Russian Consul General spoke about positive developments in visa issues with the United States

Russian Consul General in Houston Zakharov: there are positive trends with the United States in issuing visas to diplomats Russian Consul General in Houston Alexander Zakharov said positive shifts have appeared in negotiations with the United States on issuing visas to diplomats. His words are quoted by RIA Novosti. “I would like to say that positive trends have been outlined in the last month. Thanks to the talks with the participation of the Russian Foreign Ministry – you are aware that a bilateral dialogue is under way in Vienna – there have been some positive shifts, ”the Consul General said. Zakharov expressed hope that the dialogue would lead to more significant and significant results … According to him, the employees of the Consulate General in Houstne have a large volume of tasks associated with the departure of many diplomats. The Consul General explained that currently work is underway with 13

In the United States, they named a way to resolve the conflict in Ukraine

Representative of the State Department Price: the situation in Ukraine can be resolved by diplomatic means In his opinion, the situation can still be resolved by diplomatic means, writes TASS. “We believe that there is a possibility of a diplomatic solution, primarily through the implementation of the Minsk agreements. This is our priority, “Price said, adding that the United States does not recognize restrictions on Ukraine's right to apply for NATO membership. According to a State Department official, countries' entry into the alliance should remain an opportunity for aspiring countries. who can fulfill the corresponding obligations, which are set out openly, namely, if they can and are ready to help ensure security in the Euro-Atlantic region. Previously, Price said that the United States welcomes Ukraine's right to determine its future in the context of membership to NATO. The spokesman noted that in this regard, Russia is of concern and its

52-year-old model starred in a bosom outfit and thrilled fans

Helena Christensen starred for Harpers Bazaar in a latex bodysuit and a dress with a neckline Singaporean version of fashion magazine Harpers Bazaar and thrilled fans. A corresponding series of shots and comments from netizens appeared on her Instagram page. The 52-year-old celebrity starred in several outfits. So, for example, in one of the frames she poses in a black latex bodysuit, gloves, high-heeled shoes and a wide-brimmed hat. In another photo, the model is captured in a black midi-length dress with a bosom cutout and boots of the same color. Christensen was also photographed in a red low-cut dress and a black crop top paired with beige high-waist briefs. Fans have appreciated the model's appearance in the comments below the pictures. “Stunning!” Over the years, you only become more beautiful. Congratulations on the cover! ”,“ Incredible figure, ”they praised. In October, Helena Christensen starred in a candid photo shoot

52-year-old model starred in a bosom outfit and thrilled fans

Helena Christensen starred for Harpers Bazaar in a latex bodysuit and a dress with a neckline Singaporean version of fashion magazine Harpers Bazaar and thrilled fans. A corresponding series of shots and comments from netizens appeared on her Instagram page. The 52-year-old celebrity starred in several outfits. So, for example, in one of the frames she poses in a black latex bodysuit, gloves, high-heeled shoes and a wide-brimmed hat. In another photo, the model is captured in a black midi-length dress with a bosom cutout and boots of the same color. Christensen was also photographed in a red low-cut dress and a black crop top paired with beige high-waist briefs. Fans have appreciated the model's appearance in the comments below the pictures. “Stunning!” Over the years, you only become more beautiful. Congratulations on the cover! ”,“ Incredible figure, ”they praised. In October, Helena Christensen starred in a candid photo shoot

Russian frigates got new opportunities

Izvestia: Russian frigates of project 22350 “Admiral Gorshkov” received the air defense system “Polyment-Redut” Russian frigates of project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov “received an anti-aircraft missile system (SAM)” Polyment-Redut “. It will allow hitting at the same time not only air, but also sea targets. The Russian Navy (Navy) has already completed tests in which they practiced the destruction of enemy surface ships, writes Izvestia. According to Izvestia sources, the tests took place over several years and ended at the end of autumn 2021 year. Russian frigates received new opportunities: the Poliment-Redut air defense missile system was placed on the frigate Admiral Gorshkov as part of the Northern Fleet. The ship's crew worked out the launches of an anti-aircraft guided missile (SAM) and actions during such strikes. It is noted that during the tests all targets were hit, and the work was called successful. Strikes against naval targets were carried out

