Avril Lavigne announced the return to the stage

Avril Lavigne announced the return to the stage MOSCOW, 7 sen — news. Avril Lavigne talked about the new album for the first time in five years. Single, Head Above Water will be presented on September 19, the singer wrote on his website. Upstairs In a letter to fans, Lavigne admitted that for a long time felt that is on the verge of life and death due to Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis). “I’ve spent the last several years, battling Lyme disease. It was the worst years of my life. The years of physical and emotional struggle. I managed to turn it into music, which is really proud of. I was writing songs in the bed and on the couch there more often and recorded. Words that accurately convey my experience flowed effortlessly. Truly… supporting me, giving new purpose and raison d’être, my music helped me heal and survive,” writes Avril

Food once a day extended the lives of mice

Food once a day extended the lives of mice American scientists have found that long breaks between meals, and reducing her calories improves the health and prolongs the lives of mice. Upstairs The experiment showed that mice which all life fed only once a day, age violations arise later, and they lived longer than their counterparts with a permanent or at least a limited calories with access to food, reported in Cell Metabolism. NewsScientists have figured out why it is useful to eat less Caloric restriction has a positive effect on health. For example, low-calorie diet helps to reduce hyperglycemia in diabetics rats, and short-term fasting makes the intestine healthier. And useful it can be not only smaller portions, but also limit food intake time frame: recently, scientists found that intermittent fasting (to 16:8) helps you lose weight and lower blood pressure. So far, however, it is unclear what kind

Pushilin has spent personnel shifts in the government of DNR

Pushilin has spent personnel shifts in the government of DNR DONETSK, September 7. /TASS/ — the composition of the Cabinet includes five new acting Ministers. Upstairs The acting head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Denis Putilin appointed acting Ministers of the government of the Republic. The corresponding decree posted on Friday on the official website of the DNI. The document contains 21 names, among them Natalia Nikonorova, which the acting head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, Alex Wild was appointed as acting head of the Ministry of internal Affairs, the Ministry of public security has temporarily headed by Vladimir Pavlenko. The government DND has included five new acting Ministers. Acting Minister of revenue and duties assigned to Eugene Lavrenov, acting Minister of justice was Yuri Sirovatko. Acting heads of the Ministry of transport and the Ministry of industry appointed DNI Podlipnov Dmitry and Sergei Ilyin , respectively,

Trump has threatened China’s new duties

Trump has threatened China’s new duties WASHINGTON, 7 Sep — RIA Novosti. The US President Donald trump has threatened China’s new import duties. Upstairs According to the American leader, additional measures can be applied promptly. “I’ll be tough with China, because I have to be… We have imposed a duty of 50 billion in technology. Now we have added another 200 billion. And I hate to say it, but if I want to, it’s already done (to impose duties. — Approx. ed.) another 267 billion dollars”, — said the head of state. Trade war US-China USA imposed a duty of 25 percent on imports of Chinese goods with a volume of $ 16 billion. A minute later, the Chinese side introduced similar measures. The foreign Ministry of China said that the policy of pressure on trade issues is useless and will not help to resolve the conflict. The Ministry stressed

The US Ambassador accused Russia and Iran of intent to strike on civilians in Syria

The US Ambassador accused Russia and Iran of intent to strike on civilians in Syria UN, September 7. /TASS/. The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley accused Russia and Iran of intent to strike in Idlib civilians that oppose President Bashar al-Assad. This opinion was expressed, speaking Friday at a meeting of the UN Security Council in Idlib. Upstairs “When Russia and the Assad regime say they want to fight terrorism, in actual fact they mean that they want to bomb schools, houses, hospitals, they want to punish the civilian population, which showed courage and rebelled against Assad. When the regime calls the brave “White helmets” terrorists, we know they are not serious about fighting terrorism,” said Haley. “The United States is deeply concerned about the presence of terrorists in Idlib, she added. — There are many ways to effectively attack these groups, without achieving a humanitarian catastrophe”.

Old dog in the Safari Park was seriously frightened young leopard (video)

Old dog in the Safari Park was seriously frightened young leopard (video) The moment of confrontation between animals captured on camera by tourists. Upstairs In the Indian state of Rajasthan leopard Safari-Park to the site of the former forest reserve Jhalana tourists witnessed the burning of history. Newsnatural Born killers: the animals, who know and love to fight On the road to the people of the old left, the lame dog who lives near the local Church. A dog lounged by the car and curled up lump on the road when she jumped out of the bushes a young leopard. Apparently, a feral cat decided that the old dog will not be a difficult opponent and can be a great production. But there it was. Dog in a second sprang to her feet and started struggling to bark at a leopard. A frightened dog tucked tail and backed away to

A Lodge of Freemasons global network: can a single organization off the Internet

A Lodge of Freemasons global network: can a single organization off the Internet The expected disruptions of the Internet 11 October could affect up to 750 million people. Upstairs Corporation on management of domain names and IP addresses (ICANN) has warned about possible problems with access to the Internet 750 million after October 11. This figure consists of “a small percentage” (according to organization) Internet users who have to face the consequences of updating the cryptographic keys used to protect the system of Internet domain names (DNS). What is ICANN (International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), why their meetings resemble a mixture of religious meetings and of baseball, and why Russia and China are against this state of Affairs? During the download an error has occurred.The rituals of the ICANN Twice a year in the suburbs of Los Angeles, a few miles from the international airport, 20 people at

Explained the appearance of the mysterious patterns on the surface of the moon

Explained the appearance of the mysterious patterns on the surface of the moon Scientists of Rutgers University (USA) explained the occurrence on the moon’s surface “vortices” — light wavy patterns whose origins have long remained unclear. This publication reports Science Alert. Upstairs It is known that the location of the lunar vortices coincides with areas of high magnetic field strength. At the same time the Moon does not have a rotating core, which is able to generate a global magnetic field. Although each vortex has associated with it a magnetic anomaly, not in Dating patterns. In addition, the vortices are less pronounced and less complex with the height of the surface on which they are formed. Also they are less susceptible to weathering than the surrounding regolith, with the result that retained their relatively high albedo. The simulation results showed that turbulence needs to occur in the immediate vicinity of

Georgia extradited to the US a suspect in the hacking Russian

Georgia extradited to the US a suspect in the hacking Russian Moscow. September 7. INTERFAX.RU — the Georgian Authorities conducted the extradition to the US of Russian Andrey Tyurin, the American side suspected of causing significant damage to the hacker attacks, said on Friday the United States secret service. Upstairs “Today, the secret service, in coordination with the FBI and the US attorney General’s office, announce the extradition of a Russian hacker who is responsible for the largest theft of consumer data in the entire history of American financial institutions”, — stated in a press release this structure. The document notes that we are talking about 35-year resident of Moscow Andrei Tyurin. He was extradited from Georgia. The secret service noted that the Russian is already in new York, later on Friday he will appear before the magistrate. The consideration of his case in court, as planned, will begin on

Ukrainian intelligence has named the organizer of murder Zakharchenko

Ukrainian intelligence has named the organizer of murder Zakharchenko The murder of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko was organized by Russia. With such statement on air of the Ukrainian channel 5 was made by the representative of the Main intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine Volodymyr Skibitsky. Upstairs According to him, Moscow eliminate those who may become “witnesses in international courts for the aggression of Russia against Ukraine”. “According to military intelligence of Ukraine, with the destruction of the wise is the FSB. It is clear that they will try to blame the Ukrainian side to conduct what they call a terrorist act, in order to then propose to us any charges,” said Skibitsky. He stressed that he has information according to which, the cafe “Separable”, where August 31 was killed Zakharchenko, was under the direct control of the FSB. “In