Putin congratulated Lukashenko with his birthday

Putin congratulated Lukashenko with his birthday MOSCOW, 30 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko on the phone with the birthday party, the leaders discussed the schedule of upcoming contacts at the highest level, the press service of the Kremlin. Upstairs “During the phone conversation, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin congratulated President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the day of birth”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the presidents discussed some topical issues on the bilateral agenda, including a schedule of upcoming contacts at the highest level. Earlier, Putin sent Lukashenko a congratulatory telegram.

In Kiev advised citizens to transport family from Russia to Ukraine

In Kiev advised citizens to transport family from Russia to Ukraine KIEV, August 30 — RIA Novosti. The Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan advised citizens who have relatives in Russia, to transport them to Ukraine, because there is “a better environment”. Upstairs Omeljan previously reported that the Ministry of Infrastructure has developed a draft decision which proposes to halt train and bus service to Russia. “Let them bring (family — ed.). I think Ukraine is much better by the environment and security,” said Omeljan on Thursday on air of TV channel “Direct”, answering the question of what to do to Ukrainians who have relatives in Russia, after the termination of the message. Omeljan also said that the Ministry of Infrastructure conducted an audit of carriers in Russia, controlled Kiev territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. “We finished checking in the Donetsk and Luhansk region for illegal transportation

Stepanenko demanded Petrosian to give her the book “the Occult and sexuality”

Stepanenko demanded Petrosian to give her the book “the Occult and sexuality” Comedian Elena Stepanenko in the divorce process and the division of property with Yevgeny Petrosyan claims for rare occult books, told TASS the lawyer of the actor Sergey Zhorin. Upstairs “In the divorce process Stepanenko for some reason fundamentally to retain a number of ancient occult books, including the book of Hans Freimark 1910 issue of “the Occult and sexuality”,” — said the Zhorin. The wife of the artist also wants to write a book, “Hypnotism. Its theoretical basis and practical application of” albert Mole, 1898 issue of “the Conspiracy. The experience of the study of the origin and development of charms formulae]” Nikolay poznansky, “History of superstitions and magic” by Alfred Lehmann was issued in 1910 and “the gospel in the explanation of spiritualism,” Alan Kardec, edition of 1914. An Agency source familiar with the prices of

In the Nigerian Ubangi each sex has its own language, but people understand each other

In the Nigerian Ubangi each sex has its own language, but people understand each other Despite the difference in the sound of the words, men and women in Ubangi understand each other. Upstairs First children learn the women’s language and men’s language, the boys begin to talk with only 10 years of age. If the child speaks the language of the other sex, in the village it is considered abnormal. During the download an error has occurred.

In the national Park of Sochi can allow hunting for raccoon

In the national Park of Sochi can allow hunting for raccoon SOCHI, August 30. /TASS/. Hunting raccoon is recommended to open on the territory of Sochi national Park. Such measures are caused by the fact that the number of these animals has increased significantly, exceeding 20 thousand individuals, told reporters in the press service of the national Park. Upstairs “The number of cats living on the territory of the Sochi national Park, in recent years has increased significantly. To date, the number of individuals exceeded 20 thousand Given the situation at the meeting of the scientific and technical Council of the Sochi national Park was approved on the need to regulate the population of raccoon. Also recommended to open on the national Park territory Amateur athletic hunting”, — stated in the message, extended a press-service. According to the press service, the necessary documents have already been registered and directed to

In Novosibirsk caught fire regional hospital

In Novosibirsk caught fire regional hospital Moscow. August 30. INTERFAX.RU — Regional clinical hospital on fire in Novosibirsk on Thursday, have informed “Interfax” in the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the region. Upstairs “Received a signal about the fire. The fire is assigned an increased number of complexity. Carry out evacuation of staff and patients,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The area and nature of the fire is being clarified, he added.

Trump signed a decree allowing to circumvent the quotas on imports of metals

Trump signed a decree allowing to circumvent the quotas on imports of metals The US President Donald trump has signed on Thursday the decrees allowing selective exceptions to the quotas for the supply of US steel from South Korea, Brazil and Argentina, as evidenced by the text of the decree, distributed by the White house. Upstairs WASHINGTON, 30 Aug — RIA Novosti. In particular, the document refers to the fact that the U.S. Secretary of Commerce in coordination with the heads of Department, Finance Ministry, defense Ministry and several other officials received the right to grant an exception to the quota for the supply of articles of steel or aluminium for a number of positions of the so-called Harmonized tariff schedule of the United States (in fact — the commodity classification for customs purposes). Given in the decrees of the position are to steel from South Korea, Brazil and Argentina,

The FBI found no evidence of tampering with the mail is Hillary Clinton a Chinese company

The FBI found no evidence of tampering with the mail is Hillary Clinton a Chinese company The Chinese authorities saw nothing new in the accusations against the company. Upstairs WASHINGTON, August 29. /TASS/. The Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) found no evidence that private correspondence of the American ex-Secretary of state Hillary Clinton was intercepted by a Chinese company. The representatives of the Bureau said in a statement on Wednesday, comments for journalists. “The FBI found no evidence that those servers have been compromised”, the statement quoted by the newspaper the Washington Post. The US President Donald trump on Tuesday called on the FBI and the justice Department to take action in connection with the information that the post Hillary Clinton were intercepted by China. According to him, otherwise the credibility of these bodies “go away forever”. Previously portal The Daily Caller reported that during the period when Clinton served

Ukraine has prepared new sanctions against Russia because of the Crimean bridge

Ukraine has prepared new sanctions against Russia because of the Crimean bridge The Ukrainian government has prepared new sanctions against Russia because of the Crimean bridge, the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of the uncontrolled territories. Наверх36фотографий36фотографий36фотографий MOSCOW, 29 Sep — RIA Novosti. According to the report, the new sanctions package will affect 19 legal entities involved in the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait, including: “SGM”, “Mostotrest”, “SGM-Bridge”, “Institute Giprostroymost — Saint-Petersburg” and “Partitocracy”. The Ukrainian government proposed measures are intended “to restrict or terminate economic relations (these companies — Approx. ed.) with EU countries and the USA”. Project on the introduction of new sanctions will be submitted to the Council of national security and defense. Crimea became a Russian region by referendum in March 2014, which was held after a coup in Ukraine. More than 96% of the inhabitants of the Republic and 95% of