Oil prices began to rise

The price of Brent crude on the London ICE exchange rose 5.1% to $ 73.48 per barrel Oil futures price Brent for January 2022 delivery on the London ICE began to rise. It increased by 51 percent to 73.48 per barrel, follows from the data of the trading floor at 22:33 Moscow time. At the same time, the price of a WTI crude oil futures rose by 5.33 percent, reaching 69 , $ 79 per barrel. By 22:37 Moscow time, Brent oil was trading at $ 73.52 per barrel (+5.21 percent). The price of a WTI crude oil futures increased by 5.45 percent to $ 69.87 per barrel.

The State Duma named the reasons for Biden's interest in normal relations with Russia

Deputy Shkhagoshev: Biden is interested in normal relations with the Russian Federation for his authority US President Joe Biden is interested in normal relations with Russia, so that maintain its authority and demonstrate the ability to find a common language with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. This was the reason given by State Duma Deputy Adalbi Shkhagoshev, RIA Novosti reports. “Not because he loves and respects Russia very much, but in order to maintain his authority within the country, he must show that he finds a common language with the coolest politician in the world now – Putin, “the parliamentarian said. Shkhagoshev added that at present this could lead to the normalization of relations between Moscow and Washington. According to him, how Biden will cope with the situation will be shown by time and the results of the conversation with the Russian leader. The deputy expressed confidence that the conversation will

The State Duma named the reasons for Biden's interest in normal relations with Russia

Deputy Shkhagoshev: Biden is interested in normal relations with the Russian Federation for his authority US President Joe Biden is interested in normal relations with Russia, so that maintain its authority and demonstrate the ability to find a common language with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. This was the reason given by State Duma Deputy Adalbi Shkhagoshev, RIA Novosti reports. “Not because he loves and respects Russia very much, but in order to maintain his authority within the country, he must show that he finds a common language with the coolest politician in the world now – Putin, “the parliamentarian said. Shkhagoshev added that at present this could lead to the normalization of relations between Moscow and Washington. According to him, how Biden will cope with the situation will be shown by time and the results of the conversation with the Russian leader. The deputy expressed confidence that the conversation will

Минцифры предложило условие ограничения записи на «Госуслугах»

«Возможность осуществления записи на прием в орган (организацию) посредством единого портала, порталов услуг или официальных сайтов может быть ограничена органом (организацией) в случае, если при рассмотрении органом (организацией) запроса выявлено превышение лимита запросов, установленного административным регламентом предоставления услуги в части ограничения определенного количества возможных к подаче запросов в определенный промежуток времени одним заявителем до получения результата предоставления услуги либо мотивированного отказа в предоставлении услуги», — отмечается в документе. Ограничение планируется распространить и на МФЦ. Также предлагается проверять сформированные запросы единым порталом или официальным сайтом. При выявлении некорректно заполненного поля электронной формы заявителя предполагается уведомлять о характере ошибки и порядке ее устранения непосредственно в форме запроса. 1 декабря вступил в силу закон о бесплатном доступе к социально значимым сайтам. А него попали ресурсы государственных и муниципальных органов власти, внебюджетных фондов, порталы госуслуг. С 1 апреля Минцифры разрабатывает проект «Доступный интернет». Завершить его планировали в июле, но продлили до 31 декабря. В предложенном в 2020 году ведомством списке социально значимых порталов был 391 ресурс. В нынешнем — 371 сайт.

The United States spoke about the measures for the “invasion” of Russia in Ukraine

US administration: Washington and the EU have developed measures against the Russian Federation during the “invasion” of Ukraine that the United States, together with the European Union (EU), developed economic countermeasures against Russia in the event of its allegedly possible invasion of Ukraine. TASS writes about this. “We have held intensive consultations with our European partners on what we will do collectively in the event of a major military escalation by Russia in Ukraine,” an administration official said, adding that Washington believes that he has the possibility of further action, which will imply significant economic countermeasures from both the Europeans and the United States. According to the representative of the American administration, this will cause “significant and serious damage to the Russian economy if they will decide to do it. ” “We believe that there is an opportunity to give Russia a clear signal that it will truly incur significant,

WHO assessed the level of vaccination of the population against COVID-19

WHO chief Gebreyesus: more than 100 countries do not have 40 percent COVID-19 vaccination in humans The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that more than 100 countries do not have 40 percent COVID-19 vaccine coverage, and more than half of them are at risk of not meeting this goal set by the WHO. This was announced by WHO Director General Tedros Adanom Ghebreyesus, reports TASS. “More than 100 countries have not yet reached the 40 percent target, and more than half of them, located mainly in Africa, risk not reaching it by the end this year, mainly due to the fact that they do not have access to the vaccines they need, “- said about the level of vaccination Ghebreyesus. The head of the organization also recalled that now more than 80 percent of those available in vaccines have gone to the G20 countries, while low-income countries, most of

The State Duma assessed the introduction of new measures due to a new strain of coronavirus

Deputy Khubezov called the closure of Russia's borders because of the omicron strain COVID-19 Head of the State Duma Health Protection Committee Dmitry Khubezov the introduction of new restrictions in the country due to the omicron strain of the coronavirus. He spoke about this on the air of the Russia-24 TV channel. The deputy called the introduction of new measures senseless due to the omicron strain of COVID-19. In his opinion, there is no need to close Russia's borders against the background of the stratified situation. “This, in fact, makes no sense. At the moment, I do not think any additional measures, in addition to those that have already been introduced, are required, “he stressed. In addition, Khubezov urged to accelerate the immunization process in the country, despite the increased pace vaccination against coronavirus. “We do not just need to vaccinate, now 80% of the population say, but they need

The State Duma assessed the introduction of new measures due to a new strain of coronavirus

Deputy Khubezov called the closure of Russia's borders because of the omicron strain COVID-19 Head of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection Dmitry Khubesov the introduction of new restrictions in the country due to the omicron strain of the coronavirus. He spoke about this on the air of the Russia-24 TV channel. The deputy called the introduction of new measures senseless due to the omicron strain of COVID-19. In his opinion, there is no need to close Russia's borders against the background of the stratified situation. “This, in fact, makes no sense. At the moment, I do not think any additional measures, in addition to those that have already been introduced, are required, “he stressed. In addition, Khubezov urged to accelerate the immunization process in the country, despite the increased pace vaccination against coronavirus. “We do not just need to vaccinate, now 80% of the population say, but they

The United States spoke about the measures for the “invasion” of Russia in Ukraine

US administration: Washington and the EU have developed measures against the Russian Federation during the “invasion” of Ukraine that the United States, together with the European Union (EU), developed economic countermeasures against Russia in the event of its allegedly possible invasion of Ukraine. TASS writes about this. “We have held intensive consultations with our European partners on what we will do collectively in the event of a major military escalation by Russia in Ukraine,” an administration official said, adding that Washington believes that he has the possibility of further action, which will imply significant economic countermeasures from both the Europeans and the United States. According to the representative of the American administration, this will cause “significant and serious damage to the Russian economy if they will decide to do it. ” “We believe that there is an opportunity to give Russia a clear signal that it will truly incur significant,