Archaeologists have found in Egypt the tomb of the poor times of Cleopatra

Archaeologists have found in Egypt the tomb of the poor times of Cleopatra MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Egyptian scientists have unearthed in the Western part of ancient Alexandria several previously unknown rock tombs from the late Ptolemaic carved deep within the rock. Their first pictures were presented on the website of the magazine Luxor Times. Наверх7фотографий7фотографий7фотографий “These tombs were used for a very long time by the ancient Egyptians, most of whom were, apparently, poor. Their walls are covered with lime mortar and partly painted, and some of the tombs were rebuilt, were opened and expanded. This suggests that they were used by several generations of inhabitants of Alexandria,” says Ayman Ashmawy (Aiman Ashmawi), one of the participants in the excavation. His team, according to the archaeologist, opened a huge segment of the ancient cemetery during the excavations that Egyptian scientists were on-site construction of a new railway

The bartenders made the biggest cocktail “Cuba Libre”

The bartenders made the biggest cocktail “Cuba Libre” It took 20 boxes of rum. Upstairs 500 liters of the cocktail “Cuba Libre” made the bartenders at the XXII pan-American cocktail competition in Havana. During the download an error has occurred. They claim a world record. A drink of Cola, lime, rum and ice mixed in a two-meter glass. Cocktail took 20 boxes of rum and 200 bottles of Cola. The preparation took about an hour. Championship of the International bartenders Association (IBA) held in the Cuban capital, from 25 to 30 August. For Havana is a very significant event. Cuba became the first country in the world where there was a Union bartender. It was 94 years ago. It is also the first Latin American country, which hosted the championship among bartenders. See also: Blogger takes on video unboxing of the food under water The Muscovite, brought from Peru shaman’s

Lavrov: Moscow will react to anti-Russian step, Washington on the principle of reciprocity

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS TASS, August 28. Attempts to talk to Russia in the language of ultimatums is futile, Moscow would react to the anti-Russian steps of Washington on the basis of reciprocity. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in an interview with the Slovak newspaper Pravda. The Minister has noticed that in relations between the two countries “is still strongly affected by the political situation in the United States.” He noted that “some forces in the Washington establishment inflate Russophobic hysteria and trying to block any positive developments in bilateral Affairs”.

Became known details about the attackers on a military train in Transbaikalia

Became known details about the attackers on a military train in Transbaikalia Moscow. 28 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Attacked a troop train at the railway station of Petrovsky Zavod in Transbaikalia had connections with the underworld, said to “Interfax” Edinaya dezhurno-dispatching service (EDDS) Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky district. Upstairs “The victim, nicknamed “Edincik” in 1989 was “looking” (coordinator of the criminal groups — if) in the area, he celebrated with friends my birthday in a cafe near the station. The company had a conflict with the military who went to the store, then a local tried to break into the echelon, which all opened fire,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the incident resulted in the birthday boy was killed and another man was wounded. Earlier it was reported that at night on August 27 at the railway station of Petrovsky Zavod in Transbaikalia a group of unknown people tried to attack

The coast guard of South Korea have detained the Russian ship “Palladium”

The coast guard of South Korea have detained the Russian ship “Palladium” VLADIVOSTOK, August 28 — RIA Novosti. The coast guard of South Korea detained a Russian tanker “the Palladium” at the outlet from the Korea Strait, told RIA Novosti the representative of the Maritime rescue coordination centre of Vladivostok. Upstairs “According to information from the shipowner “Daltrans”, the tanker “Palladium” of the port of registry Vladivostok this morning at 5.40 Vladivostok time (22.40 GMT Monday), in the southern part of the sea of Japan at the outlet from the Korea Strait were detained by the coast guard of South Korea and is currently hauled by a patrol ship in the port of Busan, where he went without the registration of departure”, — the interlocutor told. As noted in the rescue coordination centre Vladivostok, the situation informed the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry in Vladivostok. Earlier, the Chairman of

Putin is confident that Russia is able to make scientific and technological breakthrough

Putin is confident that Russia is able to make scientific and technological breakthrough NOVOSIBIRSK, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Russia is able to achieve a technological breakthrough, it needs to combine the efforts of government, business and science, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. Upstairs “Scientific and technological breakthrough we have put in a number of key national goals and priorities, and I am convinced that we are able to make, bringing together government, business, academic community, expanding the freedom for initiative and creativity of our people,” — said Putin, speaking at a forum “tekhnoprom-2018” in Novosibirsk.

The FAS Russia considered a small female breast from a physical defect

The FAS Russia considered a small female breast from a physical defect The Federal Antimonopoly service of Russia often penalizes the company for sexist and insulting women advertising. The criteria for the abuse defines a special Advisory Council — but as it turned out, he may accidentally say something inappropriate about the subject matter. Upstairs The management of the FAS of Russia in the Arkhangelsk region was considered insulting to women, advertising of the residential complexes of the company “Akvilon invest”. In a decision experts called a small women’s Breasts a handicap. The office received a complaint about the Billboard with the image of a woman measuring myself with measuring tape chest and the caption “we Have small prices and a lot of complexes.” Another ad pictures of this company the woman stood back, taking off his shirt. The caption to the photo read: “Cheaper than rent!”. The Complainants found

The bride called off the wedding because guests refused to pay 1500 dollars for a “ticket”

The bride called off the wedding because guests refused to pay 1500 dollars for a “ticket” Out of frustration the woman even broke up with her lover. Upstairs Wedding planning — the process of serious and often quite nervous, and to cope with emerging challenges not everyone can. Bride from Canada named Susan wanted to have a lavish wedding, but the harsh reality forced her to abandon not only with dreams but also with her fiancé, family and friends. Unusual history shared on Twitter user under the name Last of a dying brand. Later the story moved to other social networks, and on the pages of foreign media. On the published images were post from Facebook (which shortly after publication was deleted), and it is the confession of a single mother who was planning a wedding for 60 thousand dollars, but wanted to be paid partially by the guests.

The Uffizi gallery created virtual copies of exhibits

The Uffizi gallery created virtual copies of exhibits Now they can be seen in detail from the comfort of home. Upstairs The most visited Museum of Italy, the Uffizi gallery posted in open access collection of antique sculpture. During the download an error has occurred. Now hundreds of unique exhibits can be seen in the smallest details in 3D from the comfort of home. Online service not only demonstrates the volumetric sculpture, but also allows you to transform them. For example, you can see what happens if marble sculpture suddenly become metal. Does, polirani Elena ? (@bonvinielena) 26 Sir R. 2018 7:26 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The Uffizi gallery in Florence is one of the oldest museums in Europe and the most visited art Museum in Italy. Tourists to get in the Uffizi is not easy because of the huge queues. Tickets need to be booked

Unknown people tried to attack the military train in Transbaikalia

Unknown people tried to attack the military train in Transbaikalia CHITA, August 28. /TASS/. Unknown people tried to attack the guard military echelon at the Petrovsky Zavod station in Zabaykalsky Krai. One of the attackers was shot dead, the rest fled. On Tuesday TASS reported the press service of the Eastern military district (TSB). Upstairs “A soldier, performing the duties of time consisting of the guard for the protection of the military echelon at the Petrovsky Zavod station in Zabaykalsky Krai, used the weapon to the group of unknown persons who violated the border post and attempted to attack the guard. On warning time and warning shot in the air unknown did not respond One of the attackers was shot dead, the rest fled,” — said the press service. Representatives from the TSB noted that “the use of weapons by sentries on post in accordance with the provisions of the