In Japanese the kinki region was hit by Typhoon “Jebi”

In Japanese the kinki region was hit by Typhoon “Jebi” TOKYO, September 4 — RIA Novosti, Yekaterina Plyasunova. Typhoon “Jebe”, which, according to experts, was the most powerful in the last quarter of a century, struck the kinki region, where are located the major cities of Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto, is partially or completely stopped the movement of trains, interruptions in electricity and telecommunications, reports of ripped off roofs, uprooted trees and floods. Наверх12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий In the area of residence of the correspondent of RIA Novosti in the Osaka Nishi-ku the wind speed currently is about 15 meters per second. The streets, which at this time of night is usually flooded with Housewives rushing to the evening of discounts at grocery stores, office workers, the working day which ends a little earlier than most, and returning from educational institutions, children and adolescents, is now completely deserted. During the download an error

Media reported about the impact of Russian air force in the armed opposition in Idlib province

Media reported about the impact of Russian air force in the armed opposition in Idlib province Moscow. September 4. INTERFAX.RU According to Anatolian news Agency, three Russian fighter struck 20 times. Upstairs Of Russian air force strikes on the positions of the armed opposition in Idlib province in Northwest Syria, said on Tuesday the Anatolian news Agency, citing sources in the armed Syrian opposition. “Three Russian fighter took to the air from the base of “Hamim”, fired 20 shots”, — quotes Agency sources in the armed Syrian opposition. The news Agency reported that the blows to the West of Idlib and North of Hama province. In addition, the bombing of Russian air force had been controlled by armed opposition groups in the areas of Jisr al-Sugur, Besanko, Ghani, Inner, Carmania in the West of Idlib and the Zeitoun neighborhood in the North of Hama, said the sources. Data on dead

Peskov commented on trump’s words about the operation in Idlib

Peskov commented on trump’s words about the operation in Idlib MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. To warn about the consequences of not considering the threat of terrorists is not a complete and comprehensive approach, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the words of US President Donald trump about the operation in Idlib. Upstairs Earlier, trump wrote on Twitter that the Syrian army attack in Idlib province would be “a great humanitarian error” and urged to prevent this. “We need to deal with this problem. We know that the Syrian armed forces are preparing for the solution of this problem. But just to play with some warnings, not paying attention to the very dangerous negative potential to the whole situation in Syria is probably not complete without a comprehensive approach,” — said Peskov told reporters, commenting on the statement trump on Twitter. See also: Macron

Klimkin explained how to “confront” Russia in the Azov sea

Klimkin explained how to “confront” Russia in the Azov sea MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin told about the measures to be taken by Kiev in response to the “provocation” of Moscow to the sea of Azov. He stated this in the program “Svoboda words” on ICTV channel. Upstairs “We knew that Russia will begin a controlled escalation and begin to raise rates. And our actions must not only focus on politics, just for security, just for legal matters. Work only the combination of all”, — said the Minister. According to him, we are talking about legal measures, antilanding operations, communication with partners and further development of presence in the sea of Azov. The situation in the Azov sea The situation of navigation in the Azov sea escalates with the beginning of the year. In March Ukraine detained the Russian trawler

No release were hazardous to health

No release were hazardous to health The results of the annual survey by Allianz Global Assistance, Vacation Confidence Index, which shows how no vacation affects human health. It is reported by the Association of tour operators of Russia (ATOR). Upstairs Leave in the survey designated as the trip to rest for at least a week and not less than 160 kilometers from the place of permanent residence. It was found that 30.4% of respondents with a “vacation deficit” (“vacation deficit” is defined by experts as a syndrome in which the person is important vacation, however, it is not possible to travel in the next year) show symptoms of mild or moderate depression. In the total sample, the signs of mild depression was observed in only 23 percent of respondents. 12 per cent of respondents experiencing “vacation deficit”, were symptoms of moderately severe or severe depression, which is two times more

