US Ambassador to Germany reported about possible sanctions because of the “Nord stream — 2”

US Ambassador to Germany reported about possible sanctions because of the “Nord stream — 2” MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. The U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell sent out letters to a number of German companies and hinted at the possibility of imposing sanctions from the United States because of the support of the “Nord stream-2”, said the publication Bild. “As you know, the United States strongly opposed the “Nord stream-2″… Pipeline carries major geopolitical consequences for our European allies and partners. Our concerns are widely shared. EU members from Eastern Europe, many governments in Western Europe and Canada oppose the project. These partners share our concern nerastas aggressive behavior of Russia, especially Moscow is using energy resources as political and economic levers,” — said in a letter to Grenelle placed at the disposal of edition. The publication suggests that such letters were sent out to a number of

On the border of USA and Mexico found the 10-metre tunnel

On the border of USA and Mexico found the 10-metre tunnel WASHINGTON, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. Near the American state of Arizona discovered the tunnel, which, on suspicion of the authorities of Mexico, was used to transport drugs and people between the two countries, reports The Hill. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий According to the newspaper, this is the third such tunnel discovered in the last month. According to police, the length of this tunnel is about 10 meters. “This is the third tunnel that was discovered last month amid the partial closure of Federal agencies and against the backdrop of fierce debate about the proposal of the President (of the USA Donald) trump to build a wall along the US border and Mexico,” writes The Hill. A number of U.S. agencies, including the state Department, the Ministry of justice, Ministry of internal security, transport and agriculture, are in degraded mode since December

Found on the streets of Ecuador, the man disappeared in Russia 8 years ago

Found on the streets of Ecuador, the man disappeared in Russia 8 years ago The Russian Embassy in Ecuador has confirmed that a homecoming to St. Petersburg Russians, who about eight years ago he disappeared in Russia without a trace. About it “RIA Novosti” was informed in the Embassy on Friday, January 12. We are talking about the Russian Maxim Bakharev, which found social services on the streets of the capital Quito — homeless and without money. “His health was not very good, particularly in terms of mental disorders”, — said the press Secretary of the Embassy Andrey Schedrin. The diplomat added that the parents paid for the flight son’s home in Saint Petersburg with the airline Lufthansa. In March 2018 the government of the Omsk region has allocated 7 million rubles for the benefits 4 million people who return home from abroad in 2018. Most of the funds received

Unsuccessful shot down icicle in Saratov sparked a debate among foreigners

Unsuccessful shot down icicle in Saratov sparked a debate among foreigners MOSCOW, January 12 — RIA Novosti. Knocking down giant icicles in Saratov has caused an online discussion among foreigners. A video which captured the incident, posted on YouTube. On Wednesday the Saratov public utilities were engaged in cleaning of roofs from snow and icicles, but if you try to shoot down a huge ice build-up was the damaged part of the roof of the building. The Network has discussed the failure of the employees of public utilities. Some sympathized with the workers, noting that there was no other way. During the download an error has occurred. “Just what will be, will be. Here or that one day she would be hit on the head by passers-by,” wrote Kreepy Pasta. User Mr Marks suggested to build a wooden platform to put her in an icicle and break her fall. He

Named the country with the highest mortality rate due to malnutrition

Named the country with the highest mortality rate due to malnutrition Experts have made a rating of European countries in terms of mortality from cardiovascular and other diseases caused by incorrect nutrition, writes Daily Mail. According to the researchers, in 2016 from heart disease, obesity and high blood pressure caused by excessive salt intake and inadequate consumption of vegetables in Europe killed 2.1 million people. The country with the highest mortality rate from malnutrition has become Uzbekistan. There on 100 thousand population are victims of harmful eating habits have become 394. On the second and third places of the rating of Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. The top ten includes Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia. In Western Europe, the worst performance in Germany. Scientists also noted that, for example in Sweden and Norway the main problem of developing cardiovascular diseases is insufficient intake of nuts and cereals. “Increased consumption

