Ukraine will appeal to the OPCW for chemical emission in Crimea

Ukraine will appeal to the OPCW for chemical emission in Crimea MOSCOW, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The foreign Ministry of Ukraine plans to appeal to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) in connection with the situation at the plant “Crimean Titan”. About this informed the press-Secretary of Department Mariana betsa in the comments of the Ukrainian “Fifth channel”. Upstairs According to her, currently the Ministry is engaged in collecting the necessary documents. “Of course, we condemn all these actions. We collect from all involved competent authorities all the information, all the materials, all the evidence. We need an expert rating of our departments, and as soon as we get them — I think it will be soon — we’ll give it to the OPCW,” said Betz. The representative of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry has not explained how air pollution in the plant area associated with the

The Russian Orthodox Church will cease communication with Constantinople, if the UOC will give autocephaly

The Russian Orthodox Church will cease communication with Constantinople, if the UOC will give autocephaly MOSCOW, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The Moscow Patriarchate will stop Eucharistic communion with the Patriarchate of Constantinople in the event of the giving them the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church, said Saturday the Chairman of the Department for external Church relations of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. Upstairs “When such a brazen and cynical way interfere in the Affairs of the local Orthodox churches, not only leads the situation into a dead end, but also threatens to split the world Orthodoxy. The canonical autocephaly of the Church that will not accept. We in the Russian Church this autocephaly is not recognized. We will have no choice but to break off communication with Constantinople,” said Metropolitan Hilarion, the TV channel “Russia 24”. Metropolitan Hilarion explained that “if Constantinople will complete his evil plan

Fossil energy sources will have to go

Fossil energy sources will have to go Decarbonisation, low-carbon economy, green economy — definition the new world trend, the essence of which is the refusal of countries from a development model based on fossil fuels and fundamentally new approach to the organization of life. Whether it is a necessary measure? Upstairs Green economy — a major global trend, which is gaining large momentum, the essence of which is the abandonment of a development model based on fossil fuels and fundamentally new approach to the organization of life. Whether it is a necessary measure? Definitely Yes — the rapid climate change caused by human activities has forced the authorities of the leading economies of the world to think about how to protect the planet, country, city and his family from impending disaster. Without the participation of the business community to solve this problem — it is impossible. What steps should be

The UOC has accused the Constantinople in violation of its canonical territory

The UOC has accused the Constantinople in violation of its canonical territory MOSCOW, 7 sen — news. The appointment of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople their representatives in Ukraine took place without the consent of the Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Onuphrius, and the responsibility for possible negative consequences will lie at the Constantinople Patriarchate, said the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Upstairs Earlier Friday, the Patriarchate of Constantinople said that “in preparation for the granting of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine” was appointed its Exarch in Kyiv Archbishop Pamphylian Daniel from the USA and Bishop Hilarion of Edmonton Canada. “The appointment of the Exarch is a gross violation of canonical territory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The purpose of the exarchs in Kiev took place without the knowledge of his Beatitude Metropolitan of Kyiv and all Ukraine Onuphrius, as a single canonical Bishop of the city of Kiev. The

The Ecumenical Patriarchate has appointed representatives in Ukraine

The Ecumenical Patriarchate has appointed representatives in Ukraine KYIV, 7 Sep — RIA Novosti. The Ecumenical Patriarchate will send to Ukraine two representatives “in preparation for the granting of autocephaly”. This was reported by Ukrainian non-canonical Church structure. Upstairs Yesterday in Istanbul hosted a meeting of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, where the sides discussed “matters of mutual interest issues”. Ukrainian media reported that allegedly Bartholomew informed of the decision of Constantinople to provide the Church in the Ukraine Autocephalous. According to the report, representatives appointed his grace Archbishop Daniel Pamphylian from the USA and his grace Bishop Hilarion of Edmonton Canada. It is noted that they become Exarch in Kyiv.

Of the Russian Orthodox Church promised not to leave unanswered the appointment of bishops in Ukraine

Of the Russian Orthodox Church promised not to leave unanswered the appointment of bishops in Ukraine MOSCOW, 7 sen — news. The appointment of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople their representatives in Ukraine without the consent of the Moscow Patriarchate is an invasion of its canonical territory, and it will not remain unanswered, said Friday the head of the Synodal Department for Church and society and the media Vladimir Legoyda. Upstairs Earlier, the UOC announced that the Patriarchate of Constantinople “in preparation for the granting of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine” was appointed its Exarch in Kyiv Archbishop Pamphylian Daniel from the USA and Bishop Hilarion of Edmonton Canada.

Zoologists have discovered in Antarctica hundreds of mummified penguins

Zoologists have discovered in Antarctica hundreds of mummified penguins Zoologists found evidence of two massive extinctions of colonies of Adelie penguins, which occurred around 750 and 200 years ago. Upstairs They found on the coast of East Antarctica about a hundred mummies of birds, hidden under a layer of snow, reported in the journal of Geophysical Research. The researchers explain these events of heavy rainfall, which forced the animals to leave many of subcolony. It is expected that such weather conditions will become more common as a result of changes in climate that will make mass extinctions more likely. NewsFrom the Museum in the US has kidnapped thousands of live spiders Global climate change on the planet leads to very different consequences, which affect both individual species and entire ecosystems. In particular, scientists fear an increase in precipitation in some regions, which could cause a displacement of climatic zones. Despite

Hawaiian turtle defeated the house of his master (video)

Hawaiian turtle defeated the house of his master (video) But he was okay, and took off all on camera. Upstairs American Jeremy Osuna with his girlfriend in may 2018 during the eruption of the volcano Kilauea in Hawaii rescued from the lake, a large tortoise and left her to live at home. Lafayette (as they called the new pet) is not a baby — she refers to African spurred tortoises which are the third highest in the world after the Galapagos giant tortoises. NewsScientists have figured out who will win the race between the tortoise and the hare With a couple and their two dogs Lafayette hit it off, but Jeremy just in case, I locked it in a separate room when they went out of the house. But this time everything went according to plan, and the turtle was left to wander freely around the house. And a very

Poroshenko said that he would not ask Putin for permission to enter NATO

Poroshenko said that he would not ask Putin for permission to enter NATO KYIV, September 8 — RIA Novosti. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that he would not ask President Vladimir Putin permission to European and Euro-Atlantic integration. Upstairs Poroshenko on Monday submitted to Parliament a draft law on amendments to the Constitution, which enshrines the country’s course to EU and NATO. “The principled position of Ukraine is the following: we have not asked and do not intend to ask the aggressor and Putin permission regarding the European integration process and with respect to our Euro-Atlantic integration. It is exclusively a sovereign right of the Ukrainian people”, — quotes the press service Poroshenko, he said in an interview with the Zhytomyr regional TV channel “W1”. Poroshenko noted that the majority of Ukrainians believe the rate in the EU and NATO a key factor in the security of the state.

Alaskans did not notice a tsunami height of 200 meters

Alaskans did not notice a tsunami height of 200 meters Alaska was hit by the tsunami with a height of 200 meters, but no one noticed. Scientists have found that melting glaciers can cause other natural disasters in other parts of the world. Upstairs A tsunami with a height of almost 200 meters — not fiction and not an invention of Hollywood film makers. These extreme events occur on Earth, and the last happened just recently — only three years ago, off the coast of Alaska. NewsFamine, pestilence, death, and deformation of railway tracks The incident in October 2015 at the Taan fjord in the South-East of the state scientists call the fourth-largest tsunami recorded reliably, however, after the fact, for the last hundred years. And the reason — the melting of the glacier, which caused a giant landslide, leads scientists to believe that such catastrophic events may in future