Looks like one of the extravagant homes of our time (photos)

Looks like one of the extravagant homes of our time (photos) Thanks to the mad design reminiscent of bubbles. Upstairs Built in 1989 by architect Antti Lovage “Bubble” house (Palais Bulles) for a reason is a masterpiece of modern architecture. This is a fabulous home, reminiscent of pink bubbles, located in the French town of théoule 10 km from Cannes. Publication of T: The NYTimes Style Magazine (@tmagazine) 26 Jul 2018 12:18 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Total building area is 1200 square meters. The Villa has 28 bedrooms with round beds, several common rooms, which can accommodate 350 people at the same time. The walls and floor here is decorated with soft carpets and lighting system varies depending on the time of day. Publication of Théoule-sur-Mer (@palaisbulles) Aug 16, 2018 11:56 PDT During the download an error has occurred. On site there is an amphitheater for

“White helmets” brought toxic substances to the warehouse militants in Syria

“White helmets” brought toxic substances to the warehouse militants in Syria MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Representatives of the “White helmets” brought a big load of toxic substances in the Syrian city of Sarakibe, at the warehouse used by the “Ahrar Al-sham”, said at a press briefing the head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria Alexey Tsygankov. Upstairs “According to information obtained by the Russian Centre for reconciliation the warring parties from several in Idlib province, independent sources in the city of Sarakibe from the settlement of ASF on two large truck delivered a big load of toxic substances,” he said. As reported by Tsygankov, accompanied by eight representatives of the organization “White helmets” toxic substances were delivered to the warehouse used by the militant group “Ahrar Al-sham” to store weapons and fuel and lubricants, where they were met by two high-ranking commander

The savings Bank has submitted claims for 4.4 billion rubles to the company of GK “Amount”

The savings Bank has submitted claims for 4.4 billion rubles to the company of GK “Amount” Principal owner YFPC — under arrest Ziyavudin Magomedov. Upstairs The savings Bank has submitted to arbitration court of the Republic of Sakha a lawsuit to recover 3 billion rubles with JSC “Yakutsk fuel and energy company” (YATEK) and its parent company Investor. Another claim for the recovery of 1.4 billion with YFPC filed in the Arbitration court of Moscow. This is evidenced by the filing of cases. YFPC is a group of companies “Summa”. “Statements of claim filed in connection with default of the payment obligations of JSC “YATEC” to Sberbank. The submission of claims does not preclude further settlement of the parties to the dispute”, — explained the representative of the press service of Sberbank Agency TASS. YFPC is negotiating a restructuring of the debt, said the representative of the “Amount” of RBC.

As Vladimir Putin made a televised address to the population

As Vladimir Putin made a televised address to the population August 29 at noon, Moscow time, Vladimir Putin will give a televised address to the citizens of Russia, which will Express its position on pension reform. For some special reasons the head of state first addressed to the nation — in the material “Kommersant”. Upstairs 24 March 2000 Vladimir Putin, who served as acting President, in a televised address urged citizens of Russia to vote in the elections. In a statement, he said: “While our soldiers shed blood in the North Caucasus, in the country and abroad often resounded lies. I want to say that who and why would use this difficult time against the state, they have failed”. In the future, it traditionally has appealed to citizens to vote in Federal elections. May 17, 2000, for the first time since taking office, President Vladimir Putin on TV reported on

Became known time televised address Putin on pension changes

Became known time televised address Putin on pension changes MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Televised address of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the issue of changes in the pension system will be broadcast on Wednesday at noon, Moscow time, the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs “Televised will be shown at 12:00 Moscow time”, — said Peskov. Putin will give a televised address on the occasion of the pension reform on Wednesday at 12.00 Moscow time. Channels assign to it 35 (!) minutes of airtime pic.twitter.com/EQd2FnmtG5 — Kremlin RIA Poole (@Kremlinpool_RIA) August 28, 2018 Earlier Tuesday, Putin held in Omsk a meeting to discuss the issue of changes in the pension system. The head of state said that details will formulate its position on the pension changes and will announce it on Wednesday.

Putin dismissed from the post 15 generals

Putin dismissed from the post 15 generals MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin dismissed from the post 15 generals of the Ministry of interior, EMERCOM, Federal penitentiary service and the Investigative Committee. Upstairs The corresponding decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information. Among the dismissed are the chief of GUMCHS in the Tomsk region Michael Runner, Deputy head of the interior Ministry in the Saratov region Andrey Boyko, head of the FPS in the Komi Republic Igor Vaneev, head of internal Affairs across the Ulyanovsk region Yury Varchenko, and first Deputy head of the military investigative Department for the southern military district Dmitry Vasiliev. In addition, the posts taken the chief of GUMCHS in the Murmansk region Vladimir Gusev, the head of GUMCHS Sakhalin oblast Denis Ilyin, head of the SUCK of the Kemerovo region Sergey Kalinkin, Deputy head of the

Confectionary “Anna & Frank” in Amsterdam renamed after criticism

Confectionary “Anna & Frank” in Amsterdam renamed after criticism The owners of a new bakery-pastry shop in Amsterdam promised to change the name after the wave of criticism in their address. Upstairs The name of the establishment, “Anna & Frank” (Anne & Frank) refers to Anne Frank — a Jewish girl who was hiding together with his family from the Nazis in occupied Amsterdam and became a symbol of the suffering of the Jewish people during the Holocaust. NewsFAS Russia found small female breast from a physical defect Many such connection of the bakery with a victim of the Holocaust seemed inappropriate and tactless. The house in which the family of the Franks hid from the Nazis, is located near the pastry shop. The owner of a bakery Roberto Barsoom, said did not want to hurt anyone’s feelings, and the name will change. According to him, he thought of this

The artist has created fun illustrations of cucumbers and pasta

The artist has created fun illustrations of cucumbers and pasta Christian wanted to show that inspiration can be found anywhere. Upstairs 20-year-old artist from Prague Christian Mensah “sees” different characters and scenes in the plates with food and cooking supplies. Does, polirani Kristián Mensa (@mr.kriss) 17 Jun 2018 R. 5:56 PDT During the download an error has occurred. They just need to finish some details to funny similarity could see other people. The artist shares his “observations” in social networks. Does, polirani Kristián Mensa (@mr.kriss) 20 Ver 2017 R. 6:41 PDT During the download an error has occurred. “I love playing with simple, everyday objects to prove that inspiration can be found anywhere,” he explains. Does, polirani Kristián Mensa (@mr.kriss) 18 R. Sich 2018 10:26 PST During the download an error has occurred. The corkscrew at Mensa turned into a bird on a tree, croissants — in the headdress of