The FSB has sent experts to the Donbass to participate in the investigation of the murder Zakharchenko

The FSB has sent experts to the Donbass to participate in the investigation of the murder Zakharchenko Moscow. September 3. INTERFAX.RU — FSB is ready to help in investigation of murder of the head of DND Alexander Zakharchenko, and has written in the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic for its employees. Upstairs “The specialists are already working,” — said “Interfax” on Monday the head of the service for operational information and international communications of the FSB Sergei Conversation. He stated that the murder involved Zakharchenko Ukrainian security services. “The involvement of the Ukrainian security services we… we think it’s definitely the case,” said Conversation. Zakharchenko and another man died the evening of August 31 in the explosion at the cafe “Separable” in the center of Donetsk. Injured was hospitalized, the Finance Minister DND Alexander Timofeev. The acting head of the DNI Dmitry Trapeznikov has said at a briefing that the explosion

The EU commented on the murder Zakharchenko

The EU commented on the murder Zakharchenko MOSCOW, 3 sen — news. The European Union delegation in Ukraine commented on the murder of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic Alexander Zakharchenko. Upstairs “We have seen reports about it on Friday. The conflict in the East of Ukraine led to the loss of too many lives,” — said in the message representation in response to the request of the Ukrainian Agency of UNN. The EU stressed that continue to work “full implementation of the Minsk agreements that remain a sound basis for a sustainable political settlement.” In the mission of the hope that “all sides will respect their commitments” in relation to compliance with the agreements. Answering the question about the possible consequences of the murder of the head of DND at the talks in the Normandy format, the EU stated that it “will not speculate on the impact

Poroshenko will send a notice of termination of Treaty of friendship

Poroshenko will send a notice of termination of Treaty of friendship Moscow. September 3. INTERFAX.RU Ukrainian President intends to do so before September 30. Upstairs The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stressed that the Agreement on friendship, cooperation and partnership with Russia from 1997 is not terminated, and is terminated in connection with his termination. In this regard, he intends until 30 September to send a notification of the Russian Federation. I stress that it is not broken, because it is a complex and lengthy procedure, and he is terminated in connection with the non-renewal.Peter Presenteraient Ukraine The President also stressed that the question of renewal or non-renewal of this contract falls within the competence of the President of Ukraine. Poroshenko said he plans soon after the proposal of the Ministry of foreign Affairs to undertake on this occasion a meeting of the national security Council and defense of Ukraine.

Source: the EU agreed on the extension of individual sanctions against Russia

Source: the EU agreed on the extension of individual sanctions against Russia BRUSSELS, 3 September — RIA Novosti. Diplomats of the countries of the European Union agreed on the extension of individual sanctions against Russia, said a source in the EU institutions. Upstairs According to him, the restrictions will be extended for another six months. The source added that this matter was considered by the permanent representatives of EU countries in the framework of the Coreper Committee. The final decision should be taken by the Council of the EU. In addition, on Monday, two weeks before the formal expiration of the sanctions, the EU began a review of measures taken in connection with the “undermining of the sovereignty of Ukraine”. The Russian foreign Ministry said that the Agency did not respond to the extension of the sanctions. “They also accept them automatically, even without discussing. This was yesterday (the Czech

Where there are unique Jellyfish Lake (photo)

Where there are unique Jellyfish Lake (photo) A Paradise for divers and photographers. Upstairs The world-famous Jellyfish Lake got its name for a reason — in the pond there are more than 2 million of these creatures. Publication from @rickhasher 14 Mar 2017 11:41 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Amazing lake is located in the Pacific ocean in the archipelago of Rocky Islands (Palau). Due to the separate ecosystems and the lack of enemies jellyfish have completely lost the ability to sting, but because the lake is safe to swim. No wonder this lake is very popular with divers and photographers who come here for unforgettable experiences and underwater types. But the adventure is still worth to be careful. The depth of the lake is just 50 metres away, but down deep under the water is not necessary. Below 17 meters is water with low oxygen content

As Lydia Timashuk used in the “case of doctors”