Fled Saudi girl came to Canada in

Fled Saudi girl came to Canada in Rahaf Alcano, who fled from Saudi Arabia and announced “years of violence” on the part of relatives, flew to Canada, the authorities which granted her asylum, Reuters reports. The plane landed at the Pearson international airport in Toronto on Saturday morning, January 12. It is expected that in the near future the Minister of foreign Affairs of Canada Chrystia Freeland will make a formal statement. Original MS ALKANON wanted to go to Australia, in early January, a transit flight, she arrived in Bangkok. There her passport was taken by the staff of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia, who said that the girl should return home. Rahaf ALKANON the escaped diplomats and barricaded himself in the transit area of the airport. On 8 January, she met with representatives of the office of the UN high Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR), who took the girl under

The Russians have the money psychics from the show. The revelations do not help

The Russians have the money psychics from the show. The revelations do not help In the last few months journalists have rolled out a new batch of revelations “the battle of psychics”. This time the program took seriously threw a veil of anonymity and forced to speak on camera, though hidden, participants and winners of the show. Their recognition does not please the producers of “Battle”. 12 years ago on the Russian television there was “the Battle of psychics.” The transfer is firmly established as a factory for the production of charlatans, but this did not affect her presence on TV. “The battle of psychics” is still on TNT and even acquired side projects like “Psychics are investigating”. The media systematically prove that the authors of the mystical show of Russians lead by the nose, forcing them to believe in an afterlife and causing it to turn for help to

They grew rich on the universal poverty. The history of underground millionaires of the USSR

They grew rich on the universal poverty. The history of underground millionaires of the USSR “” continues a series of publications on the ingenious Scam of the Soviet Union — the people who under penalty of death managed to make fortunes in the eyes of the authorities. During the war years and the postwar period there were underground businessmen, for which the total deficit became the key to wealth. In a previous article we talked about the Benjamin Wiseman — the irrepressible con artist who claims to be twice hero of the Soviet Union. He provided a comfortable life by tricking the Soviet of Ministers. Weisman wasn’t the only one in its kind: in the war years and the postwar period there were underground businessmen, machinists, who grew rich on a terrible deficit, without regard to the government and comrade Stalin. In a country where not enough of everything from

Elon Musk has published pictures of the ship Starship

Elon Musk has published pictures of the ship Starship The founder of the aerospace company SpaceX Elon Musk has published pictures of the second stage of the rocket carrier Starship. The picture was taken on the SpaceX spaceport in Texas (USA). “Just completed installation of the rocket Starship on the SpaceX spaceport in Texas. This is the real picture, not a prototype,” wrote a businessman on his Twitter page. Starship test flight rocket just finished assembly at the @SpaceX Texas launch site. This is an actual picture, not a rendering. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 11, 2019 The second stage super-heavy launch vehicle Starship are equipped with seven engines of the Raptor and is designed to output the payload into orbit then return and run. Starship dimensions: height — 55 m, diameter — 9 m. tests of vertical take-off and landing will begin in the spring of this year.

Doctors saved the leg baby from Magnitogorsk

Doctors saved the leg baby from Magnitogorsk MOSCOW, January 12 — RIA Novosti. The condition of the child, evacuated from Magnitogorsk to Moscow after the collapse in residential building is slowly improving — your baby’s leg will be saved, reported the press service of the Ministry of health of Russia. A gas explosion in Magnitogorsk The plane was found after a gas explosion and the collapse of the entrance of the house in Magnitogorsk boy arrived in Moscow on Tuesday evening. Child trapped under the rubble, saved by the fact that he was in the crib and heat wrapped. According to Ministry of health, infant in critical condition was taken to hospital, he has serious frostbite, and also closed cranial-a brain trauma. “Doctors of the Moscow Institute of emergency pediatric surgery and traumatology continue to closely monitor the ten-Vani Fokine. Over the past week it has been stable, with visible