Vladimir Putin responded with approval on appeal

Vladimir Putin responded with approval on appeal The Communists do not intend to abandon protests against raising the retirement age. Upstairs United Russia is ready to submit to the state Duma amendments to the government bill to raise the retirement age on the proposals outlined in his address Vladimir Putin. The President’s initiative is supported by the just Russia, although their representatives do not intend to abandon a referendum on the issue. The Communist party also did not refuse the referendum and intend to hold protests over pension reform. In his address Vladimir Putin explained the need for pension reform and demographic crisis. “Declining working-age population is automatically reduced opportunities for benefits and indexation of pensions. So, the necessary changes,” he said. He tried to explain why in 2005 he opposed raising the retirement age. “Recall how in that period the country lived. This fledgling economy, with modest gross domestic

Volodin called the date of the meeting in the state Duma on pension changes

Volodin called the date of the meeting in the state Duma on pension changes MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Meeting of the working group of the state Duma on perfection of the pension legislation is scheduled for August 31, it was reported to journalists by the Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. Upstairs On Wednesday the President of Russia Vladimir Putin made a televised address in which he announced a number of measures to mitigate the proposed government changes in pension legislation. “On 31 August in the state Duma scheduled meeting of the working group created following the results of parliamentary and public hearings on improvement of the pension legislation, which, together with the deputies included representatives of the government, the Federation Council, the chamber of accounts, civil society, trade unions, business, scientific community and experts,” — said Volodin. Now the standard age of retirement in Russia is

How does the unique giant’s Causeway in Ireland (photos)

How does the unique giant’s Causeway in Ireland (photos) Natural steps go directly into the sea. Upstairs In the North-East of Northern Ireland within 3 kilometers North from the village of Bushmills is an amazing natural monument called the giant’s Causeway. This 40 thousand interconnected basalt hexagonal columns of different heights (from 6 to 12 meters), resembling a ladder and the pavement. Publication from @silviadelgenovese Aug 27, 2018 at 3:16 PDT During the download an error has occurred. This road was the result of a volcanic eruption: during cooling of the lava flow has formed a bizarre angles. Although local legend has it that the road was built by a hero of Celtic myth of Finn Mac Cumal. In 1986 the giants Causeway was included in the world heritage List of UNESCO. Publication of redyee80 (@redyee80) Aug 27, 2018 at 5:56 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Publication

Purely environmental murder. The five civilizations that died by his fault

Purely environmental murder. The five civilizations that died by his fault MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti, Alfia Enikeeva. Empires collapse not only from the barbarian invasions or civil wars for power. According to a number of studies, some developed ancient societies have disappeared from the face of the Earth due to environmental problems — air pollution, deforestation and soil erosion. Nevertheless bronze age An international team of scientists examined hundreds of fossil bones of animals found in Ireland, and came to the conclusion that the biogeochemical cycles in the soil (including nitrogen) was broken in the bronze age about three thousand years ago. The excess in the bones of the isotopes of nitrogen 15N indicates interference in the natural ecosystems of the person. At the end of the middle bronze age the content of this substance in the soil is dramatically increased and never dropped to the original values.

Half of Russians are experiencing difficulties in preparing children for the new school year

Half of Russians are experiencing difficulties in preparing children for the new school year While 40% of Russians believe the Russian system of school education is ineffective. Upstairs Preparing a child for the upcoming school year causes financial hardship, 51% of parents polled by the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM). At the same time, almost half of Russians (45%) believe that modern educators teach children worse compared to how they were taught in his time, writes TASS, citing the poll. “Every second of the respondents (51%) preparation for September 1 is causing some financial difficulties, but they are seen as feasible. For every fifth (21%) — fees by September 1 are associated with considerable expenditure, which must be prepared in advance, to save” — quoted excerpt from the research material TASS. According to the survey, the quality of modern schooling in Russia are satisfied with 67% of

