Russian cities will be connected to the “bespereboynik”
Russian cities will be connected to the “bespereboynik” In January of 2019 in Novosibirsk will be launched first in Russia manufacture of uninterruptible power supply, which will increase the efficiency of power supply of entire cities drives provide backup power during outages current and reduce the load on the power grid and equipment of the CHP and HPP. The first Russian electric energy storage device of high power in the beginning of this year has presented Novosibirsk state technical University, who acted as the developer, and a subsidiary of “the DC System”. Drives are developed at the Department of electronics and electrical engineering, NSTU. Newsof the Russian engineers showed “santesmases” around the world (photos) The essence of development is creation of the equipment complex, which allows to accumulate the electric power in a period of excess and immediately return to the network in times of scarcity. While two developed drive: