Ukraine asked the United States for weapons intended for Afghanistan

FP: Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov asked the US for weapons intended for Afghanistan the supply of weapons, including through the weapons systems that the United States intended for supplies to Afghanistan. Foreign Policy writes about this. “The detailed list of weapons, which was first presented by Reznikov to Austin in mid-November, and which was not previously reported in detail, included means for air, naval defense and electronic warfare.” the publication says. The publication, referring to a representative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, notes that Kiev intended to receive part of the equipment that was planned to be sent to Afghanistan before the Taliban came to power there ( the terrorist organization is prohibited in Russia ). We are talking about US-owned Mi-17 helicopters and ammunition. Foreign Policy writes that the administration of US President Joe Biden is considering options to strengthen the armed forces of Ukraine in the

Ukraine asked the United States for weapons intended for Afghanistan

FP: Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov asked the US for weapons intended for Afghanistan the supply of weapons, including through the weapons systems that the United States intended for supplies to Afghanistan. Foreign Policy writes about this. “The detailed list of weapons, which was first presented by Reznikov to Austin in mid-November, and which was not previously reported in detail, included means for air, naval defense and electronic warfare.” the publication says. The publication, referring to a representative of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, notes that Kiev intended to receive part of the equipment that was planned to be sent to Afghanistan before the Taliban came to power there ( the terrorist organization is prohibited in Russia ). We are talking about US-owned Mi-17 helicopters and ammunition. Foreign Policy writes that the administration of US President Joe Biden is considering options to strengthen the armed forces of Ukraine in the

The girl met the beloved of a 60-year-old father and was surprised at one fact

A Reddit user was surprised at her resemblance to her father's new beloved -year-old father and was surprised at one fact about her. According to the 19-year-old girl, she was unpleasantly amazed at how much the 23-year-old friend of her parent was like her. The author of the post said that she met her father's new beloved a few weeks ago. “My father’s girlfriend looks exactly like me. We have the same taste in clothes, similar manners and voices. We look the same, and it's very scary, “she said. The heroine of the story added that they were so similar that the waitress in the cafe mistook them for twin sisters. “I was so ashamed when the employee of the establishment realized that it was his girlfriend, not his daughter,” she admitted. The user added that she felt uncomfortable when she noticed the waitress discussing this with her coworkers. After

The Riverdale star bought the former home of the creator of the famous cartoon character

Dirt: Actor Cole Sprouse bought a house in Los Angeles for nearly three million dollars top, or the Life of Zach and Cody “and” Riverdale “Cole Sprouse bought a house in Los Angeles. The property is considered the former possession of screenwriter Millard Kaufman, who created the character of the famous cartoon Mister Magoo, reports Dirt. The actor's new home is located in the Hollywood Hills. The house was built for Kaufman in 1949 and they belonged to him until 1997. The seller has owned the property since 2016 when he bought it for $ 2.3 million. Sprouse paid almost three million dollars for the house (more than 221 million rubles). The 232 square meter house is located on a plot of less than a hectare. Inside there are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen combined with a living room and a dining room. The interior is decorated in light

Nutritionist shared a recipe for Olivier, less dangerous for the figure

Nutritionist Makukha called a way to reduce the harm of Olivier salad for the figure from Olivier for the New Year, and shared a recipe for a version of salad that is less dangerous for the figure. The nutritionist's words are given in the press release at the disposal of Related materials 00:07 – 10 January “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat” How food changes our minds, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist00: 01 – December 17, 2020 ” Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one's fault. ” She explained that sausage contains a lot of preservatives and trans fats. In beef, there are no preservatives or additives, it also has more protein and less fat. The nutritionist also named a way to reduce the amount of sugar and salt: for this, you need to add fresh

The girl met the beloved of a 60-year-old father and was surprised at one fact

A Reddit user was surprised to see her resemblance to her father's new beloved -year-old father and was surprised at one fact about her. According to the 19-year-old girl, she was unpleasantly amazed at how much the 23-year-old friend of her parent was like her. The author of the post said that she met her father's new beloved a few weeks ago. “My father’s girlfriend looks exactly like me. We have the same taste in clothes, similar manners and voices. We look the same, and it's very scary, “she said. The heroine of the story added that they were so similar that the waitress in the cafe mistook them for twin sisters. “I was so ashamed when the employee of the establishment realized that it was his girlfriend, not his daughter,” she admitted. The user added that she felt uncomfortable when she noticed the waitress discussing this with her coworkers.

