Spanish scientists have studied the effect of tomato ketchup on the development of cancer of the stomach and intestines

Spanish scientists have studied the effect of tomato ketchup on the development of cancer of the stomach and intestines LONDON, August 21. /TASS/. The use of tomato sauce, including ketchup, may reduce the risk of cancer of the stomach and intestines. To such conclusion Spanish scientists after their research on the impact of tomatoes on human health, said on Tuesday the newspaper the Daily Mirror. Upstairs A group of biologists from the Polytechnic University of Valencia examined the effects of vegetables on the human body for use in their raw and cooked forms. The results of the study showed that cooked tomatoes added to the sauce, much healthier for the body because in the cooking process, they retain a special substance — lycopene, which enhances the action of probiotics. In addition, it stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria beneficial effects on intestinal microflora. News17 countries with the proper nutrition Lycopene

Scientists have recreated the portrait of a woman from the tribe of Maya who lived 14 thousand years ago

Scientists have recreated the portrait of a woman from the tribe of Maya who lived 14 thousand years ago Modern technology has allowed to learn what looked like to ancient people. Upstairs In the early 2000-ies in an underwater cave in the system Naranjal in Mexico, at a depth of 384 metres, were found human remains. According to scientists, they belong to the tragically deceased woman from the tribe of the Maya, which was given the name eve. Scientists reconstruct face of a Mayan woman who died at bottom of sinkhole 14,000 years ago — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) August 21, 2018 In 2008 the remains were brought to the surface and investigated, but only now the surviving bones and the skull (it was found about 80% of the skeleton), scientists were able to recreate the appearance of the woman with the help of forensic 3D modeling. To do

Abdulatipov: expert advice on the Caspian sea can be created by November

The special representative of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of humanitarian and economic cooperation with the countries of the Caspian region Ramazan Abdulatipov © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. Expert advice on the implementation of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian sea can be established in October this year. About it the results held in Moscow a round table on the results of the Caspian summit and the prospects of development of the region reported TASS the representative of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of humanitarian and economic cooperation with the countries of the Caspian region Ramazan Abdulatipov. The fifth Caspian summit was held in Aktau on August 12. As a result, the presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan signed the Convention on the status of the Caspian sea. Work on the document was from 1996 and the

On the head of Karachay-Cherkessia suspected of abuse of 2.2 billion rubles

On the head of Karachay-Cherkessia suspected of abuse of 2.2 billion rubles Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU — Head of Management FNS of Russia on the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Deputy chief of Department of ensuring procedures of bankruptcy FNS regional become defendants in the criminal case on abuse of office. Upstairs “The office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation in skfo during check of execution of tax legislation has established gross violations in the activities of officials of management of Federal tax service of Russia on KCHR. Officials of the Agency were not fulfilled the duties of contesting in the courts of transactions on alienation of property companies on the eve of bankruptcy, not to appeal the court decision on completion of bankruptcy proceedings,” — said the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. In fact the use of officers of the office powers contrary to interests of service

“Army-2018”: introduced the first production missile complex “Pine”

“Army-2018”: introduced the first production missile complex “Pine” At the international forum “Army-2018” Corporation rostec, introduced the first production anti-aircraft missile complex “Pine”. The forum announced that the package has been tested in the Russian army and will soon replace the outdated SAM “Strela-10M”. Upstairs The newest complex is system laser-beam guidance, which allows him to hit targets at a distance of 10 km. the Management of “Pine,” into a single optical-electronic system, comprising a launcher, a means of detecting targets and control the missiles in flight. Target detection system can be used not only manually, but also offline. “Pine” is called the universal complex, because it can effectively work at any time and under any conditions — in rain, cold, heat. More complex stands silent preparation for the shooting and the ability to battle in traffic. In fact, “Pine” is the only module with a rocket launcher and guidance

Putin spoke about his trip to Austria for the wedding

Putin spoke about his trip to Austria for the wedding Moscow. August 22. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin said that his trip to Austria for the wedding of the head of foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl were of a private nature, however, he was able to talk with the Chancellor and foreign Minister of the Republic. Upstairs “We are all adults and occupying a serious position in society, but people are very open and cheerful”, — Putin said at a press conference on Wednesday, and once again thanked the Austrian for the newlyweds wedding invitation. According to him, “the newly-made husband — man is not alien — he is a former athlete, judoka, and it is always unites”. “Despite the holiday, we were able to speak briefly with Minister of foreign Affairs, and the Chancellor of the Austrian Republic on issues,” Putin said, stressing that his visit, however, was of

Mironov proposed to introduce a moratorium on the use of articles of the criminal code on extremism

Mironov proposed to introduce a moratorium on the use of articles of the criminal code on extremism MOSCOW, August 22. /TASS/. The leader “Fair Russia” Sergey Mironov called for the introduction of a moratorium on the use antiextremist provisions of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation and proposed to amend the legislation. This is the official website of the party. Upstairs As noted, a wide resonance in society and the media led to the arrest of a group of young people, including a minor girl, accused of creating an extremist community “the New greatness”. In General, according to expert estimates, the number of people convicted of extremist articles of the Criminal code, “in 2011 has grown four times”. Mironov stressed that the state should have the tools to counter extremism, but these tools need to be able to use it. “Whereas a growing number of cases, when law enforcement

Rogozin did not talk to the robot on the forum “Army-2018”

Rogozin did not talk to the robot on the forum “Army-2018” KUBINKA (Moscow region), August 22 — RIA Novosti. Anthropomorphic robot submitted by the Khrunichev Centre on the forum “Army-2018”, could not engage in dialogue with the head of “Roskosmos” Dmitry Rogozin, he passed on, the correspondent of RIA Novosti from the event. Upstairs Now the robot is officially called “Basic robotic platform No. 1”. “Dmitry Olegovich, Hello. Let’s talk,” said the robot in the presence of Rogozin, but he passed on, but drawing attention to these words. It was planned that in the course of the dialogue the robot will ask the head of the Roscosmos should name it. Previously Rogozin came up with the name robot squad, which was created by the Foundation for advanced studies for the Ministry. The head of “Roskosmos” and the then Deputy Prime Minister called him Fedor. NewsArmy-2018: Kalashnikov showed a fighting robot,

Cosmologists found the first traces of black holes from “other Universes”

Cosmologists found the first traces of black holes from “other Universes” MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. The microwave “echo” of the Big Bang contains traces of the existence of black holes, who lived in the progenitor of our Universe, deceased before the start of the Big Bang. Write about mathematicians and cosmologists, who published an article in the electronic library Upstairs “Microwave background radiation of the Universe must contain traces of black holes that lived in the Universe before the Big Bang. We’re not talking about the singularity or some real object, but the Hawking radiation that produced these holes for all time of their existence,” said Roger Penrose (Roger Penrose), a famous British mathematician and cosmologist, whose words reports Live Science. Death of the universe Penrose and his colleagues have tried to find a way to answer the age-old cosmological question — what is the universe in