Russia and the countries of the Caspian sea will not be allowed into the region, foreign military

Russia and the countries of the Caspian sea will not be allowed into the region, foreign military Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea ensures that no armed forces of other States in the region. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a meeting of the heads of States-participants of the fifth Caspian summit, where the agreement was signed. His words TASS reports on Sunday, August 12. “It is important that the Convention clearly reglamentary necessary distinctions, modes of navigation and fishing, captures the principles of military-political cooperation of the countries-participants, guarantees the use of the Caspian sea exclusively for peaceful purposes and given for not attending to the sea of the armed forces of extraregional powers,” he said. The Russian leader thanked all who worked to reach agreements for 20 years. “On the basis of consensus and mutual consideration of interests generated by modern

Hell’s kitchen: how to create the most terrible books in the world

Hell’s kitchen: how to create the most terrible books in the world “Whores”, “bears” and other secrets of the skill of Stephen king. Stephen king you know, maybe even those who’ve never read is not something that none of his books, but even did not read anything. In his novels and stories set dozens of films, and its very name has become something of a trademark, a seal of quality for stories about the unknown and terrible. But as American writer manages to come up with their incredible stories? But he will tell you: literary critic Konstantin Milchin is a book of the week — specially for the portal Stephen kingSecret windowM.: AST, 2018.Talk Stephen king — implied horror. Although in reality not all of his books contain descriptions of nightmares. There are various Stephen king — one really frightening and cosmoray, the other tortures his reader the complex

The defense Ministry has declassified the order of Stalin from 1941 to bomb Berlin

The defense Ministry has declassified the order of Stalin from 1941 to bomb Berlin Moscow. August 12. INTERFAX.RU a Multimedia collection of documents from the funds of the Central archive of the Ministry of defense on military pilots during the great Patriotic war, published on the website of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation in Day of Military-air forces of Russia, said on Sunday the Russian defense Ministry. “A special place among the archival documents is a handwritten copy of the order of the State Committee of defense of the USSR, drawn up under the dictation of the Chairman of the GKO Stalin to 2 a.m. from 8 to 9 August 1941. The document obliged the commander of the 81st air division to carry out a bombing RAID on the heart of the Nazi Third Reich”, — stated in the message. It is noted that in the new

Keep forever: Europe’s growing problem of nuclear waste

Keep forever: Europe’s growing problem of nuclear waste Spent fuel nuclear power plant plan to keep in salt, granite and Ukraine. Nuclear power Europe is experiencing a systemic crisis. The focus of the European debate includes not only nuclear power plants, the continued existence of which is increasingly put to the vote: to be or not to be? The problem lies elsewhere. Regardless of the answer grows more serious and long-term ambush — disposal of radioactive waste. Details — in the material of the portal A kaleidoscope of ideas What to do with spent fuel for nuclear power plants — the answer to this question, scientists are looking for the same moment came the idea to make the atom work for the good of mankind. Plans were put forward very different. For example, American specialists were invited to shoot nuclear waste of space in the Sun: extra small nuclear

Zakharov advised the West to remember their crimes during bombing of Yugoslavia

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS BELGRADE, August 12. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova suggested that Western countries concerned about the humanitarian situation in Syria, to assess their own actions during the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, including depleted uranium shells. She stated this on Sunday in Belgrade, answering the question TASS.

The US has accused Russia of delaying the conflict in the Donbass

The US has accused Russia of delaying the conflict in the Donbass Washington believes that Russia specifically prolonging the conflict in the Donbass. This opinion was expressed by the special representative of the United States Ukraine Kurt Volker. He wrote about this in his microblog on Twitter. Walker commented on a video provided by the monitoring mission of the OSCE, which depicted several columns of trucks crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border in the Donbass. Where they passed, no checkpoints, argued the representatives of the organization. Entry was posted August 10. Walker on his page posted a video again and was accompanied by the caption: “This is another way in which Russia deliberately uses to prolong the conflict and maintain the clashes in the East of Ukraine.” Special envoy says that Moscow is blocking the work of the monitoring missions, as well as ignores all the efforts of the international community to

In Australia, three lazy seals go on the “ride”

In Australia, three lazy seals go on the “ride” MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. The network got a video: three seals are traveling, sitting on the bow of the ship. Three lazy seal was spotted while walking on the ship Polaris Melody in the district of Portland Bay (Australia). They lay quietly on the nose of the ship and Bulba seem to enjoy this journey. “Stowaways are different,” — commented by users. During the download an error has occurred. Last year in Australia, a baby seal in the same way traveled by ship, which went down the Yarra river towards Melbourne. See also: Life on the surface: five of the most unusual inhabitants of the Black sea Some seals showed claws As whales eat in the water and not drown?

The Russians have shared photos of the private solar Eclipse

The Russians have shared photos of the private solar Eclipse Today, residents of the Northern hemisphere were able to observe a partial solar Eclipse. MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. It began at 11.02 GMT in the Atlantic ocean near Labrador and ended in China, 14.31 GMT. The Russians, who could observe the Eclipse in person, shared their photos on social networks. #Krasnoyarskoye #Eclipse #Krasnoyarsk Publication from ?♏Hope? (@kudelsudby) 11 August 2018 4:11 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The most convenient for observation on the territory of Russia became the Northern regions of the country. The maximum phase of the Eclipse reached 12.46 MSK near Wrangel island and Chukotka. In ancient times in China believed that a dragon ? during a solar Eclipse? devours the Sun ☀ app. This year the weather does not indulge us during the lunar solar Eclipse ? #Novosibirsk #Novosibirsk #Eclipse #eclipse #solareclipse

Hiroshi Ishiguro created an Android with the face of a boy of ten

Hiroshi Ishiguro created an Android with the face of a boy of ten Hiroshi Ishiguro, known for developing realistic-looking androids, created a new robot. Hiroshi Ishiguro, known for developing realistic-looking androids, created a new robot. He looks like a ten year old boy and most likely copies the facial expressions of the person, according to TechCrunch. During the download an error has occurred. On the creation of realistic-looking androids and winodow is not as many engineers and organisations. This is partly due to the fact that realistically reproduce human facial expressions on face robot is quite difficult technically, so these robots are complex and expensive devices that are yet to find commercial applications. Some robots are world famous, for example, gynoid Sophia. Sofia knows how to keep the conversation going, to Express emotions, jokes and even speaks in Russian, but even the device of such level continue to cause the