Named a new reason for the extinction of the ancient people

Named a new reason for the extinction of the ancient people An international group of scientists found that one of the main causes of disappearance of Neanderthals could be global cooling. About it reported in a press release on EurekAlert. Upstairs The researchers analyzed the chemical composition of annual layers of stalagmites in the caves of Romania, the age of which reached several tens of thousands of years. It was found that approximately 40-44 thousands of years ago in Europe the climate became extremely dry and cold. It lasted a few centuries or millennia, and the corresponding period of the archaeological layers do not contain manufactured Neanderthal artifacts. According to scientists, modern humans survived this cold period, because it was better adapted to the environment than the Neanderthals. The latter were less varied diet, and they heavily depended on animals that were hunted. In the cold weather, food sources become

Russia successfully tested a new missile missile defense system

Russia successfully tested a new missile missile defense system New interceptor missile hit the target with a given accuracy. Upstairs Moscow. August 30. INTERFAX.RU — the Next test launch of new Russian missiles missile defense (BMD) successfully conducted Air and space forces on the ground “Sary-Shagan” (Republic of Kazakhstan), according to the defense Ministry on Thursday. New missile interceptor missile defense system after a series of tests significantly confirmed the inherent characteristics and completed the task successfully, conditional hitting the target with a given accuracy. Deputy commander of the Association of air and missile defense HQs Andrey Prikhodko The missile defense system VCS is designed to protect from blows of means air-a space attack and also perform tasks in the interests of systems of missile warning and space surveillance, the report says. See also: “Army-2018”: the most incredible Russian military news in photos

Kamchatka took a picture of a bear-aesthete

Kamchatka took a picture of a bear-aesthete Kronotsky reserve has published pictures of the bear, who every morning greets the dawn. Upstairs MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. “They’re really beautiful,” written by the staff of the reserve. Bear every morning greets the sunrise on the coast of the Bay of Chazhma in the Kronotsky nature reserve. Because they really great? Authors photo: Alexey Maslov and Nina Kim . #kronoki #kronotskyreserve #kamchatka #sunrise #nature #bears #travel #savetheplanet #chroniclesofriddick #kamchatskaia #has #diapered #dawn #shrinkpriority Publication of the Kronotsky reserve ( 28 Aug 2018 10:44 PDT During the download an error has occurred. “I would in his place have done so — comment on photos of users of social networks. — Bear — Estet”. The opportunity to observe bears in their natural environment attracts tourists to Kamchatka. For example, on the Kuril lake you can see about 30 of the bears, they

Death and a prison of ice: what ended the hunt of the canadian Inuit?

Death and a prison of ice: what ended the hunt of the canadian Inuit? Three hunters from the settlement of Inuit Naujaat the canadian territory of Nunavut in the Arctic circle hunted narwhals and caribou (North American reindeer), when they were attacked by a white bear with a cub. Upstairs One hunter looked up immediately, the other two escaped with minor injuries. However, the tragedy is not over. Icebergs blocked the coast, where they hunted, the Inuit, and they are unable to go to sea to return home. In addition, the boat showed a technical problem. Waiting for rescue, they set up camp and for three days they slept in turns, as their temporary shelter was surrounded by other bears. The body of a dead comrade was with them all the time. After the men did not return in time for hunting, search-and-rescue team really went in search of them

Decisions on pension changes “hard-won” President, Golikova said

Decisions on pension changes “hard-won” President, Golikova said MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. Decisions on changes in the pension system, announced by the President, was “endured” by him and the government, said Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova is in the air “First channel”. Upstairs “The President took into account those public discussions, which were held at different venues in the preparation of the bill a second reading and, in fact, decisions made today, they were, so to speak, pained by the President and all of us helpers who helped including to formulate and to calculate different measures,” — said Golikova. Vice Prime Minister also noted that such a decision is sensitive to her as well. “Of course, for my family and for my family, and my friends is the solution, it is not even important. Perhaps it should be called momentous because it… well, people have built some plans,

Golikov estimated the cost of Putin’s proposals on pensions

Golikov estimated the cost of Putin’s proposals on pensions Vice-Premier of Russia Tatyana Golikova has informed that the proposal of President Vladimir Putin on raising the retirement age for women for five, not eight years will cost the budget an additional 3.6 trillion rubles for six years after the end of the transition period in 2028. She said that the easing will affect 2.4 million women, according to RBC. Upstairs With regard to the proposal of Mr. Putin to pension six months before the new retirement age for citizens who have to retire in 2019 and 2020, the implementation of this initiative will be worth 490 billion RUB At the same time, according to Ms. Golikova, these costs will occur from 2019 to 2024. She also was estimated at RUB 57.4 billion cost of reducing the pensionable service on early retirement. The right of early retirement for mothers of large

In the Kemerovo region will retain all benefits to pensioners and the payment of “the Kuzbass pensions”

In the Kemerovo region will retain all benefits to pensioners and the payment of “the Kuzbass pensions” KEMEROVO, August 29. /TASS/. The authorities of the Kemerovo region plan to keep benefits for pensioners, and the payment of the so-called Kuzbass pensions — additional payments, which get 45 preferential categories of citizens at the expense of the regional budget, said TASS in the press service of the regional administration with reference to the acting Governor Sergei Tsivilev. Upstairs Speaking on Wednesday a televised address to the citizens of Russia, President of Russia Vladimir Putin suggested to establish for women, the retirement age of 60 years, for men — 65 years, to introduce to the employers administrative or even criminal liability for the dismissal of employees close to retirement age and the denial of their employment, and also provide a number of social benefits to older people of certain social groups and

In Crimea, found an ancient marble statue

In Crimea, found an ancient marble statue SIMFEROPOL, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Marble statue of a male torso in clothes, presumably of the Hellenistic era, found in the excavations of the ancient settlement of Myrmekion in Kerch, reported RIA Novosti head of the Myrmekion expedition of the State Hermitage Museum Alexander Butyagin. Upstairs “The statue represents a male torso with clothes on. It is made of marble. The Hellenistic period, presumably. Found in the destruction layer of the estate of the first centuries of our era,” said Butyagin. According to him, this is the first such discovery on the site of Myrmekion. The head and feet of the statue, most likely, were separated in antiquity.

The pensioner from Nizhny Tagil had built a house in the pines neighbours

The pensioner from Nizhny Tagil had built a house in the pines neighbours The man refuses to leave and plans to organize that tour. Upstairs In the garden Association “Zheleznodorozhnik” in Nizhny Tagil drama was unbelievable. 66-year-old pensioner Yuri Stepanov literally captured the pine trees growing on neighboring property, and built on top of them house. This is only possible in Russia ? In Nizhny Tagil retired he built a house in the pines neighbors and refused to bear it. The man had electricity, hung the flag and looks forward to taking guests there, and intends to make a bridge in grove.He plans to invite Putin — (Not)serious Mead (@russiaspeaks) August 29, 2018 According to the owner of this land Irina Chukanova, no conflict with a neighbor until recently, she was not. Only in the spring of 2018 Stepanov began to ask to cut down the trees for cones