Russian frigates got new opportunities

Izvestia: Russian frigates of project 22350 “Admiral Gorshkov” received the air defense missile system “Polyment-Redut” Russian frigates of project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov “received an anti-aircraft missile system (SAM)” Polyment-Redut “. It will allow hitting at the same time not only air, but also sea targets. The Russian Navy (Navy) has already completed tests in which they practiced the destruction of enemy surface ships, writes Izvestia. According to Izvestia sources, the tests took place over several years and ended at the end of autumn 2021 year. Russian frigates received new opportunities: the Poliment-Redut air defense missile system was placed on the frigate Admiral Gorshkov as part of the Northern Fleet. The ship's crew worked out the launches of an anti-aircraft guided missile (SAM) and actions during such strikes. It is noted that during the tests all targets were hit, and the work was called successful. Strikes against naval targets were carried

The State Duma explained the US interest in “tension” in Ukraine

State Duma Deputy Shkhagoshev: US military lobbyists have chosen Ukraine as a place of tension American troops from Afghanistan, their military lobbyists needed to find a new place of tension in the world and the situation around Ukraine became their main area of ​​interest. Earlier, a senior White House official said that the United States believed that Russia was ready to attack Ukraine with three sides. He noted that Washington does not know whether Russian President Vladimir Putin made a decision on the readiness to “invade Ukraine.” According to the deputy, US military lobbyists often choose high-ranking speakers in different countries who make statements – for which tension remains on the border of Russia and Ukraine. The politician also noted that military lobbyists need to master the huge funds of the American defense industry. According to him, this is the sole purpose of pursuing such a policy and increasing the

The United States again accused Russian hackers of attempting to steal data

Mandiant: Russian intelligence hackers continue to steal data US-based Mandiant, which discovered the SolarWinds hack in 2020, hackers, allegedly connected with the Russian special services, were again accused of continuing to attempt to steal data. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the company's report. It is noted that the American company admitted in its report the lack of complete confidence that the hacks were carried out precisely in the interests of Moscow, but expressed their guesses that the suspect in the West, in the work for Russian intelligence, the hacker community is behind some of the activity identified by their experts. It also stated that in most cases the data theft was “relevant to Russian interests.” Microsoft is Nobelium, “the report says. Earlier it became known that hackers hacked into the e-mail of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), sending out tens of thousands of letters from

Onishchenko said about the “humanity” of the omicron-strain of coronavirus

Epidemiologist Onishchenko called for “transforming” the New Year celebrations in Russia Refuse to participate in New Year's events due to COVID-19, including because of the new strain of coronavirus, omicron is not worth it, said epidemiologist Gennady Onishchenko, writes TASS. According to him, it is best to celebrate the New Year with relatives. “Let the people rest, that's enough, they've played enough. If you are vaccinated, protected, then why refuse the holidays, ”he said. At the same time, the physician urged to “transform” the celebration of the New Year. “Not drinking, not partying, but communicating with relatives, at home,” the specialist explained. Onishchenko added that the new strain of coronavirus is less dangerous. It will supplant all other types of COVID-19 in the near future, he said, but it probably won't do significant harm. “In any case, today there is not a single proven death from him. This suggests that

Onishchenko said about the “humanity” of the omicron-strain of coronavirus

Epidemiologist Onishchenko called for “transforming” the New Year celebrations in Russia Refuse to participate in New Year's events due to COVID-19, including because of the new strain of coronavirus, omicron is not worth it, said epidemiologist Gennady Onishchenko, writes TASS. According to him, it is best to celebrate the New Year with relatives. “Let the people rest, that's enough, they've played enough. If you are vaccinated, protected, then why refuse the holidays, ”he said. At the same time, the physician urged to “transform” the celebration of the New Year. “Not drinking, not partying, but communicating with relatives, at home,” the specialist explained. Onishchenko added that the new strain of coronavirus is less dangerous. It will supplant all other types of COVID-19 in the near future, he said, but it probably won't do significant harm. “In any case, today there is not a single proven death from him. This suggests that