On staged a fight on the flight Moscow-Dushanbe rowdy opened a criminal case

On staged a fight on the flight Moscow-Dushanbe rowdy opened a criminal case Moscow. August 29. INTERFAX.RU Traffic investigators have opened a criminal case on hooliganism against the brawler who started a fight and threatened to detonate a bomb on Wednesday at a flight Moscow-Dushanbe, reported “Interfax” the representative of the Moscow inter-regional management on transport SK of Russia Elena Markov. Upstairs “The investigative bodies of the Moscow interregional investigative management on transport of SK of Russia brought criminal case on signs of the crime under paragraph “b” of part 1 of article 213 of the criminal code (hooliganism committed on air transport),” — said Markov. According to investigators, on Wednesday evening during the execution of the flight, the airline “Ural airlines” the message “Moscow — Dushanbe” one of the passengers began to behave very inappropriately, and after the flight attendant reprimanded him, he rose from the chair and went

Medvedev: in six years, Russia should enter the top ten countries-leaders in quality of education

Medvedev: in six years, Russia should enter the top ten countries-leaders in quality of education GORKI, August 29. /TASS/. In six years, Russia should enter the top ten leading countries for quality education, said Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, opening a telephone conference meeting on readiness of educational system for the new school year. Upstairs “The main goal for six years to enter the quality of General education in world’s top ten countries-leaders, is to create a space for continuous education and development of all people in our country”, — said Medvedev. The Prime Minister reminded that a few days will start the new school year. He congratulated students and teachers on the knowledge Day. Thus Medvedev has reminded that the regional authorities should actively work with relevant ministries to implement the national project “Education”.

Kudrin praised Putin’s amendments to the bill on pensions

Kudrin praised Putin’s amendments to the bill on pensions The Chairman of the accounts chamber Alexey Kudrin called “balancing original draft of the” amendments to the bill to raise the retirement age, proposed by President Vladimir Putin. He wrote about this in his Twitter. Upstairs In his view, Putin “has summarized the arguments of supporters and opponents of pension reform, made changes, balancing the original project.” He called Putin’s decision “a balanced, thoughtful” and “necessary for the realization of national goals.” Earlier on August 29 Putin during a televised address to the Russians announced the commutation of pension reform, in particular increasing retirement age for women to 63 years, and up to 60. He also proposed to reduce the period of retirement for mothers of large families and to increase the maximum size of the unemployment benefit for the Russians of pre-retirement age. In addition, the President stated the need

Petro Poroshenko has accused Russia of plans to rig the Ukrainian elections

Petro Poroshenko has accused Russia of plans to rig the Ukrainian elections Kiev intends to resist Russian interference in the Ukrainian presidential and future parliamentary elections, said President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Upstairs In his words, “leading IT companies record the creation of thousands, tens of thousands of fake accounts with Russian roots”. “Russia is preparing for a powerful new manipulative campaign of fake news (false news. “B”), the undermining of stability”, — said Mr. Poroshenko. Also, the Ukrainian President accused Russia of meddling in the course of the Dutch referendum (in April 2016) for the ratification of the Association Agreement EU—Ukraine and has accused Russia results of the referendum on “Brakcet”: The tentacles of Moscow are very hard to penetrate the social networks, keep private media that operate in cyberspace.Peter Presenteraient Ukraine To combat this, the influence of Petro Poroshenko promises to bring the French, American and German experts

Media calculated how many stars and billionaires earn per hour

Media calculated how many stars and billionaires earn per hour News portal Business Insider has calculated how much money per hour to earn the most famous stars of show business and billionaires. The counting was carried out on the basis of information on the income of celebrities of magazine Forbes. Upstairs The leader in the rating was the actor George Clooney with an hourly salary of $ 27 283. Second place was taken by the reality star and model Kylie Jenner with a salary 006 19 dollars an hour. The three locked actor Dwayne Johnson with an hourly salary of $ 14 155. Next on the list are actress and TV presenter Ellen DeGeneres (9 988$), basketball player LeBron James (9 760 dollars) and singer Taylor swift (9 132 dollars) and beyoncé (6 849). In the ranking of billionaires in the first place with an overwhelming margin took the head