Putin on Wednesday will make a statement on the pension changes

Putin on Wednesday will make a statement on the pension changes OMSK, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that details will formulate its position on the pension changes and will announce it on Wednesday. Upstairs “I will soon, maybe tomorrow, details will formulate and deliver the corresponding statement”, — said Putin. Changes in legislation The state Duma in July passed in the first reading a government bill on changes in pension legislation, he suggests raising the age of retirement to 65 years for men and 63 years for women. The change is expected to make phased from 2019. The house approved the basic provisions of the document, from now until September 24, it will collect amendments, which will then be a vote in the second and third readings and consideration in the Federation Council. The government explained that thanks to these measures, the pensions of pensioners

Volodin told the “Газете.Ru” where his mother money for an apartment

Volodin told the “Газете.Ru” where his mother money for an apartment Vyacheslav Volodin told “Газете.Ru” where his mother Lydia Barabanova had the money to buy an apartment in a luxury residential complex with an area of 400 square meters. According to the politician, his mother bought a house with his own funds, received from the sale of the shares. Volodin Barabanova owned shares of the holding “Solar products” in 2007, they sold the shares for substantial amounts. Upstairs Vyacheslav Volodin confirmed “Газете.Ru” that Lydia Barabanova involved in the investigation of Alexei Navalny, is his mother. The politician also told where she got the funds to buy an apartment in Michurinsky Avenue area of about 400 square meters in a luxury residential complex “White Swan”. According to Volodin, his mother able to buy myself a flat. The politician said that in 1999 he and his mother became owners of shares of

Asia Agento was expelled from the Italian “X-factor” after reports of harassment

Asia Agento was expelled from the Italian “X-factor” after reports of harassment Moscow. August 27. INTERFAX.RU Actress Asia Argento was excluded from among the judges of the Italian “X-factor” because he is facing accusations of harassment, writes The Hollywood Reporter. Upstairs Publication of asiaargento (@asiaargento) May 27, 2018 at 4:51 am PDT During the download an error has occurred. It is noted that the audience will see the Argento in seven episodes of the new season that was already filmed, including the final series, when the judges kicked out of several contenders for victory. According to Italian media, Argento was fired over the weekend. The name of the new judge will be named in early September. Earlier it became known that Argento, which is an active member of the movement #MeToo against sexual harassment, a few months ago I paid a young actor, accusing it of abusing, $380 thousand. The

Where are the most beautiful in the world, the Holy arch (photo)

Where are the most beautiful in the world, the Holy arch (photo) Over their creation nature has worked wonderfully. Navaratan arch, USA Amazing Landscape arch has a rather regular geometric shape, and its length is 88,4 meters. It is located in the National Park “Arches” in Utah. Publication from Katti (@kx_313) 22 August 2018 at 9:45am PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of A Mochila e o Mundo (@amochilaeomundo) Aug 26, 2018 at 2:08 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Rainbow bridge, USA In the same Park as the previous miraculous construction of the rainbow bridge. He is considered one of the world’s largest natural bridges. Its height exceeds 90 metres, it stretches over the canyon, reaching the Colorado river. Publication of Marvin Mejia (@marv_iam) Aug 26, 2018 at 4:27 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of Erick Lippert (@mavericktwentythree) 23 Aug 2018

Scientists have found the key to longevity

Scientists have found the key to longevity Happy people live longer, they claim. Upstairs Elderly people who feel happy live longer. This is stated in the results of a study medical school Duke-NUS in Singapore, published in the journal Age and Ageing British geriatric society. The relationship between happiness and mortality is examined using a nationally representative survey. It was attended by 4478 people. The survey lasted for seven years among Singapore residents older than sixty. Were taken into account a range of demographic factors such as lifestyle, health, and social environment. The study showed that among elderly people happy during the long study died 15%. The share of the deceased among the unhappy were higher — 20%. “The results prove that even a small increase in level of happiness can be useful for the longevity of the elderly, explained the assistant Professor Rahul Malhotra, head of research at Duke-NUS.

Shoigu: in September in Russia held the largest maneuvers since 1981

The Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS ABAKAN Republic of Khakassia/, August 28. /TASS/. About 300 thousand soldiers and more than 1 thousand aircraft planned to be used in the maneuvers “Vostok-2018”, which will be held in September. On Tuesday he told reporters the Russian defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. He noted that such large-scale maneuvers were not conducted in the country since 1981. “They repeat in the “West-81″, but perhaps something even bigger. Almost 300 thousand soldiers, thousands of aircraft, on almost all ranges in the Eastern and Central districts kennyh, of course, the Northern fleet, Pacific fleet, involved Navy,” – said Shoigu.

Marine shield for Syria

Marine shield for Syria The Russian Navy brought in the Mediterranean sea, the most powerful group of ships since the beginning of the Russian participation in the conflict. Upstairs Defense Ministry deploys in the Mediterranean sea the most powerful group of warships during the participation of Russia in the Syrian conflict. It is composed of 10 ships (more are coming), most of which are equipped with cruise missiles “Caliber” and two submarines. According to military experts, the group bred in the sea to support the offensive of the Syrian army in Idlib province — the only region of the country under the control of illegal armed groups. Political analysts say that Russia is the guarantor of stability in the region and gives a chance to re-ignite full-scale war. As told “Izvestia” in the defense Ministry, currently in the Mediterranean are the ships of Northern, Baltic and black sea fleets and

Lavrov called American democracy a “house of cards”

Lavrov called American democracy a “house of cards” The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov called American democracy “a house of cards.” Such a statement he made in an interview with the Slovak newspaper “Pravda”, published on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. Upstairs According to the Minister, such an assumption “makes a mockery of the entire political system of the USA, introducing democracy in the form of “house of cards””. The diplomat compared Prigogine the American financier George Soros, stressing that the American establishment, like the Russian, has no information about their business. “Try asking the Department of state and the answer is: this, they say, his [Soros’] own business, and the American authorities to this have no relationship,” — said Lavrov. He said that Moscow does not meddle in the Affairs of other States, and added that the Kremlin repeatedly offered the White house to

Two weeks without the Prime Minister: I will get to see Putin and Medvedev in Siberia

Two weeks without the Prime Minister: I will get to see Putin and Medvedev in Siberia What will discuss Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the government in Omsk. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий In the Omsk region on August 28 Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting on socio-economic issues with members of the government. Will attend Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, is unknown. A senior source told the “Газете.Ru” he has spoken by phone with the head of the government on the labor question last week. The President spent the weekend on the Yenisei together with defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov. On Tuesday, August 28, in the second half of the day in Omsk region, Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a meeting on socio-economic issues with the participation of members of the government. About whether to take part in it the head of the Cabinet of Ministers,

Scientists have discovered two new species of animals, which have grandmother

Scientists have discovered two new species of animals, which have grandmother MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Beluga whales and narwhals were in an elite club of mammals whose females refuse to reproduction and become “grandparents” for the sake of raising the offspring of their daughters. Write about the scientists in an article published in the journal Scientific Reports. Upstairs “We are extremely difficult to understand how there was a modern behavioral instincts of people, as we live in isolation from nature for a very long time. The monitoring of other animal species like these whales, will help us to understand how unusual reproductive strategy “Institute” grandmothers,” said Darren Croft (Darren Croft) from the University of Exeter (UK). NewsScientists have named the fastest growing animal on Earth It is believed that most of the animals retains the ability to reproduce throughout their adult life. Barren elderly individuals are not good