Parrots could make a cost-effective solution

Parrots could make a cost-effective solution German ornithologists have found that parrots are able to give up an immediate reward in the case, if instead they can choose something that will produce far greater rewards. Upstairs In the experiment described in the article in the journal Scientific Reports, the birds were asked to make a choice between food and object that “buy” the treats more. Scientists have found that all study participants maximize their profits by choosing a more valuable item. The newsBiologists have discovered why the eggs are blunt and sharp end Effective decision-making implies the maximization of profits while minimizing costs. The discrepancy arises in the solution of the classical problem of delayed reward: the immediate reward is usually much inferior to that which can be obtained after a short while. In this case, to maximize profits you have to maximize and costs: that is, to opt out

How does the unique hot spring lake in the Altai mountains (photo)

How does the unique hot spring lake in the Altai mountains (photo) To enjoy them all year round. Upstairs Unique body of water known as Spring lake or Blue lake is located in Siberia in the Altai mountains near the village of Aktash. The publication of the Fairy-tale beauty of Russia (@rusbeautiful) Nov 17, 2017 at 1:12 PST During the download an error has occurred. Clear lake is notable for its unusual color of the water in the middle pond you can see the beautiful turquoise patterns. All this thanks to the blue clay, which is lifted to the surface hot spring sources. Such eruptions form the circles of fantastic colors. To look at the lake all year round — in winter it doesn’t freeze. Publication from @giants_hut Aug 22, 2018 at 5:10 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of mariska (@marinamaiya) Aug 18, 2018 8:12 PDT

Paleontologists have found the Altai Neanderthal hybrid and “Denisova”

Paleontologists have found the Altai Neanderthal hybrid and “Denisova” MOSCOW, 22 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian and foreign paleogenetic extracted DNA from the remains of ancient people was found six years ago in Denisova cave in the Altai and found that some of them were “hybrids” of the Neanderthals and the “denisovans”. Their findings were presented in the journal Nature. Upstairs “We know that Neanderthals and “denisovans” had to contact each other periodically and to leave offspring. On the other hand, I personally never thought we would be so lucky and we will find the remains of a child whose father was a “Denisova”, and mother — woman-Neanderthal,” said Viviane Slon (Slon Vivien) from Institute of evolutionary anthropology in Leipzig (Germany). Newsdenisovans loved meat In December 2010 the famous paleogenetic Svante Paabo announced the opening of the “third” kind of people whose remains one knuckle of a finger was found

Zakharov: is militants “Dzhebhat an-Nusra” are hiding in the refugee camp with knowledge of the United States

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. Militants “Islamic state” and “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra” (the terrorist group banned in Russia) are hiding in the refugee camp of al-Rakban on the border with Jordan, using them as human shields, with the knowledge of the us military. This was stated on Thursday by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

Nebesa said that more than 1.5 million Syrians have returned home

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Valery sharifulin/TASS UN, August 24. /TASS/. Over 1.5 million Syrian refugees returned to their homes, 96% of the territory of Syria managed to liberate from terrorists due to the efforts of the army of the country with the support of the Russian armed forces. This was reported on Thursday Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, speaking at a Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and stability as a result of acts of terrorism.

State Department: sanctions against Russia in the case Skrobala can enter into force on August 27

State Department: sanctions against Russia in the case Skrobala can enter into force on August 27 WASHINGTON, August 24. /Offset. TASS Dmitry Kirsanov/ — In Washington believe that Moscow has used chemical or biological weapons in violation of international law. Upstairs New unilateral US sanctions against Russia in connection with the case Sripala will take effect tentatively on August 27. This was announced on Thursday the correspondent of TASS, state Department spokesman. “The United States on 6 August in accordance with [U.S.] Law on the control of chemical and biological weapons and prohibiting its use from 1991 came to the conclusion that the government used chemical or biological weapons in violation of international law or has used against its own citizens, lethal chemical or biological weapons, — said the representative of the foreign Ministry. “On August 8, we told the Congress [U.S.] of his intention to enter multiple [kinds] of

The U.S. government does not admit of an Orthodox priest to Mary Butinai

The U.S. government does not admit of an Orthodox priest to Mary Butinai WASHINGTON, August 24. /TASS/ — Russian diplomats stated on the restriction of the freedom of religion of the arrested Russians. Upstairs The prison administration of the United States, which contains arrested in Washington Maria Butina, not allow the Russian Orthodox priest. This is stated in the published on Thursday in the Facebook of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United States message to the media. During the download an error has occurred. “To gross violations of her rights was added the refusal of the prison administration admission to Mary’s Orthodox priest. There is a restriction of freedom of religion. Sent to the prison administration demanding to abolish the discriminatory regimes against the Russian citizen”, — said the diplomats, adding that on Thursday again called for the Russian citizen in an American prison. According to them,

The representatives of the Russian diplomatic mission in the United States visited Mary Butina in prison

The representatives of the Russian diplomatic mission in the United States visited Mary Butina in prison Moscow. August 24. INTERFAX.RU Russian diplomats visited the arrested in USA Russian woman Maria Butunoi. Upstairs “Today the staff of the Embassy once again visited the Russian citizen, a student of Mary Butina in an American prison”, — is spoken in Facebook the Russian diplomatic mission. It is noted that Butinai “is treated as a dangerous criminal,” which for her “complicated with not enough time for familiarization with the case materials and building together with the lawyers line of defense”. “From the camera Maria Butina released only two hours at night, without fresh air. Inflammation of the feet continues to be disturbed, a qualified medical examination is conducted as a normal treatment,” the statement reads. “Sent to the prison administration demanding to abolish the discriminatory regimes against Russian citizen. In contacts with the American

Finally it happened! The supermarket of “the Simpsons” is now real

Finally it happened! The supermarket of “the Simpsons” is now real August 21 for the first time in real life, supermarket opened the Kwik-E-Mart from “the Simpsons.” Upstairs Store in South Carolina is a copy of the cartoon not only externally but also sells the products that I bought heroes of the legendary series. You can buy the famous doughnuts with pink frosting and also enter in a Cup of harmful ice drink Squishees. View this post in Instagram Publication from Leaky Eye Luca (@_scubble_) Aug 20, 2018 at 5:23 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Use the arrows to view all photos Beer lovers will be disappointed: Duff in jars, favorite beer of Homer, too, is on the shelves, but the inside is soft energy drink. Also in the supermarket to buy the merchandise caps, pillows, t-shirts, mugs and more with images of heroes of the series. News,