Reuters: the proposed trump duties on goods from China will affect the part of Apple products

Reuters: the proposed trump duties on goods from China will affect the part of Apple products The list includes a smart watch Apple Watch and wireless headphones AirPods, the Agency said. Upstairs The American company Apple said that the duty in respect of goods imported from China, which intends to introduce the President of the United States Donald trump, will affect the number of devices of this American company. This was reported on Friday by Reuters. According to him, Apple sent a letter to the US authorities in which he said that the duties will hit the company’s products, including factory-assembled in China smart watch Apple Watch and wireless headphones AirPods. While the iPhone the letter does not specify, the Agency said. “Our concern is that these duties would hit the U.S. economy, and that this will lead to slower growth in the US, competition and higher prices for American

Telegraph: the suspects in the assassination Skrobala repeatedly flew to Geneva

Telegraph: the suspects in the assassination Skrobala repeatedly flew to Geneva LONDON, September 8. /TASS/ — the Source noted that for the investigation it is important to establish with whom the men met in Switzerland. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Two Russians, whom the British investigation suspects in the assassination of Sergey and Yulia Skrobala, from September 2016 through March 2018 nearly three dozen times to fly to Europe, mostly second-largest city of Switzerland — Geneva. This is with reference to sources in the British government reported in the Friday newspaper The Daily Telegraph. According to the source, to establish who the suspects met in Geneva, it is of crucial importance, and this is “of key importance to the ongoing investigation”. As it turns out, the men traveled together, and alone. Geneva for the period they visited at least six times in total spending in the city for a few weeks. The publication notes

Paul McCartney for the first time in five years released a new album

Paul McCartney for the first time in five years released a new album The album is called Egypt Station. Upstairs After a long hiatus, legendary British musician, former member of the Beatles Paul McCartney released a new solo album. The news isAlways dissatisfied: why Madonna is a true rock-n-roll In the record called Egypt Station collected 16 tracks, including three singles. “Come On To Me”, “I Don’t Know” and “Fuh You”, which McCartney presented earlier. “I like the phrase “Egypt Station”. For me it’s a magical place where music is born,” explained the title of the album McCartney. The previous Studio album of the musician called “New” was released in 2013. In may of 2018 during a ceremony at Buckingham Palace Queen Elizabeth II was handed a 75-year-old sir Paul the order of the “Knights of Honor” for achievements in the field of music.

AFP: Gerard Depardieu said in a hotel in Pyongyang

AFP: Gerard Depardieu said in a hotel in Pyongyang PARIS, September 7. /TASS/. French actor Gerard Depardieu has arrived in Pyongyang, where it is noted 70-summer anniversary of the founding of the Democratic people’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). This is reported by AFP news Agency correspondent who on Friday saw the actor in a hotel in the North Korean capital. Upstairs It is reported that Depardieu was in the main bar of an international hotel in the center of Pyongyang where you usually stop for foreign tourists. “Being clearly distressed, he refused all requests to give interviews to all the journalists who knew him,” notes AFP, adding that the reasons for the presence of the famous actor in the capital of the DPRK still remain unknown. The Democratic people’s Republic was proclaimed on 9 September 1948. On the occasion of the anniversary, the authorities invited to the capital of a

Newborn Zebra fell into the pond, but was saved (video)

Newborn Zebra fell into the pond, but was saved (video) When the mother gnawed the cord, the baby fell into the water. Upstairs Employees zoo in the Spanish city of Valencia rescued the baby Zebra from death in the pond. Exciting footage shot by eyewitnesses. During the download an error has occurred. Zebra gave birth to a foal on the shore of the pond. When the mother gnawed the cord, the baby could not resist and fell into the water. Watching the birth, the zoo staff rushed to the foal to help. Has not passed also minutes, as a newborn Zebra is successfully brought to shore. During the operation to rescue the two men had to protect himself from panicking females. She calmed down only when you saw your baby safe on land. View this post in Instagram Publication from BIOPARC Valencia (@bioparcvalencia) 6 Sept 2018 at 1:33 am PDT

Because of the earthquake in Hokkaido killed 21 people, 13 of them are missing

Because of the earthquake in Hokkaido killed 21 people, 13 of them are missing TOKYO, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the strong earthquake on the Northern Japanese island of Hokkaido has risen to 21 people, 13 remain missing, said at a press conference, Secretary General of the government of Japan Acehide Suga. Upstairs “The death toll is 21 people, six people are in critical condition, missing 13 people. On liquidation of consequences of work of 40 thousand employees of the defense forces, police and fire protection, involved 75 helicopters,” — said the Secretary General. Earthquake in Hokkaido In the night of Thursday in Hokkaido, earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7. Its epicenter was located in the area of Conception, the focus lies at a depth of 37 kilometers. In the village of Atsumi, where the force of the shocks was seven points — the highest figure

Food and medicine delivered to detained in South Korea, the Russian ship “Palladium”

Food and medicine delivered to detained in South Korea, the Russian ship “Palladium” Moscow. September 8. INTERFAX.RU — the Crew detained in the South Korean port of Pusan to the Russian ship “Palladium” has received food and medicines, the lack of which is complained sailors, Chairman of the far Eastern regional organization of the Russian trade Union of seamen (DVRO rpsm) Nikolay Sukhanov. Upstairs “The message came from the ship “Palladium”, one of the crew members reported that thanks to the media and coverage of issues arising on the ship, on Board delivered products of 20 days. The Russian Consul has taken the necessary medication,” said Sukhanov. Sailors continues to poll the South Korean police banned the crew ashore, he added. Earlier this week, the sailors said that the vessel end products, hygiene products, medicines. As reported, last week the coast guard of South Korea have detained the Russian ship

Media: in Turkey in an accident with a bus killed six people

Media: in Turkey in an accident with a bus killed six people TASS, 8 Sep. /TASS/ — Also reported 39 victims. Upstairs At least six people were killed and 39 were injured in a traffic accident with a bus that took place on the route Aksaray — Ankara in Turkey. On Saturday said channel NTV. According to him, the bus was EN route from Istanbul to Adıyaman in the Southeast of Turkey. As noted, in the area of the accident sent medical and fire brigade. Rescue operation at the scene continues. Earlier it was reported about the death of four people. On the causes of the accident information has yet been received, pending a full investigation of the incident.

CNN: exercises of the United States in Syria is a response to the warnings of the Russian military

CNN: exercises of the United States in Syria is a response to the warnings of the Russian military The teachings of the US-led international coalition in Eastern Syria are the United States ‘ reply to “a series of threats to the Russian military,” according to CNN sources. According to them, the command gave the order to carry out the exercises specifically received after September 1 from Russia warning about the intention to send troops to the area in the South of Syria. As informs television channel, the maneuvers involving more than 100 American soldiers. Upstairs The message of the teachings in the area of the garrison At TANF and 55-kilometer zone around it published on the eve of the U.S. Central command. The report noted that Central command informed the Russian side in order to avoid misunderstanding or escalation. How long will maneuvers not specified. Earlier CNN reported that during

British 100-pound model turned out to be sportier and healthier than their skinny counterparts

British 100-pound model turned out to be sportier and healthier than their skinny counterparts And is proud of its forms. Upstairs 30-year-old Jessica Millican from the British city of Gateshead weighs over a hundred kilograms and is 52-th size clothing. But that does not stop her leading an active life and love a healthy lifestyle. Jessica is a professional plus-size model because of their profession obliged to follow him. And because three times a week she goes to the gym to workout. In addition, she loves to swim, jump on the trampoline and actively spend time outdoors. In recognition of the Brits, sometimes she allows herself junk food or imposes larger portions, but mostly trying to live a healthy lifestyle and to eat properly. News, “Yes, I’m fat. And that’s how I live”Despite the sports and nutrition, her weight is not reduced, but because Jessica thinks this is a comfortable