The residents of Taganrog showed “the mosquito Apocalypse”

The residents of Taganrog showed “the mosquito Apocalypse” MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. The residents of Taganrog has posted a video of thousands of mosquitoes-Chironomidae appeared on the city’s waterfront. Upstairs The life span of these insects is two to five days. For humans they are harmless, but in urban public invasion called “the mosquito Apocalypse.” During the download an error has occurred. In late spring, hordes of mosquitoes complained residents of the city of Pavlovsk, Voronezh region. People were forced to stick with a ventilation window and hunt for insects with a vacuum cleaner. The authorities had to carry out several disinfection treatments. See also: the Girl with frozen eyelashes showed a “typical dinner” in the summer (photo)

Burned and made love again. Keeping Natalya Gundareva

Burned and made love again. Keeping Natalya Gundareva All the years she passionately looking for love. But the personal life of the actress Natalia gundarevoj, which is August 28, would have turned 70 years old, truly happy became only the third marriage. Upstairs What was Natalia Gundareva in life, especially personal, you know only the closest. But the details of relationships with men, even with familiar people Gundareva not particularly shared. “Natasha was a man quite introverted, closed, hard, and sometimes even hard, — recalled the writer Arkady Yining, on scenarios, which the artist repeatedly filmed. But when she took off his protective “mask” that showed the beautiful face and generous soul is a great actress”. Natasha loved. A lot, passionately, enthusiastically. Burning and falling. But, came up again and again loved.Arkady Inimestel Three jam cake Officially Natalya Gundareva was married three times. Her first husband was famous Director Leonid

Designers have presented the most unusual in the world of jeans (photo)

Designers have presented the most unusual in the world of jeans (photo) They turned inside out and sewn tights. Upstairs I bet you have never seen. Italian brand Unravel Project, known for their crazy clothes, has again outdone himself. Why would anyone buy these? — Metro (@MetroUK) November 27, 2018 The designers brand hooked up all their imagination and made sure all was given in the mass production of jeans turned inside out (Inside Out-effect jeans). Here, incidentally, is not surprising — a similar model themselves Unravel Project, and other brands produce for over a year (and Yes, they are popular). But the main feature of the model is that the rear and side of the jeans is sewn black nylon tights without the sock. On the one hand it is convenient — in the severe cold, they can tear and wear under these jeans, but overall, it looks

On the troop train in Transbaikalia was attacked by about ten people

On the troop train in Transbaikalia was attacked by about ten people In Zabaykalsky Krai, about ten people tried to attack a troop train. About it RIA Novosti was informed in the press service of the Main military investigative Department of the investigative Committee of Russia. Upstairs The incident occurred at night on Monday in the town of Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky. About 22 o’clock train, EN route to the exercises “Vostok-2018”, with personnel and military equipment was stopped at the station of Petrovsky Zavod. According to investigators, at about midnight, about ten people approached the train and began to throw stones at the sentries. Hour made the shot into the air, but the bullies ignored the warning. Soldiers were forced to open fire on defeat. As a result, one of the attackers was mortally wounded. The scene started to work investigative team. Military investigators, in particular, began checking on the fact of

The French Minister resigned in a live broadcast: the government no one listened

The French Minister resigned in a live broadcast: the government no one listened The Minister of the environment Nicolas Hulot announced his resignation during an emotional speech to a live radio station France Inter. His decision came as a surprise even for the President of Emmanuel Macron. Upstairs Nicolas Hulot, a former TV presenter and environmental activist, admitted that the decision to leave the post of Minister was preceded by a series of disappointments related to his unsuccessful attempts to achieve progress in addressing a number of environmental problems. In particular, according to him, he was disappointed that measures to combat climate change the government of France was always just at the end of the list of priorities. According to Hulot, in the government, he felt alone and saw no real support. Nicolas Hulot stressed that the decision to dismiss was taken suddenly, and even his wife did not know

Nearly half of Americans willing to support impeachment trump

Nearly half of Americans willing to support impeachment trump Moscow. 28 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Slightly less than half of U.S. residents advocate that Congress has started impeachment proceedings of President Donald trump, according to a survey by Axios and Survey Monkey, published in the newspaper the Hill. Upstairs The idea of impeachment is supported by 44% of respondents, the report says. Among the supporters of the Democratic party for the beginning of procedure of removal of the President of the United States are the 79% of respondents, among Republicans, only 9%. At the same time, 49% of respondents that do not belong to one of the parties also support the idea of impeachment. The survey was conducted after a former aide to trump, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to fraud with Bank accounts, tax evasion and violation of laws on campaign financing. Earlier, Cohen also admitted that he paid two women

The essence of the Treaty of friendship with Ukraine

The essence of the Treaty of friendship with Ukraine President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko instructed the foreign Ministry to prepare documents for breaking the Treaty of friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia. The history and essence of this document — in the material “Kommersant”. Upstairs The Treaty on friendship, cooperation and partnership between the Russian Federation and Ukraine signed in Kiev on 31 may 1997 by presidents Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma. The Verkhovna Rada ratified it on 14 January 1998 and ratification in the Russian Parliament delayed for another year. 150 deputies of the state Duma (mainly from the liberal democratic party and left-wing parties) appealed to the constitutional court and demanded to check the contract for compliance with the Russian Constitution (COP finally said waiver consideration). Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad on the day of the vote urged senators to postpone the ratification until, until you have

Global map of aerosol distribution

Global map of aerosol distribution August 23 this year, NASA has created a map of global distribution of aerosols in the Earth. And it is a very curious spectacle. Upstairs Aerosols, millions of solid particles and liquid droplets are in the air we breathe. They are everywhere, coming down from the stratosphere to the Earth’s surface and play an important role in the climate of the planet and human health. Aerosols appear from the smoke from forest fires, ash from volcanic eruptions or even from dust in the wind. NASA decided to show them and modeled distribution of aerosols, clearly demonstrating the smoke rising over North America and Africa, three tropical cyclone in the Pacific ocean and large clouds of dust flying over Africa and Asia. Carbon particles from the fires shown on the map in red (they also show emissions from cars), dust purple, and sea salt blue.

As magic Viking was physics

As magic Viking was physics It was believed that the “sun stone” of the Nordic sagas, it’s just a mythical object. But it exists and works. Upstairs The Vikings saw the sun through the clouds using the described in the Saga of the Sunstone. They made their way across the ocean. How exactly they succeeded — the scientists could not figure out for several decades. The way of the researchers to the secrets of the sun stone was no less tortuous than the path of the Vikings to Greenland. But now everyone can in just a few minutes to build an ancient navigation device. Copper oak chest As far as the Vikings were good at sea, will help to understand this example. The Romans, for centuries kept in his own power almost the entire civilized world, was scared to swim in the open sea. Horace expressed the horror of his