“The force guiding the good”, died, the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan

“The force guiding the good”, died, the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has died on 81-m to year of life after a short illness. This was reported on his official Twitter page. One of the most influential secretaries General of the UN in recent decades, Annan is actively engaged in conflict resolution and after the resignation from his post. Annan comes from a noble family and received a good education in the United States. He began working in the structures of the UN in the early 1960-ies. The diplomat made a successful career and in the middle of 1990-ies became Deputy Secretary-General Boutros-Boutros Ghali. While working in high positions, Kofi Annan has paid particular attention to peacekeeping missions, increasing the contingent of peacekeepers to 70 thousand. Occupying the post of Secretary General in January 1997, Annan stated the need for reforms in the organization,

Investigators identified suspects in bribery in RSC Energia

Investigators identified suspects in bribery in RSC Energia Moscow. 19 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — As told in the “Roskosmos”, they give grateful evidences. The investigative Committee suspected of several employees of RSC Energia of taking bribes, according to “Roskosmos”. “The investigative Committee of Moscow region with the assistance of the state Corporation “Rosatom” conducted investigative activities which have been identified suspected of receiving bribes in the RSC “Energia”. Now they give grateful evidences” — says the official statement of the Corporation. “Roscosmos” working closely with law enforcement agencies on fight against corruption and will be tough to stop corruption and other financial crimes, said in a statement. Meanwhile, a source familiar with the investigation told “Interfax” that among suspects on the case about bribery in RSC Energia senior. “Among the suspects — a team of specialists — employees of a highest level”, — he said. According to him, the suspects were

Rogozin instructed to assist in the investigation of employees of RSC Energia

Rogozin instructed to assist in the investigation of employees of RSC Energia MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. The head of state Corporation “Rosatom” Dmitry Rogozin informed about the detention of employees of rocket-space Corporation “Energia”, which are suspected of bribery, said to RIA Novosti in the press service of Roscosmos. “The head of Roscosmos informed and instructed to maximally facilitate the investigation,” — said the press service. Help the investigation will provide the Department of economic security of the Russian space Agency. Earlier it became known that the investigators of GSU SK the Russian Federation across Moscow region “revealed suspected of receiving bribes in the RSC “Energia”, they give grateful evidences”.

Nine people after an accident with a bus in Stavropol remain in hospitals

Nine people after an accident with a bus in Stavropol remain in hospitals Moscow. 19 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — remain Hospitalized nine people who were injured in the accident involving a bus and KAMAZ in Stavropol Krai, the press service of the regional traffic police on Sunday. “Currently we know of two fatalities, the passengers (one of them is a citizen of the Russian Federation, the second has dual citizenship of the Russian Federation and Georgia)”, — stated in the message. According to traffic police, “9 passengers received injuries” and was hospitalized; “the rest after receiving medical care one-time released”. According to the press service, 9 wounded 2 children. 7 citizens of the Russian Federation (Krasnodar Krai), and 2 — citizens of Georgia. During the download an error has occurred. As was reported at 4:05 Moscow time on a 295-kilometer Federal highway “Caucasus” between settlements Kursavka and Kursavka andropovskogo area the

Upgraded Mi-26Т2В made its first flight

Mi-26Т2В © Alexander Ryumin/TASS MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Upgraded heavy transport helicopter Mi-26Т2В created for aerospace forces (VKS) Russia, made its first flight. This was reported in the press service of “Helicopters of Russia”. “On the flight test station of the company “Rostvertol” the holding “Russian Helicopters” (part of state Corporation rostec) took the first flight of the upgraded helicopter Mi-26Т2В created for the Russian Air and space forces,” – said the press service.

Biography of the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan

Biography of the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan TASS-the DOSSIER on 18 August it became known about death of a diplomat 18 August 2018 became aware of the death of former UN Secretary General (1997-2006), Nobel peace prize winner Kofi Annan. The origin and education Kofi Annan (the full name is Kofi Atta Annan) was born on 8 April 1938 in Kumasi English colony of the Gold Coast (1957, Ghana). His father was the chief of the Fanti tribe and the Governor of the province of Ashanti. Education in Scientific and technical University in Kumasi and the College of Mcalester in Saint Paul (Minnesota, USA), who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Economics. In 1961-1962, was a post-graduate Institute of international studies in Geneva. In 1971-1972, received a scholarship. A. Sloan, studied at the Massachusetts Institute of technology in the United States, graduating with a master’s degree in management.

The photographer has turned Seoul into the city of cyberpunk (photo)

The photographer has turned Seoul into the city of cyberpunk (photo) The project brought him fame in England, and in South Korea. Street photographer Steve Rowe creates futuristic images of Seoul, reminiscent of movies in the genre of cyberpunk. Does, polirani Steve Roe (@steveroe_) 1 Jun 2018 R. 6:32 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Rowe was born and raised in the English city of Leicester. All his life he studied music and photography. Some time ago, the photographer moved to the capital of South Korea and was amazed at the fantastic urban landscapes. According to him, they were sent to the dystopia and science fiction. Does, polirani Steve Roe (@steveroe_) 16 Sir R. 2018 on 6:56 PDT During the download an error has occurred. For several months Steve created a photo exhibition, which immediately brought him fame in England, and in South Korea. Does, polirani Steve Roe

France will not forget, Kofi Annan, said macron

France will not forget, Kofi Annan, said macron PARIS, Aug 18 — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The President of France Emmanuel macron tribute to the deceased in the night of Saturday, the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Annan died Saturday at the age of 80 years. On Twitter Annan released a statement on behalf of the family of the former Secretary General and Kofi Annan Foundation. The report said that the Nobel laureate died in the bosom of family after a short illness. “Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General and Nobel peace prize winner, the night left this world. France honors his memory. We will never forget his calm and decisive opinion, because of his struggle,” wrote the French leader in your account in Twitter. Death Annan also commented on the Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian. From Geneva to new York via Addis Ababa: Kofi Annan

Kosachev: understanding between Russia and Germany depends more than bilateral relations

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. The head of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev said the Russian-German dialogue is not less important in international relations than Russia’s contacts with the United States, and, in General, positively characterized the last Saturday negotiations of Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “Held yesterday in Berlin, the Russian-German negotiations undoubtedly are a global event, not a routine meeting of two national leaders Attention, not less than to the recent Russian-American summit,” Kosachev wrote on his page in Facebook on Sunday.

All pipe: Putin and Merkel pressed on the gas

All pipe: Putin and Merkel pressed on the gas The talks between Putin and Merkel lasted three hours. In Germany at the castle Meseberg was a three-hour meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Key issues that were discussed by the leaders of the Ukraine and the “Nord stream — 2”. Putin once again called upon to consider the construction of the pipeline as an economic project and assured that the commissioning of the new “flow” does not mean that transit through Ukraine will be stopped. What else they talked about Putin and Merkel — in the material “Газеты.Ru”. Before the talks of Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the two leaders outlined their positions on the issues they planned to discuss, namely: Ukraine, Syria, Iran, the gas pipeline “Nord stream — 2” and interaction in terms of sanctions. Germany —