The older “newlyweds” Britain got married in 80 years

The older “newlyweds” Britain got married in 80 years The age of love not a hindrance. Upstairs Stuart Jenkinson and Gladys Hacl recently got married: the lovers staged a small ceremony surrounded by family and friends. And like anything special, but the couple has already appeared on the pages of the British press, which dubbed them as the most elderly married couples in the UK. Because both spouses in 2018 was 80 years old. NO YOU’re CRYING — Metro (@MetroUK) October 3, 2018 Stewart, who’s been married twice, said that I would never have thought that you can remarry. But when three years ago he accidentally met an old friend of the family Gladys, between us ran a spark, and feelings flared up by themselves. After a few years of relationship, the man got down on one knee before his sweetheart on Valentine’s Day, and she said Yes. Gladys

The Internet never refuse

The Internet never refuse The rating, which annually amount to experts, reflects the dependence of the availability of national segments of the Internet to failures in the work of the most important Telecom operators. Examines the 244 countries. Upstairs The connectivity of the Internet at the network level is the result of interaction of Autonomous systems (as) operators. The greater the number of alternative routes traffic between Autonomous systems, the more resilient and stable is the Internet segment, explain the study authors. For each of the countries studied, they determined the percentage of the national segment of the global network, which lost contact with the rest of the world in case of malfunction or outage of the largest national service provider. On the basis of this indicator were assigned positions in the ranking. Russia in it, as in the past year, took 13-th line. According to the authors, the loss

Media: in France, the robbers robbed of Russians worth up to $1 million

Media: in France, the robbers robbed of Russians worth up to $1 million MOSCOW, 4 September — RIA Novosti. Unknown robbed the Russian tourists, when they left the airport in the Paris suburb of the commune of Le Bourget, the sum of the damage amounts to a million dollars, according to radio station Europe1. Upstairs According to the radio, the incident occurred on Monday at 22.30 local time (23.30 GMT). Three Russian tourists, who arrived from nice, left the airport by car, when they blocked the path of the car with the attackers wearing masks. The unknown took three suitcases, a shoulder bag and mobile phones. The driver of the car that was rented by the tourists tried to take a photo of the robbers but they took his phone and fled the scene. The victims appealed to the police. According to preliminary data, the amount of the stolen goods,

TFR interviewed the driver killed in CAR of Russian journalists

TFR interviewed the driver killed in CAR of Russian journalists The staff of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) during his visit to the Central African Republic (CAR) has studied the materials of a criminal investigation about the death of three Russians — operator Kirill Radchenko, Director Alexander Rastorguev and journalist Orhan Jemal. As informs SKR, Russian investigators examined the car, which transported journalists, and questioned their driver. Upstairs “With the participation of the staff of the Investigative Committee additionally examined the car in which they moved, re-interviewed the driver of the vehicle, viewed the physical evidence. Additional data will be subjected to comprehensive analysis and evaluation with a view to a detailed reconstruction of the circumstances of a particularly serious crime committed against the citizens of Russia”, — said in the TFR. The Agency agreed with law enforcement CAR to transfer the criminal case “for further investigation to a

On Sakhalin island awaiting a hurricane and heavy rain due to Typhoon “Jebi”

On Sakhalin island awaiting a hurricane and heavy rain due to Typhoon “Jebi” YUZHNO-SAKHALINSK, September 4 — RIA Novosti. Typhoon “Gabi” will bring heavy rain and a hurricane on the morning of the environment on the Sakhalin, told RIA Novosti on Tuesday in the regional Department of Roshydromet. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +20° 68% 758 mm Hg. article 3 m/s “In the morning and Wednesday in the South of Sakhalin expected heavy rain and South wind up to 25-30 m/s, gusts of up to hurricane 33-38 km/h,” explained the weatherman island. According to the regional Department of EMERCOM of Russia, a storm warning announced on Wednesday in 17 municipalities of Sakhalin and the Kurils. “Gabi” will bypass only the North-Kuril region. “The government of the region on Wednesday held a meeting of Commission on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations. The meeting identified arising from the passage of cyclone