soil and surrounding trees parts of a rocket, or anything that indicates a missile, for example, broken branches or other signs of its landing, — told the news Agency BNS captain karmo Saar, who led the search. — As a result we can say that, according to our estimates, checked the landing area of the missile is not”. Participated in the search, soldiers of the 1st infantry brigade explored the

FSO has filed a lawsuit against Yarmolnik smashed Mercedes

FSO has filed a lawsuit against Yarmolnik smashed Mercedes The Federal guard service (FSO) of Russia filed a lawsuit against the actor Leonid Yarmolnik, demanding to collect from it more than 800 thousand RUB over the damaged in road accident the foreign car belonging to the service. This told the press Secretary of the Khamovniki court Olga Mouser. According to her, the accident occurred on 22 October 2016 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt at fault cultural figure. The accident came four cars, among which was the Mercedes owned by FSO. Later the car was repaired in a specialised organisation. The Mouser explained that the insurance company paid the amount to cover part of the repair, and the remaining part of the costs incurred in the amount of 800 thousand RUB FSO asked to recover from Yarmolnik. She added that the actor was found guilty of committing an administrative offense. He Yarmolnik confirmed

In the reserve near Yalta started a large forest fire

In the reserve near Yalta started a large forest fire The fire area of 1.5 hectares occurred in the reserve near Yalta, RIA “Novosti” with reference to the assistant chief of the Crimean management of the Ministry of emergency situations Vladimir Ivanov. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий “The message about the fire on Yalta, gorge Uch-Kosh arrived at 16.23, is the border of the Yalta and the Crimean mountain-forest reserve. Burning litter, the fire area was 2.5 thousand square meters. 19.10 in the area of the fire grew to 1.5 acres. The difficulty is that it is difficult terrain and strong winds up to 21 meters per second,” — said Ivanov. The place next to the fire equipment pulled, from MOE in extinguishing the fire involved 45 people and eight vehicles. To lift in air the helicopter fire impossible by weather conditions. Earlier it was reported that in Buryatia extinguished all forest fires.

The first people died out due to laziness, say scientists

The first people died out due to laziness, say scientists MOSCOW, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. Erectus people were the first representatives of our race, lost the competition to their offspring because of “laziness” — the inability to produce complex tools. Write about anthropology, published an article in the journal PLoS One. “Not like that these people are too annoying for any reason. They made tools from the first stones, which they found at their sites, which is not similar to the more ancient Homo, purposefully seeking high-quality raw materials for their instruments,” says CERI Shipton (Ceri Shipton) from the Australian National University in Canberra. The conservatives of the stone age Scientists believe that approximately 3-2. 5 million years ago our ancestors lived through a true food revolution in the transition from Australopithecus to the first Homo. She was accompanied by a marked reduction in the size of the teeth,

Quotes from the Bible, the Koran and the Torah was included in the memo of the Ministry of interior against bribery

Quotes from the Bible, the Koran and the Torah was included in the memo of the Ministry of interior against bribery In the memo on anti-corruption for police officers, the authors resorted to the Holy books — the Bible, the Koran and the Torah to show how religion is punishable bribery. The document is available on the website of the main Department of MIA in Moscow. “Cursed is he who takes a bribe to kill the soul, and shed innocent blood. And all the people shall say: Amen.” (The Bible, Deuteronomy, Chapter 27, verse 25). “Giving bribe and taking bribe both are in Hellfire” (Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, a collection of “Gardens of the well-behaved”, Imam al-Nawawi). “Not pervert the law… and neither take a gift; for gifts blind the eyes of the wise and pervert the words of the righteous” (Torah, Deuteronomy 16.19−20). Along with these quotations on

The Russians will see this weekend the most spectacular stargazing

The Russians will see this weekend the most spectacular stargazing The BOTTOM NOVGOROD, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. One of the most striking astronomical phenomena Perseid meteor shower, which is popularly called shooting stars can be observed in the night in the coming weekend, told RIA Novosti the head of the research Department of the Nizhniy Novgorod planetarium Nikolay Lapin. Perseid best — known meteor shower is annually observed in August when the Earth passes through the trail of dust particles left by comet swift-tuttle. “Best of all the so-called shooting stars — Perseid meteor shower — watch in the night from 11 to 12 August and from 12 to 13 August. At that time the maximum of the Perseids. To observe shooting stars will be in other nights, but it was during this period of time will be the maximum concentration of meteors — hundreds per hour. Due to

Russian tanker blocked in the port of Kherson without the sanction on arrest

Russian tanker blocked in the port of Kherson without the sanction on arrest Ukrainian service has blocked the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin” in the port of Kherson, but the court decision about the detention of the ship or its crew has yet to be reached. This was announced by the representative of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU). “At the moment the team is not arrested, but with the ship deal. Also, there is no judicial authorization of detention, but work”, — quotes its words Agency UNN. The representative of the SBU said that in relation to the company-the owner of the vessel in Ukraine, sanctions were imposed, in connection with which side is making the blocking of assets. He confirmed that “the Mechanic Pogodin” is not yet able to leave the port. August 10, Ukrainian officials Borys Babin, the Kiev-appointed to the post of permanent representative of the President

Human rights defenders said the details of the case about the beating in the Yaroslavl colony

Human rights defenders said the details of the case about the beating in the Yaroslavl colony Serving a sentence in the Yaroslavl colony prisoner James Monroe is recognized as the victim on criminal case about beating of its prison staff and got a gothamite, reported on his page on the social network Facebook legal Fund “Public verdict” engaged in the protection of the convicted person. MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. Video brutal beating Makarova in July published “Novaya Gazeta”. According to her, the incident occurred in June last year in penal colony No. 1 in Yaroslavl. The Federal penitentiary service later confirmed the time and place of events recorded in the video. Criminal case about excess of powers of office, all members of the stage set. It was reported about the dismissal of 17 employees of a colony. In the case of detained 12 people, 11 of them in