Security officers were finally charged with the murders

Security officers were finally charged with the murders Employees of the Tyumen FSB start to get acquainted with the criminal case. Upstairs As it became known “Kommersant”, the Investigative Committee has finished basic investigations of resonant criminal case against former employees of the FSB in the Tyumen region. According to the final prosecution, the investigation considers the security officers involved in killings, kidnappings and extortion. According to investigators, they were dressed migrant workers in business suits to shoot to intimidate businessmen who refuse to pay them. Soon the investigation will begin familiarization with the case materials. That in September, the defendants in the case of the so-called gang of FSB and their counsel should begin to familiarize with the case materials, “Kommersant” said a source in law enforcement bodies. They are now in remand prison in Moscow. “All charged in the final version. But to disclose the materials of the

The German foreign Minister called on the EU to create independent of the US payment system

The German foreign Minister called on the EU to create independent of the US payment system Foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas believes that the EU must legally protect European companies from us sanctions against Iran. In his column in the newspaper Handelsblatt, he urged to create a European monetary Fund and an independent system of payments. Upstairs “We need to strengthen European autonomy, creating independent of the US payment channels, European monetary Fund and an independent system SWIFT”, — says Mr. Maas. He calls to act as “counterweight to the US where they went over the red line.” According to the head of the German foreign Ministry, the differences between the US and the EU are linked not only with the policies of the American President Donald trump. “The United States and Europe have already begun to move away from each other. So I am skeptical about the opinion

The foreign Ministry responded to the accusations of Microsoft in the attacks “by Russian hackers”

The foreign Ministry responded to the accusations of Microsoft in the attacks “by Russian hackers” MOSCOW, 21 Aug — RIA Novosti. Moscow will make the necessary conclusions in connection with Microsoft claims that the alleged “Russian hackers” tried to interfere in mid-term elections in the United States, said in comments of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry. Upstairs The American Microsoft Corporation has announced that it has recorded new attempts by hackers connected to Russia, to influence the elections in the U.S. Congress, which will be held in November. According to Microsoft, “a group closely associated with the Russian government,” Strontium (Fancy Bear, and APT28) created web pages and URLS that mimicked the websites of the International Republican Institute, the Board of Directors which consists of six Republican senators and candidates to the American Parliament, and the Hudson Institute. “At all desire cannot be meaningfully

USA allocate for cybersecurity elections $380 million

USA allocate for cybersecurity elections $380 million According to the Commission support of the election of the United States, which leads the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, two-thirds of the amount that Congress has allocated for the security of the election procedure, the authorities of the American States plan to spend on the purchase of new equipment and the new cybersecurity agenda. Upstairs Of the $380 million allocated by Congress for the purchase of equipment will $102,6 million, and software updates — $134,2 million, the Remaining funds, according to the Commission, will be spent on updating the databases of registered voters and other needs. As the WSJ notes, the receipt of funds under this article the government has asked all the States and territories of the United States, and currently 96% of the total amount has already been transferred to them. However, not all States will have time to purchase

Lawyer Harvey Weinstein has accused Asia Argento hypocrisy

Lawyer Harvey Weinstein has accused Asia Argento hypocrisy Lawyer Harvey Weinstein Benjamin Brafman commented on the publication of The New York Times, which stated that actress Asia Argento in 2013, seduced a minor actor Jimmy Bennett and paid him to keep quiet about harassment. Upstairs Argento is one of the first Hollywood stars told of sexual abuse by Weinstein and later became an active member of the movement #MeToo. NewsSex in the White house “This story revealed a stunning level of hypocrisy by Asia Argento, one of those who, through their rhetoric, tried to destroy Harvey Weinstein. Most glaring in this situation — the fact that it has stood at the forefront against Weinstein, while working on a private pre-trial agreement on charges of sexual abuse of minors. And this despite the fact that her sexual relationship with Weinstein began as a relationship between two consenting adults and lasted for

Chicken over 14 million bolivars: hyperinflation in Venezuela in photos

Chicken over 14 million bolivars: hyperinflation in Venezuela in photos Venezuelan authorities Monday introduced a number of measures aimed at combating the strongest economic crisis that engulfed the country in recent years. One of the main tasks is the fight against hyperinflation, which, according to IMF forecasts, by the end of the year can reach 1 million percent. Upstairs One of the key measures introduced by the Venezuelan government, is to modernise the national currency, the Bolivar. The authorities have decided to hold one of the largest denominations in the world history and to put into circulation the so-called sovereign Bolivar. One sovereign Bolivar is equal to 100 thousand “old” Venezuelan bolívares. Thus, the official exchange rate of the Bolivar was reduced by 96%. Amid this already tense atmosphere in the Venezuelan society announcement, Maduro gave an additional alarm to the citizens, the media reported that queues in shops of

A photographer from Scotland took fascinating portraits of bugs

A photographer from Scotland took fascinating portraits of bugs Reid is sure that the insect world in its diversity is beautiful. Upstairs Scots photographer Jimmy Reid creates photos that make us look at the insect world in new ways. During the download an error has occurred. Master macro photography not only captures life in the world of beetles and worms, but to create complete portraits of its inhabitants. During the download an error has occurred. His work Jimmy shares in social networks. Commentators react to macro photography in different ways. Some they are scary, others find them fascinating. During the download an error has occurred. Reid is sure that the insect world in its diversity is beautiful. Who knew flies have such beautiful eyes, or that ladybugs have a small “barb” says the photographer. During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred.During the download an

In Russia established a medal “For construction of Crimean bridge”

In Russia established a medal “For construction of Crimean bridge” Moscow. 21 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — the President of Russia established a commemorative medal “For construction of Crimean bridge”, which will be awarded to both Russian and foreign citizens and organizations who have made significant contributions to the construction of this object. The corresponding decree of the President published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий The document also mandated to allocate in the current year from reserve Fund of the President of the Russian Federation 27.8 mln. rubles for the Ministry of transport for the manufacture of commemorative medals, capsules and cases and forms of diplomas. Under the provision of medals, these medals will be awarded on behalf of the President. As stated in the document, the medal will be made of copper-Nickel alloy in the form of a circle with a diameter of 60 mm and a