The Riverdale star bought the former home of the creator of the famous cartoon character

Dirt: Actor Cole Sprouse bought a house in Los Angeles for nearly three million dollars top, or the Life of Zach and Cody “and” Riverdale “Cole Sprouse bought a house in Los Angeles. The property is considered the former possession of screenwriter Millard Kaufman, who created the character of the famous cartoon Mister Magoo, reports Dirt. The actor's new home is located in the Hollywood Hills. The house was built for Kaufman in 1949 and they belonged to him until 1997. The seller has owned the property since 2016 when he bought it for $ 2.3 million. Sprouse paid almost three million dollars for the house (more than 221 million rubles). The 232 square meter house is located on a plot of less than a hectare. Inside there are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen combined with a living room and a dining room. The interior is decorated in light

Nutritionist shared a recipe for Olivier, less dangerous for the figure

Nutritionist Makukha called a way to reduce the harm of Olivier salad for the figure from Olivier for the New Year, and shared a recipe for a version of salad that is less dangerous for the figure. The nutritionist's words are given in a press release at the disposal of Related materials 00:07 – 10 January “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat” How food changes our minds, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist00: 01 – December 17, 2020 ” Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one's fault. ” She explained that sausage contains a lot of preservatives and trans fats. In beef, there are no preservatives or additives, it also has more protein and less fat. The nutritionist also named a way to reduce the amount of sugar and salt: for this, you need to add fresh

Вирусолог назвал штамм «омикрон» живой вакциной

«Есть оптимистичное мнение, что <…>, может быть, природа создала живую вакцину против коронавируса. То есть те люди, которые переболеют и перенесут этот штамм коронавируса, станут устойчивыми к болезнетворным вариантам», — приводит портал слова специалиста. Чумаков выразил надежду, что с появлением «Омикрона» человечество сможет забыть про локдауны. В то же время он отметил, что пока неясно, вытеснит ли «омикрон» другие штаммы коронавируса. В 20-х числах ноября ученые сообщили о появлении в Ботсване и ЮАР штамма коронавируса B.1.1.529, который содержит 32 мутации в S-белке, необходимом патогену для заражения клеток. По мнению исследователей, многие из новых изменений в геноме SARS-CoV-2 указывают на высокую трансмиссивность этого варианта и устойчивость к защитным антителам переболевших и привитых, хотя окончательные выводы делать пока рано. Всемирная организация здравоохранения на чрезвычайном заседании признала B.1.1.529 «вызывающим озабоченность» и присвоила ему название «омикрон» — по 15-й букве греческого алфавита. Эксперты считают, что заражаться могут уже переболевшие и вакцинированные.

Leaders of five countries urged Russia to ease tensions over Ukraine

“The leaders called on Russia to reduce the escalation of relations and & nbsp; reaffirmed their steadfast support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine & rap; & nbsp; reports to Reuters the words of spokesman Johnson. RIA Novosti reports that, according to his message, the heads of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany and & nbsp; Italy “ agreed to speak again after tomorrow (December 7 & nbsp; & mdash; & nbsp; & ldquo; Kommersant & rdquo;) President Biden's conversation with & nbsp; President Putin. ''/p> According to the French side, the participants in the dialogue called for the resumption of negotiations in the Normandy format. “ They reiterated that & nbsp; Russia needs to resume participation in & nbsp; negotiations with & nbsp; Ukraine in & nbsp; Normandy format under the auspices of France and & nbsp; Germany & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; indicated in the &