Doctors have determined the optimal sleep time

Doctors have determined the optimal sleep time MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Experts from the European society of cardiology determined the optimal sleep time, a press release was published on the official portal of the community. Upstairs As noted by the study’s author, Dr. Epaminondas fontàs, at the moment, medicine, little is known about the impact of sleep on the cardiovascular system. In the study, researchers examined the relationship between sleep duration and the development of cardiovascular diseases. The data were analyzed 11 surveys of more than one million adults who have not previously had heart problems. Patients were divided into three groups, one with people who slept more than eight hours a day, the other with less than six hours, and the third six to eight hours. The study researchers found that sleep duration less than six hours a day increases the risk of coronary heart disease and

Five high-profile public clashes trump and McCain

Five high-profile public clashes trump and McCain Although John McCain and President Donald trump was a party, between a few years there was fierce rivalry. Upstairs McCain was one of the most vocal critics of trump from the start of the presidential term of the latter. Trump did not remain in debt: once he publicly questioned the fact that the military background of McCain, who was captured during the Vietnam war, indeed so heroic. Immediately after the death of McCain’s trump wrote a post on Twitter with condolences to his family, but even it could not find the words to speak about the late Senator, for which he was criticized. “My deepest condolences to the family of Senator John McCain. You are in our hearts, we pray for you,” wrote trump. The statements of the predecessors trump, Barack Obama and George W. Bush contrasted with a short tweet trump. We

In Russia, began to pay for denunciations

In Russia, began to pay for denunciations Russians will be able to get rewarded to several million rubles for help in solving crimes and apprehending perpetrators. The corresponding order of the Ministry of interior took effect on Monday, August 27. Upstairs Benefits can range from 50 thousand to 10 million rubles. The reward of up to 500 thousand rubles will be established by decision of the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of interior or his Deputy, to 3 million — according to the decision of the Deputy head of the interior Ministry, more than 3 million — by decision of the Minister. The money can be paid the informant in cash or credited to a Bank account. To date, police have paid a fee in exceptional cases, promising a prize for the capture of dangerous criminals. The special Fund law enforcement no funds are allocated from internal

The Meteorologist said we can expect the anomalous heat in September

The Meteorologist said we can expect the anomalous heat in September As told to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” the head of the laboratory of hydrometeorological center of Russia Lyudmila Parshina, the first half of the week in the capital is expected to hot. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +11° 58% 756 mm Hg. article 2 m/s Monday afternoon to 28 heat, Tuesday and Wednesday — to 29 above zero. The night will be also quite comfortable, from 13 to 17 Celsius. This will contribute to the South wind. Monday precipitation is expected. From Tuesday until the end of the week the possible local short-term rains. Thursday the temperature begins to go down a bit, but will still be very warm for the end of August — from 22 to 26 above zero. The same and at the beginning of September. As for the weather on Monday, 3 September, when Moscow will begin

“Izvestia”: the presidents of Russia and Mongolia will meet on the sidelines of the WEF in Vladivostok

President Khaltmagiin Battulga and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin © Alexei Druzhinin/TASS MOSCOW, August 27. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting with the head of Mongolia Khaltmagiin of Battulga in September in Vladivostok. On Monday the newspaper “Izvestia” with reference to press Secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov.

The police identified the person opened fire in Florida

The police identified the person opened fire in Florida Jacksonville Sheriff (Florida) Michael Williams reported that the shooting at the bar where took place competitions in eSports, staged a 24-year-old David Katz from Baltimore. Upstairs At the press conference the Sheriff said the incident, three people were killed, including the shooter who committed suicide. Another 11 people were injured. The Russian Embassy in the United States reported that finding out whether the Russians among the victims. About the incident became known last night. Earlier it was reported that one of the participants of cybertuner on the computer game Madden 19 in the bar GLHF after losing opened fire on their rivals. Single suspect is a white male. Pending confirmation, we believe the suspect is a 24-year-old, David Katz from Baltimore, MD. The FBI is assisting us in Baltimore, MD. — Jax Sheriff’s Office (@JSOPIO) August 27, 2018

Russia has tested the exoskeleton with motors, allowing to shoot from a machine gun with one hand

© Ladislav Karpov/TASS MOSCOW, August 27. /TASS/. Testing of active exoskeleton with motors and a battery held in Russia: test was able to accurately hit the target, holding the hand gun with one hand. This was reported by TASS chief designer of the life support system of military combat equipment TSNIITOCHMASH (part of state Corporation rostec) Oleg Faustov.

The head of NASA explained the need for the creation of the space forces of the United States

The head of NASA explained the need for the creation of the space forces of the United States MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. The head of NASA Jim Breidenstein said in an interview with the Washington Examiner that the cosmic forces of the United States is necessary to protect GPS against attacks and in emergency situations to ensure the smooth operation of the us banking sector and energy systems. Upstairs According to Bridenstine, the launch of satellites from the system will constitute an “existential threat”, so the cosmic forces of the United States is needed more than ever. The head of NASA explained this with the example of the banking sector and energy supply. “For every Bank transaction requires a timing signal from the GPS. In other words, if there is no GPS in the U.S. will not be the banking system. Everyone will stop work,” he said. Similar

Yakut environmentalists was commissioned to find a bear canister on the head

Yakut environmentalists was commissioned to find a bear canister on the head YAKUTSK, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Environmentalists in southern Yakutia instructed to begin the search for the bear, stuck his head in the canister, the press service of the Ministry of environment of the Republic. Upstairs YouTube has a video where men try to help the bear and pull off the head of the animal canister. The bear wandered along the side of the road. Attempt to help the beast did not succeed, the bear ran into the woods. In the regional Department of nature protection reported that the bear, if you find him, will be helped. “Assumed it could happen in South Yakutia. Ketoprofene of the Ministry of environment sent a decree to all the inspections in South Yakutia, to have found a place where he was captured on video bear canister”, — have informed in a