Putin did not give instructions for response to the new sanctions, Peskov said

Putin did not give instructions for response to the new sanctions, Peskov said MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin has not given any indication about the parameters of the response to new U.S. sanctions — until they are introduced, it’s premature, but we can say that the fundamental for Russia in this case will be the principles of reciprocity and of reflectivity, said press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. “Here in this case it was about the fact that the fundamental principle is the principle of reciprocity, the principle of reflectivity, often in such situations. As for some instructions, of course, not yet given, because while, say, was the announcement of new sanctions was the information about what the package is prepared or already prepared, but they have not yet introduced”, — said Peskov told reporters in response to the question of whether

Putin meeting with Merkel discuss Syria and Ukraine

Putin meeting with Merkel discuss Syria and Ukraine German Chancellor Angela Merkel this Saturday to take in the government of the Meseberg residence of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, reports Reuters words of the representative of the German government. According to him, the main issues of the meeting will be the situation in Syria and Ukraine, as well as energy issues. In addition, leaders plan to hold a joint press conference. Putin at the end of this week’s planned international trip, and in the middle of the week, the President will pay a regional visit, reported the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Before that, Putin met with Merkel on may 18 in Sochi in the summer residence “Bocharov Ruchey”.

RBC: the Ministry of culture asked the government to amend the Charter of the cinema Fund

RBC: the Ministry of culture asked the government to amend the Charter of the cinema Fund According to the publication, the main change concerns the mechanisms for the approval of the head of the Fund and control of public funds. MOSCOW, August 13. /TASS/. The Ministry of culture has sent the government its proposals for the amendment of the Charter of the cinema Fund. It is reported by RBC with reference to the member of the Board of Trustees and government sources. According to the publication, the key change relates to mechanisms for the approval of the head of the Fund and control the expenditure of public funds. The Ministry of culture proposes that the head of the cinema Fund were appointed by the government upon the proposal of the Ministry. In addition, the Ministry expects to receive control over the spending of budget funds. According to the interlocutor of

Night images of Earth will speak about the poachers and crude oil

Night images of Earth will speak about the poachers and crude oil Analysis of satellite photography of the planet in the dark allows you to receive unexpected results. A series of works on the analysis of “night” satellite imagery of the Earth had scientists of the National research centre “Kurchatov Institute”. They examined images taken in infrared (heat) range of radiation. Developed at the Institute of algorithms explore “night lights” gives an indication of the demographic processes on the planet to predict an emergency, to assess how much oil is mined in a particular field, and even to detect illegal fishing vessels. Satellite images of the earth’s surface have become quite a common practice: mapping services working in every mobile phone. Continuous shooting allows high accuracy to predict the weather, controlling fires and floods, to conduct environmental monitoring of the planet — to follow cutting down forests, draining ponds and

The Deposit trick. How to avoid fraud with a Bank Deposit?

The Deposit trick. How to avoid fraud with a Bank Deposit? What tricks are banks (and not only them) to get the savings, and how to avoid fraud on the part of financial institutions, says Aephi. Bank deposits remain the most popular way of saving. According to Rosstat, countrymen stored more than 26 trillion rubles in banks. On the one hand, Deposit is a safe and simple financial instrument. On the other, the scammers (and banks themselves) are often disingenuous, trying to lure customers. How not to fall for their tricks, says Aephi. The contribution of the uninsured. According to the Central Bank, the total amount of uninsured deposits in domestic banks exceed 8 trillion rubles this was stated by the Chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev. When a financial institution, deposits in which are not insured, loses their license, its investors are left with nothing. So the easiest

Kosachev warned U.S. policymakers about the danger of belief in the uniqueness of the nation

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Anna Isakova/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, August 13. /TASS/. The position of power, which stands a number of American politicians, distorts their minds, and belief in the exceptionalism of the American nation can play with them a bad joke. Such opinion on Monday was expressed by the head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

The foreign Ministry called the hypocritical attempts by the US to accuse Russia in the destruction of all stockpiles of chemical weapons

The building of the foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation © Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, August 13. /TASS/. Moscow considers hypocritical Washington’s attempts to accuse Russia in incomplete destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles. This is stated in a statement Monday statement, the Russian foreign Ministry. “Considering put forward against Russia unfounded accusations of involvement in the incident in Salisbury as another attempt to represent our country as a state, irresponsible appropriate to fulfilling its international obligations. Such an approach seems particularly hypocritical given the fact that the USA is not in a hurry to destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons and remain the only country party to the Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons, which have significant stocks of chemical warfare agents”, – stressed in the Ministry.

Russian climbers survived the hard landing of Mi-8 at the Peak of Communism

Russian climbers survived the hard landing of Mi-8 at the Peak of Communism Moscow. August 13. INTERFAX.RU Russian climbers, helicopter which made a hard landing on Ismoili Somoni peak (Communism Peak) in Tajikistan, according to preliminary data, are alive, said on Monday “Interfax” by phone a source in the helicopter, the rescue group at the airport Lahs. “Previously, there is a connection with the helicopter crew. Climbers — the Russians, according to preliminary information, live”, — said the source. Place a hard landing of the helicopter from the airfield Lakhs flew helicopters with rescuers. According to preliminary version, a hard landing triggered bad weather. Also checks the version about technical malfunction of the helicopter. According to preliminary data, on Board can be victims. “From the reported victims, the state is not yet established. This information will be updated and checked,” the source said. A rescue operation coordinated by the Committee

In Spain, more than 260 people were injured in the collapse of the platform at the concert

In Spain, more than 260 people were injured in the collapse of the platform at the concert MOSCOW, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. The number of victims in the collapse of a wooden structure during a concert on the waterfront in the Spanish city of Zaragoza (Autonomous community Galicia) increased to 266 people, according to local newspaper Faro de Vigo. Earlier it was reported about 130 victims. GALERÍA | Más de 250 heridos en #Vigo hundirse tras un muelle en pleno #festival ‘O Marisquiño’ https://t.co/mJLcQGvpD2 pic.twitter.com/AGhhEU1S9m — LexTresAbogados (@lextresabogados) 13 Aug 2018 The incident occurred on Sunday evening during one of the concerts held during the festival O Marisquiño. A wooden platform on the embankment could not withstand the weight of the audience and collapsed, causing many people fell into the water. It is reported that all the victims were hospitalized. According to the latest data, the condition of five

In Kenya the Hippo to death bitten tourist

In Kenya the Hippo to death bitten tourist BEIJING, 13 Aug — RIA Novosti. Hippopotamus in Kenya was attacked to death and bites a tourist from Taiwan while trying to photograph the animal from close range, according to the Bureau for tourism in Taiwan, the Ministry of transport and communications. A resident of Taiwan, 66-year-old man surnamed Chan, came to Kenya tour to lake Naivasha to the North-West of the Kenyan capital Nairobi. Trying to get a good picture of a Hippo, Chan is getting too close to him. The Behemoth reacted instantly and bit the tourist in the chest area. Soon the people of Taiwan, died from injuries. The newsLists the main causes of death on leave Attacked by a wild animal and subjected to a 62-year-old PAL Jang by name, he managed to get off with minor injuries and bruises. Embassy of China in Nairobi after the incident,