Life is like a fairy tale: what lies behind the glossy photo travel bloggers

Life is like a fairy tale: what lies behind the glossy photo travel bloggers MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. It may seem that travel bloggers live in a fairy tale: leisure, parties and celebrations — their work. But for the beautiful photos in social networks, writes the Daily Mail, there are many problems faced by active travelers. The sense of danger Publication from Elise Cook ◈ AUSTRALIA (@elisecook) Aug 3, 2018 at 3:42 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Travel to remote untouched places, of course, you can surprise the subscribers, besides not have to be nervous because of the extra people in the frame. But this privacy can cause fear and even paranoia, especially if the blogger is in a foreign country. Eliza cook and her husband Dominic are traveling around Australia in his van just over a year and say that at first they have

NASA showed the Northern lights from space

NASA showed the Northern lights from space National Aeronautics and space administration (NASA) has shown how the Northern lights from space. Photo published on the website of the organization. Natural phenomenon captured German astronaut Alexander Gerst aboard the International space station. “Mind blowing, every time I see it. Interestingly, as previously thought, the researchers who first saw the glow and never before have not heard about it”, — he wrote in his microblog Twitter. Mind-blowing, every single time. I wonder what early explorers thought when they first saw an aurora without ever having heard about it… #ExploreFarther #Horizons — Alexander Gerst (@Astro_Alex) August 10, 2018 The Northern lights — glow of the upper layers of the atmospheres of planets having a magnetosphere, which occurs when the interaction of charged particles of the solar wind. In August NASA decided to name an asteroid in honor of the deceased American singer

Deputy General Director of RSC “Energia” have detained on the case of attempted fraud

Deputy General Director of RSC “Energia” have detained on the case of attempted fraud Moscow. 19 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — As reported, the investigators also arrested two of his subordinates. Deputy General Director of RSC “Energia” and two his subordinates were detained on suspicion of attempted fraud, reported “Interfax” on Sunday, the press service of the Investigative Committee (IC). Investigative bodies of the Main investigatory management SK of Russia across the Moscow region detained Deputy General Director of JSC RSC “Energia” Alexey Beloborodov and his two subordinates. All three are charged with attempted fraud (part 1 of article 30, part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code).press service of the Investigative Committee (IC) In the near future the investigator will be in court with the petition for election concerning accused a preventive measure, added in SK. The criminal investigation continues, with the active assistance of employees of the Department “P”

On Sakhalin the workers had stopped in the collapse of the roof of the former factory

On Sakhalin the workers had stopped in the collapse of the roof of the former factory YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. In the collapse of the roof of one of the buildings of the former pulp and paper plant on Sakhalin has died, reported RIA Novosti head of civil defense and emergencies of the administration of Poronaisky district, Mr Akhmetshin. “With the collapse of the roof of one of the buildings of the former pulp and paper mill under the rubble were people who work at the facility. One of them died, five of them delivered in local TSRB” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, under blockages there can be two more workers. See also: There is a risk of further collapse of the building of the plant on Sakhalin

There is a risk of further collapse of the building of the plant on Sakhalin

There is a risk of further collapse of the building of the plant on Sakhalin TASS, August 19 — From Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Poronaysk, where the plant is located, arrived ten rescuers, said the head of city administration Alexander Radomski. There is a risk of further collapse of the building of a paper mill in Poronaysk in Sakhalin region. Arrived at the scene 10 rescuers from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, told TASS on Sunday, the head of administration of city district Poronaisky Alexander Radomski. Currently profit of 10 rescuers from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, we gave them a bus and they went to the scene. Immediately after receiving the message about the collapse at the site of the specialists poronayskiy fire squad. They removed the injured and dead. However, because of the risk of further collapse has addressed for the help to rescuers.Alexander Radomskie administration poronaysky urban district Radomski said that the rescue operation continues. “We hope

The United States suspected Russia, China, Iran and North Korea plans to intervene in the upcoming elections

The United States suspected Russia, China, Iran and North Korea plans to intervene in the upcoming elections Moscow. 19 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Advisor to the President for national security John Bolton declared that Russia is only one of the four countries about which there are fears of potential meddling in the election, which will be held in the country in 2018. “I can definitely say that there is sufficient concern in the context of national security in relation to the intervention of China, Iran and North Korea, so we have taken steps to try to prevent it, so in fact all four (together with Russia — if) countries which cause concern in the context of the elections of 2018, he said in an interview with ABC television. In the United States is the investigation about the alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election of 2016. It is spectacular Robert

Ecuador has tightened the rules of entry for fleeing the crisis the people of Venezuela

Ecuador has tightened the rules of entry for fleeing the crisis the people of Venezuela Moscow. 19 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — People moved into the territory of neighboring Colombia, but can’t go any further. Ecuador has introduced new rules of entry to stop the flow of migrants arriving from Venezuela without a passport, informs “bi-Bi-si”. Thousands of Venezuelans are leaving the country due to the economic crisis. Venezuela does not have a border with Ecuador and to get to this country, people go through the territory of Colombia. But Ecuador is not their final destination — many are heading further South in Peru and Chile. Colombia have already expressed their protest in connection with toughening of rules of entrance to Ecuador, as thousands of people remain on its territory. Over the past 15 months, more than a million people have entered Colombia from Venezuela every day to the border of Ecuador

This year, whooping cough was three times more sick of Voronezh

This year, whooping cough was three times more sick of Voronezh In the CPS summed up by July 2018. In July 2018 in comparison with last year the number of cases of pertussis has increased in 3 times, acute intestinal infections — almost 2 times, according to the press service of the regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, a 52.8% increase in the number of cases of salmonellosis, 34.6% — by viruses by 62% — With chronic hepatitis C, 33.4% — to the chicken pox, 30% pneumonia. In General, in July of this year, the level of infectious diseases is lower than in July 2017. Only certain infections picked up 13 877 people. Registered isolated cases of acute viral hepatitis a and E, two cases of measles, ringworm, three cases of acute hepatitis C, four cases with scabies. Medical care for animal bites turned 666 people, tick bites — 891.

Tourists are invited to jump into a burning volcano

Tourists are invited to jump into a burning volcano The cost of the tour is approximately 15.5 thousand dollars. A list of the most extreme tourist attractions the world has recently been added to jumping into an active volcano Villarrica in Chile. Does, polirani Martinifotografia | SurdeChile (@martini.fotografia) 17 Sir R. 2018 on 9:06 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Travel company that organizes custom tours, offers to go on a six-day trip to Chile in October 2018. One of the stops will be the town of pucón, where you can experience a new kind of bungee jumping. Does, polirani Francisco Negroni (@francisconegroni_fotografia) 17 Sir R. 2018 9:32 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Want to “defy death” will be put in a helicopter that will fly up to the volcano. Tourists will reset the crater directly from the helicopter. His only insurance is going to