Media reported about the Pentagon’s plans to deploy a missile defense system in Syria

Media reported about the Pentagon’s plans to deploy a missile defense system in Syria Moscow. August 29. INTERFAX.RU — the Pentagon plans to deploy its missile defense system in the North of Syria, according to the newspaper Yeni Safak, referring to the former commander of the military Assembly in Deir ez-Zor Fayeza al-Asmara. Upstairs The publication reports that the United States has already completed the establishment of three advanced radar systems in the areas of tal-Baydar, Ayn al-Arab and Sarrin. In addition, the Americans have deployed 13 portable and fixed radar stations for surveillance and reconnaissance. According to Asmara, the next step USA will be deploying ABM systems, which should be regarded as the implementation of Washington’s plan to maintain instability in the region. As writes the edition, the United States has already begun to establish a no-fly zone in Northern Syria on the area of 26 thousand square km

Macron urged to reduce Europe’s dependence on the US in security matters

Macron urged to reduce Europe’s dependence on the US in security matters The President of France Emmanuel macron during a tour in Denmark and Finland raised questions on the strengthening of European security and reduce dependence on the United States. Upstairs Moreover, the French leader considers it necessary to open the discussion of this issue in Russia. “Газета.Ru” understood, it is possible to resume cooperation between the two countries and in what areas it is achievable. The issue of strengthening European security, the President of France Emmanuel macron raised at the meeting with the Prime Minister of Denmark Lars løkke Rasmussen. “I think Denmark is quite modest in its European commitments,” macron said on August 28 at a press conference following the meeting. A hint of Macron attitude to the fact that Denmark, as an EU member, does not participate in the discussion of the defence, although in recent years

The Japanese celebrated the birthday of instant noodles

The Japanese celebrated the birthday of instant noodles Although disputes about who first invented it, do not cease. Upstairs 60 years ago in Japan, was invented Cup noodles. The Japanese celebrated this anniversary. Does, polirani keigo (@chocok5) 17 Sir R. 2018 5:59 PM PDT During the download an error has occurred. Invented the noodles in 1958 Japanese Taiwanese origin momofuku Ando. Businessman for a long time trying to find yourself in trading then Jersey, then with salt. The post-war years and the entrepreneurial instinct prompted him the idea of cheap, fast and versatile meals. Does, polirani toshiya takahashi (@napalm_rock2011) 25 Lip 2018 R. 8:04 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Ando has long experimented at home with cooking the noodles, until he finally invented an ingenious recipe. He sprinkled the noodles in chicken stock, fried, and then dried. And was invented instant noodles Chikin Ramen. The Ando company

Where are the most secluded house on Earth (photos)

Where are the most secluded house on Earth (photos) Perfect place for introverts. Navorotov Bjarnarey, Iceland Berneray is a small island with an area of 0.32 square kilometers. It is located in the Atlantic ocean off the southern coast of Iceland and is part of the archipelago of Vestmannaeyjar. It built one single building — a hunting Lodge in which live three. Publication of Marie Herve (@marieherveherve) Mar 23, 2017 at 3:58 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication of Visit Westman Islands (@westmanislands) 14 Jul 2018 11:11 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Wood power plant “crystal mill”, USA In the XIX century on the Crystal river in the U.S. state of Colorado was built a wooden house, which served as a power plant. The power plant used prior to 1917, while the local mines were not exhausted and the people had left the region. Now

Scientists have discovered the descendants of the legendary cave bears

Scientists have discovered the descendants of the legendary cave bears MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. The genome of modern brown bears and grizzly contains “fragments” of DNA from extinct cave bears, which suggests that their ancestors were often in contact with each other. The description of these fragments of the “fossil” of the genetic code was presented in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution. Upstairs “These genes helped the ancestors of brown bears to adapt to new climatic conditions and to increase their chances of survival. Something similar, as we know happened to the man whose DNA contains traces of two extinct groups of ancient humans — Neanderthals and denisovans,” said Michael Hofreiter (Michael Hofreiter) from Potsdam University (Germany). NewsYakut environmentalists was commissioned to find a bear canister on the head Cave bears (Ursus spelaeus) is one of the icons of the ice age, and was thought until recently,

Two women died in an accident on the highway in the Novosibirsk region

Two women died in an accident on the highway in the Novosibirsk region In the Novosibirsk region, an elderly driver lost control and collided with the truck and killed both the passenger cars. Upstairs The incident occurred on 28 August at 23:15 on 1069-m kilometer of the highway Omsk — Novosibirsk. 60-the summer inhabitant of the Vats behind the wheel of the car VAZ-21101 drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a truck Scania under control of 48-the summer inhabitant of the Novgorod region. In the accident died at the scene of the accident two passengers of VAZ: 64-year-old and 70-year-old resident Vats. The driver domestic legkovushki with numerous injuries was taken to a medical facility. “In fact, road accidents currently being tested, set all the circumstances of the incident,” — said the press service of the Ministry of internal Affairs across the Novosibirsk region. We will remind, on

Thousands of bees attacked stalls with hot dogs in new York

Thousands of bees attacked stalls with hot dogs in new York A swarm of bees swarmed the truck with hot dogs on one of the Central areas of new York — times square. Upstairs As the newspaper writes New York Post, the area had to block that the bees didn’t sting passers-by. A police officer in a protective suit collected insects special vacuum device, after which bees in a safe and sound was delivered in a more appropriate place. Thousands of bees swarmed a New York City hot dog vendor on Tuesday, causing the New York Police Department to deploy its in-house beekeepers. — The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) August 28, 2018. It is noted that Roy, according to some estimates, consisted of thousands of individuals. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. Police sealed off part of New York’s Times Square after 30,000 bees attacked a hot

Counterfeit money: in the Novosibirsk region seized 170 notes

Counterfeit money: in the Novosibirsk region seized 170 notes The Central Bank released data on detection of counterfeit banknotes in the Novosibirsk region for the first half of 2018. Upstairs For the first six months of 2018 in the region identified 170 in counterfeit bills. For comparison, over the same period of 2017 was discovered 140 fakes. Statistics suggests that banknotes of 2000 and 200 rubles fake rare. The “beloved” bill of falsifikation — 5000. The increase in the number of identified forgeries experts of the Central Bank explained primarily by the fact that people become more attentive to their money. As a rule, if a person has a suspicion, he turns to the nearest commercial Bank. There are cases when employees of credit institutions are unable to say with certainty, fake or genuine bill in front of them. Then it is sent for examination in the Siberian Bank of