Peskov hoped for security guarantees from the United States

Press secretary of the leader of the Russian Federation Peskov: it is not known to what extent the partners will show political will Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that it is not known to what extent the partners in the United States can show political will and provide guarantees for the security system. He stated this on the air of Channel One, According to him, Russia does not yet know to what extent its partners will show the appropriate political will and agree to such contacts, but the Russian Foreign Ministry has such an order. “And I have no doubt that our diplomats, high professionals headed by Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, they will look for interlocutors to start such negotiations, but we'll see if they succeed or fail,” Peskov hoped. Also the press -secretary of the President of the Russian Federation recalled the initiative of the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, “which

The United States prepared to impose new sanctions against Russia

The US authorities are discussing new sanctions against Russia to deter the “invasion” of Ukraine Russia from an “invasion” of Ukraine, CNN reports citing sources. As journalists note, restrictive measures will affect the “inner circle” of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, as well as energy companies. Washington is expected to disconnect Russia from the SWIFT system. The US leadership considers such a step as a “nuclear” option. The decision to impose sanctions has been prepared, is being discussed, but not yet adopted. The American authorities are trying to coordinate them with European partners in order to coordinate actions. The TV channel admits that Moscow can respond to the actions of the West by “using the extraction of energy as a weapon.” “There are fears that Russia will try to retaliate by curbing production,” a senior US official told reporters. The message about possible sanctions appeared on the eve of talks between

Peskov hoped for security guarantees from the United States

Press secretary of the leader of the Russian Federation Peskov: it is not known to what extent the partners will show political will Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that it is not known to what extent the partners in the United States can show political will and provide guarantees for the security system. He stated this on the air of Channel One, According to him, Russia does not yet know to what extent its partners will show the appropriate political will and agree to such contacts, but the Russian Foreign Ministry has such an order. “And I have no doubt that our diplomats, high professionals headed by Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov, they will look for interlocutors to start such negotiations, but we'll see if they succeed or fail,” Peskov hoped. Also the press -secretary of the President of the Russian Federation recalled the initiative of the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, “which

Senator declared absurdity of US statements about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Senator Kozhin: the United States has brought to the point of absurdity statements about the allegedly impending Russian attack on Ukraine First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Vladimir Kozhin said that the United States has driven statements about an allegedly impending Russian attack on Ukraine to the point of absurdity. This was reported by RIA Novosti. The senator recalled that the administration in Washington is constantly talking about some kind of “invasion”, in which case the United States will provide military assistance to Kiev and its NATO allies. ” The situation has already been brought to the point of absurdity, it is very difficult. But it was not we who brought it to this, and it is the United States that needs to get out of this situation, ”Kozhin emphasized. Earlier it became known that the Biden’s administration would impose sanctions on Russia in

Senator declared absurdity of US statements about Russian invasion of Ukraine

Senator Kozhin: The United States has brought to the point of absurdity statements about the allegedly impending Russian attack on Ukraine First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Vladimir Kozhin said that the United States has driven statements about an allegedly impending Russian attack on Ukraine to the point of absurdity. This was reported by RIA Novosti. The senator recalled that the administration in Washington is constantly talking about some kind of “invasion”, in which case the United States will provide military assistance to Kiev and its NATO allies. ” The situation has already been brought to the point of absurdity, it is very difficult. But it was not we who brought it to this, and it is the United States that needs to get out of this situation, ”Kozhin emphasized. Earlier it became known that the Biden’s administration would impose sanctions on Russia in

Biden refused to “wag the finger” at Putin

White House: US President Biden will not shake his finger at Russian leader Putin during the talks A senior White House official said United States Joe Biden will not shake his finger at his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. The American leader has abandoned such a manner of dialogue and plans to behave with restraint in future negotiations, RIA Novosti reports. “The President will conduct this conversation in the same style as he held previous discussions with Putin – in a professional, frank, in a straightforward manner, he will make it clear, without any rhetorical outpourings and without wagging a finger, what actions the United States is ready to take in terms of both containment and diplomacy, “the informant emphasized. Earlier, a Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned against exalted expectations of the talks between Putin and Biden. According to him, the leaders need to discuss the implementation of the agreements reached

It became known about the effectiveness of “Sputnik V” in Hungary

Sputnik V became the second most effective vaccine in Hungary after Moderna The Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine produced in Russia became the second most effective drug in Hungary after Moderna. This became known from the results of a study published in the journal Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Scientists tested the effectiveness of vaccinations in 3.7 million Hungarian citizens over 16 years old. Most often, Hungarians are vaccinated with a drug from Pfizer-BioNTech (1.5 million people), in second place in popularity is the Chinese Sinopharm (895 thousand), in third place is Sputnik V (820 thousand), AstraZeneca closes the list (304 thousand) and Moderna (222 thousand). As a result, the drug Moderna showed the greatest efficiency against coronavirus infections – 88.7 percent, Sputnik V is in second place with 85.7 percent. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 83.3 percent effective, AstraZeneca 71.5 percent and Sinopharm 68.7 percent. At the same time, Sputnik V best

«Пушкинской картой» разрешат платить в кинотеатрах

Ранее президент Владимир Путин дал поручение до 15 декабря обеспечить владельцев «Пушкинской карты» возможностью покупать билеты в кино. Речь, как следует из поручения, идет только о российских фильмах. Программу планируется распространить на кинотеатры, «включенные в утвержденный Минкультуры России реестр организаций культуры — участников указанной программы». Сейчас в опубликованном на сайте «Культура.рф» перечне учреждений, где принимается карта, кинотеатров нет. РБК направил запросы в Минкультуры и оператору программы — Почта Банку. Как работает «Пушкинская карта» Федеральная программа популяризации культурных мероприятий среди молодежи была запущена Министерством культуры в сентябре 2021 года. Граждане в возрасте от 14 до 22 лет могут оформить специальную банковскую карту номиналом 3 тыс. руб. на год и покупать с ее помощью билеты в театры, музеи и концертные залы. За первый месяц существования проекта карту оформили более 2 млн человек, купивших с ее помощью около 360 тыс. билетов. Оформить «Пушкинскую карту» — но только отечественной платежной системы «Мир» — можно в Почта Банке. По состоянию на октябрь 2021 года кредитной организации была запланирована субсидия из Резервного фонда правительства в размере 3,9 млрд руб. на реализацию проекта.