As Lydia Timashuk used in the “case of doctors” Just a few weeks easy the doctor was the official hero, like Pavlik Morozov, and then for many years a symbol of villainy, squealing and rabid anti-Semitism. Who was Lydia Timashuk, really? UpstairsDuring the download an error has occurred. 70 years ago, on August 31, 1948, died Andrei Zhdanov, at the time the person № 2 in the Soviet leadership, friend of Stalin (his son George was married to Svetlana Alliluyeva). Today he is remembered mainly thanks to the custard cake, which, according to several testimonies, made him in specimene when he was head of the Leningrad blockade, and organized them with post-war persecution of intellectuals, known in history as zhdanovschyna. He, as recalled Alliluyeva, especially strongly, to shiver, afraid of Stalin. Probably including and so died of a heart attack at the age of 52 years. The name of the

NSTU will be engaged in the nanotechnology

NSTU will be engaged in the nanotechnology One outcome of the forum “TechnoProm” was the agreement of the Ministry of education and the state Corporation “RUSNANO”, according to which Novosibirsk state technical University will be engaged in training and certification of nanotechnology. Upstairs The University will collect information on the priorities of the nanotechnology industry in Novosibirsk region for the development of the independent assessment of qualification of specialists in this field. On the basis of NSTU will regularly host thematic meetings and seminars with representatives of the departments of the Novosibirsk University, dealing with the industry. “Last year in the NSTU began the work of examination centre, where experts in the field of nanotechnology will confirm their qualification. In accordance with the agreement, the activities of the centre will be enhanced and experts will consider the possibility of creating on its basis a network of examination centers,” according to

Financing terrorists in Syria have dropped by nearly 90% over four years

Financing terrorists in Syria have dropped by nearly 90% over four years Moscow. September 3. INTERFAX.RU — Financial flows to support terrorists in Syria have dropped by nearly 90% in 2014, said the head of the service for operational information and international communications of the FSB Sergei Conversation. Upstairs “In 2014, the terrorists of ISIL (banned in the Russian organization) received about $3 billion To date, fighters manage to get $200-300 million a year,” he said, speaking Monday at the international conference “Combating illegal arms transfers in the context of the fight against international terrorism.” The conversation noted that the reduction of funding for terrorists due to loss of taxable territories, the profits from the sale of petroleum products. According to him, in the context of the displacement of a part of the terrorists in Afghanistan, the FSB predicts that some channels of drug trafficking be taken by them under

American demanded $1 million for 17 years in prison by mistake judges

American demanded $1 million for 17 years in prison by mistake judges The real culprit turned out to be his DoppelgangeR. Upstairs 42-year-old Richard Jones, of Kansas 17 years ago was behind bars for having allegedly punched the woman in the store and took away her phone. Despite a good alibi and reputation, the court held that to sit Jones is 19 years old. But two years before the end of this period the American, which is irrelevant to the crime had learned that the real robber sits with him in the same prison (already for another matter). The truth was discovered accidentally when one of my friends in prison told Richard that here is a man like him as two drops of water. He went to prison for a crime a lookalike may have done. Now he wants $1.1 million THE NEWS JUNKIE DAIL (@marciaalane1) September 3, 2018

The hornets sent him to the hospital visitors to a wine festival in Germany

The hornets sent him to the hospital visitors to a wine festival in Germany Eighteen participants of a wine festival in the southwest Germany have suffered as a result of a hornet attack, two people were hospitalized in serious condition. Nevernostithe Destruction of a huge hornet’s nest was filmed The incident occurred on Sunday afternoon in the town of Weingarten, in the land of Baden-württemberg, but what provoked the representatives of the social wasps on the attack, is still unknown. According to the preliminary version, spree, guests of the winery during the festival too close to a cherry tree, the trunk of which the hornets made a hive, and that caused the aggression in insects. To a scene there arrived at least 30 rescue workers and firefighters, 13 of the 18 injured were taken to hospital, two needed urgent help because they were found allergic to insect bites. During the