Putin praised the effectiveness of Russia’s response to sanctions

Putin praised the effectiveness of Russia’s response to sanctions President Vladimir Putin said that the Russian fuel and energy complex in the conditions of difficult market conditions and sanctions has been able to answer challenges. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Upstairs According to the head of the state, at the end of last year, Russia reaffirmed its status as one of the leaders of the global energy market. “We took first place in the world in terms of oil production, second in natural gas production,” — said Putin. He also noted that Russia is among the leading countries in terms of electricity generation (fourth place) and coal mining (the sixth place). According to Putin, the advances in this field allow to consider expansion of Russia’s share in the global coal market. However, the President pointed out that the level of gasification in the Russian regions is growing at a

From-for forest fires the canadian province became similar to Mars (video)

From-for forest fires the canadian province became similar to Mars (video) For several weeks in the North-West of Canada in British Columbia’s raging wildfires. Upstairs At the end of August the total area of the disaster amounted to 118 thousand hectares. Local resident Tracy Calogero visited near the lake, Francois. Shrouded in a red haze, it so impressed her that Tracy took what he saw on video and published online. This video just blows my mind. No filter. This is the #islandlakefire off of #iownaisland last night as the wind came up for the first time since Sunday! I have never seen light like this #bcwildfires #francoislake #marscape #redplanet pic.twitter.com/4WiA3OYRl8 — Tracy Calogheros (@TracyCalogheros) August 23, 2018 Publication from Frankii (@frances.m_) 25 August 2018 at 2:46am PDT During the download an error has occurred. The lake and all around are painted red and looks like a Martian landscape. But not

Dashing detective: how Russians dispose of their genetic material

Dashing detective: how Russians dispose of their genetic material MOSCOW, Aug 26 — RIA Novosti, Tatiana Pichugina. Genetic testing has made the world of molecular genealogy is available to everyone. People find lost relatives reveal family secrets, exploring the family tree. Upstairs How to find out about their origins, and to expand the family circle — in the material RIA Novosti. Family disputes will solve DNA “We found a third cousin niece. Her grandfather is brother of my mother’s second cousin, whose traces are lost,” says RIA Novosti Muscovite Valery Rudnev. NewsHow to find the ancestors and make his pedigree In 2013, Valery found out that abroad it is possible to order the genetic test that determines predisposition to various diseases, and also provides insight into national origin. When I saw the list of alleged “relatives” got carried away and started “excavations”. Relatives in the terminology community of molecular genealogists

Two tap cord switch and other household oddities of Britain

Two tap cord switch and other household oddities of Britain In British homes, apartments and hotels have some of the features that usually cause a surprise coming into the country of foreigners. Upstairs Why, for example, the washstand two separate tap for hot and cold water? Why in the bathroom hanging cord to turn the light on, not a simple switch? And why at the front door emblazoned dustbin on wheels? At the request of Bi-bi-si experts answered these burning questions. Open one will get burned, will open the second — obmorozheny “I always wondered why you have one sink, two separate taps? You or burn their hands, or pouring ice-cold water. It seems that simply have no other option”, says on the website bi-Bi-si 28-year-old Claudio Marongiu from Italy. Meets Kevin Wellman, Director Accredited by the Institute of plumbing engineering equipment: “This tradition took root when the hot and

Embassy Russia: U.S. sanctions will bring them closer to the point of no return in the solution of international problems

The building of the Russian Embassy in the United States © Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images WASHINGTON, August 27. /TASS/. The new sanctions Washington against Moscow will bring US to the point of no return in the decision of actual international problems with Russia, in addition, these restrictive measures are ineffective and hopeless. The corresponding position is set out in a statement on Monday the media message to the Russian Embassy in Washington.

Employees RCDS arrived in Africa to investigate the murder of Russians

Employees RCDS arrived in Africa to investigate the murder of Russians The staff of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) arrived in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), to clarify the circumstances of the murder of three Russians, said TASS in the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic. Investigators familiar with the materials gathered law enforcement agencies, and will meet with the Central African Republic public Prosecutor at the court of appeal of the city. Upstairs “Perhaps our investigators will be able to find out something new, in particular, who was in contact with Russian journalists during their visit,” — said the representative of the Embassy. He added that the official version of the death of journalists remains homicide and robbery. A Russian television crew were killed on July 31. The operator Kirill Radchenko, Director Alexander Rastorguev and journalist Orkhan Jemal arrived in the African country

Russia and Tajikistan are suspected air strike on Taliban

Russia and Tajikistan are suspected air strike on Taliban Both countries deny involvement in the bombing of Afghan territory. Upstairs On Monday morning, Afghan media reported about air strike on the part of Tajikistan in Northern Takhar province. According to them, the blow was inflicted on a group of Taliban who were trying to smuggle drugs across the border. Local authorities claim that to attack Afghan territory could as Tajik and Russian air force. However, both Moscow and Dushanbe, its involvement in air strikes deny it. Conflicting reports about the air strike on the Afghan Darked County on the border with Tajikistan appeared in local media on Monday morning. According to them, the bombing from the air began after yesterday’s skirmishes between Tajik border guards and whether the detachment of the Taliban, or a group of drug dealers tried to break to Tajikistan. The representative of police of Takhar province

AP: Russian hackers tried to hack the correspondence of the Patriarchate of Constantinople

AP: Russian hackers tried to hack the correspondence of the Patriarchate of Constantinople According to the Associated Press, some of the hackers, who interfered in the US elections in 2016, has tried to crack mail of the assistants of the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew and the Secretariat staff. Upstairs It is reported that the activities of hackers intensified on the background of the armed conflict in Ukraine in 2015 and the fact that Bartholomew maintains contacts with the Kyiv Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Patriarch of Constantinople does not use email, but his aides on the condition of anonymity reported that their boxes on Gmail were subjected to phishing attacks. AP notes that the list of approximately 4,700 e-mail addresses exposed by hackers, were provided to the Agency by the company Secureworks, owned by Dell. The Agency believes that the hacker attacks is a well-known group Fancy Bear

Russian defense Ministry: US to pull together in the middle East the carriers of cruise missiles for attack on Syria

The defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov © Vadim Grishanin/press service of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, August 27. /TASS/. The United States are increasing the number of carriers of cruise missiles in the middle East for attack on Syrian government forces after the planned provocations with the alleged use of chemical weapons in Idlib province. This was reported to journalists by the official representative of the Ministry of defense of Russia Igor Konashenkov.

Peskov told about a joint vacation to Putin, Shoigu and Bortnikov on the Yenisei

Peskov told about a joint vacation to Putin, Shoigu and Bortnikov on the Yenisei President Vladimir Putin held the last Saturday and Sunday on the Yenisei together with the Director of the Sayano-Shushenskiy reserve, the head of Tuva Minister of defense and the Director of the FSB, told the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “Putin was like in the mountains, enjoyed the beauty. He was accompanied on this trip by the Director of the Sayano-Shushenskiy reserve, the head of Tuva, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov”, — said Peskov. Putin is not the first time resting in Tuva. However, this time the President was not satisfied with traditional fishing, Peskov said. According to him, “it was scenic, natural tourism”. The representative of the Kremlin has promised to publish “some of the shots of the last weekend of the President.” Last year in August,