Father of Choi called the bluff, the story of the sale of the passport of the son

Father of Choi called the bluff, the story of the sale of the passport of the son MOSCOW, Aug 25 — RIA Novosti. The man who decided to sell Soviet passport of Viktor Tsoi from the auction, just wants to make money, and this whole story is pure bluff, told RIA Novosti on Saturday, the father of the musician Robert Choi. Upstairs Previously on the website Avito came the announcement of the sale of the passport of Viktor Tsoi and some of his other personal belongings. The owner has set a price of 3.5 million rubles, but later closed the ad. The Director of the auction house “Russian enamel” Sergei Burmistrov has told RIA Novosti that the man contacted the auction house to transfer items up for auction. It was reported that the initial price of the passport will be 2.5 million rubles. “I think this whole passport is a

SBU decided to interview the owner of “the Mechanic Pogodin”

SBU decided to interview the owner of “the Mechanic Pogodin” MOSCOW, 26 Aug — RIA Novosti. The security service of Ukraine questioned on 28-29 August the owner of the detained in Kherson Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin”, it said in a statement, the shipowner LLC “V. F. Tanker”. Upstairs “The twenty-third of August the representatives of the company “V. F. Tanker” was invited to the office of the security Service of Ukraine in Kherson under the pretext of discussing legal issues”, — stated in the message. However, as noted, instead, the SBU handed over to the representative of the management company two documents in a foreign language, which said that he is a witness on the “universal” criminal case. Representatives of the “V. F. Tanker” stressed that the Ukrainian intelligence services remain reluctant to discuss the legal framework for the detention of the tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin”, and the criminal case referred

Because of a fire in a shopping center in Yekaterinburg evacuated 500 people

Because of a fire in a shopping center in Yekaterinburg evacuated 500 people Moscow. 26 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — About 500 people were evacuated from the shopping center Greenwich in Ekaterinburg on Sunday morning because of a fire, no casualties, the press service of EMERCOM in the Sverdlovsk region. Upstairs “Morning of shopping-entertainment center “Greenwich” in the street 8 Marta in Ekaterinburg from-for a fire evacuated about 500 people. Automatic fire alarm system and notification system about a fire allowed early detection of a fire and to organize the evacuation of people”, — stated in the message. According to the MOE, the staff of the SEC and arriving firefighters evacuated all people from the danger zone. “The information on victims did not arrive”, — is spoken in the press release. It is noted that according to preliminary information, in the area of 10 square meters there was a fire of fatty

British PMCs denies involvement in preparing provocation with chemical weapons in Syria

British PMCs denies involvement in preparing provocation with chemical weapons in Syria British private military companies (PMCs) Olive Group was not involved in the alleged preparation of provocations with chemical weapons in Syria, said “RIA Novosti” the representative of the company. “Olive Group is not involved (for possible provocations.— “Kommersant”)”, — said marketing Director Suzanne Piner. Наверх14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий About preparing provocations in Syria with chemical weapons declared yesterday the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia major-General Igor Konashenkov. According to him, the provocation is preparing a terrorist group “Jabhat An-Nusra”. As the representative of the Russian Ministry, in the Syrian province of Idlib had already delivered eight containers of chlorine. This district also arrived “group of trained militants” held “training in dealing with toxic substances under the supervision of the British private military company “olive”,” added Mr Konashenkov. In April associated with the Syrian opposition organization “White helmets”,

For five days, the forum “Army-2018” visited more than 772 thousand

© Marina Lystseva/TASS KUBINKA /Moscow region/, August 26. /TASS/. The total number of visitors of sites of International military-technical forum “Army-2018” for five days exceeded $ 772 million, said the Ministry of defence. According to authorities, on Saturday, the forum was visited by 129 thousand people, the greatest interest was the demonstration of military equipment and aviation cluster. “August 25, attendance at the Kubinka airfield twice exceeded last year”, – said the representative of the Ministry of defense.

The Australian foreign Minister has resigned

The Australian foreign Minister has resigned Moscow. 26 Aug. INTERFAX.RU Minister for foreign Affairs of Australia Julie Bishop has resigned after he lost the race for the post of Prime Minister to his opponent Scott Morrison; his decision policies reported via Twitter. Upstairs Bishop was head of Department in 2013, becoming the first woman to hold the post. Last week, the ruling Liberal party election of the leader. Bishop has applied for this post along with Morrison and Peter Dutton, however, dropped out of the race in the first round. Morrison, who won by a margin of five votes, became the Prime Minister of Australia, replacing the post Malcolm Turnbull. Today I advised the Prime Minister that I will be resigning from my position as Cabinet Minister for Foreign Affairs.It has been an honour. pic.twitter.com/v5ueRw5W5L — Julie Bishop (@JulieBishopMP) 26 Aug 2018

The artist showed in one picture how people changed the Land

The artist showed in one picture how people changed the Land He pondered the idea more than a year. Upstairs Artist David Hambardzumyan creates paintings showing how human activity has changed the Earth. Does, polirani David Ambarzumjan ᴬᴿᵀ (@david_art) 23 Sir R. 2018 8:39 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Armenian by birth, David lives in Munich. The young man became popular a few years ago. The guy wasn’t eighteen when he began to sell t-shirts and phone cases with my drawings. Soon there were customers willing to buy his paintings. Does, polirani David Ambarzumjan ᴬᴿᵀ (@david_art) 22 Sir R. 2018 10:18 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Today David is a popular artist. One of his latest projects — a series of small paintings with a common theme. It’s like they open a window into the world of nature, which is increasingly suffering from human

Jewelry created for people with strong nerves (photo)

Jewelry created for people with strong nerves (photo) And they cost a lot. Upstairs A sculptor from Kiev by Polina Verbitskaya creates unconventional jewelry that is maybe not so much to decorate the owner as to scare others. During the download an error has occurred. Earrings in the shape of ears, eyes, buttons and other graphic “body parts” are reminiscent of props for horror movies. During the download an error has occurred. Are these decorations a lot. For example, a bracelet from the “teeth” will have to pay 48 dollars, and for the necklace, from which stick cut off the fingers 120. During the download an error has occurred. Pauline jewelry is popular — it is bought mainly as gifts for fashionistas with strong nerves. During the download an error has occurred. See also: Tiles and coins: archaeologists found in the center of Moscow Diamonds of the Russian Empire: how

In France, the butchers tore the vegan festival

In France, the butchers tore the vegan festival MOSCOW, Aug 25 — RIA Novosti. The city Council overturned the Kale vegan festival, scheduled for September, reports The Local France. Upstairs According to the organizers, the authorities took this decision because of “an extremely aggressive threats” hunters and meat producers. They have planned a joint protest, which, according to the city hall of Calais, able to disturb public order. Calais : un festival vegan annulé après des menaces de chasseurs et éleveurs https://t.co/Vpx0IO5AXW pic.twitter.com/aze43WS9xJ — L Obs (@lobs) 25 Aug 2018 Veganism, the main idea of which is to avoid the consumption of all animal products in recent years has gained popularity in France. It was dissatisfied with the butchers and farmers who believe that the opponents along with supporting the movement of media are trying to impose on society their way of life and nutrition. In addition, in April, vandals

In the United States called the main danger for the American army

In the United States called the main danger for the American army The main problems for the US army is not Russia and China, and misuse of its military power, and the abuse of military actions around the world, writes an American retired Colonel Daniel Davis in an article for the National Interest. Upstairs According to experts, Washington, in an effort to hurt China and provoking Russia military operations on its borders threatens the security of States. In addition, the US provided security guarantees to small States which could eventually drag the country into war. “We are involved in operations in certain countries in which the US has no interests in the security sphere,” says Davis. According to him, States the largest Navy and air force, but Washington should reconsider its policy. “We are the dominant global power, both militarily and economically. Mostly the domination of America is based on