ABC: the US Congress proposed to interrogate the interpreters of trump’s meetings with Putin

ABC: the US Congress proposed to interrogate the interpreters of trump’s meetings with Putin The lawyers of the two committees of the U.S. house of representatives on intelligence and foreign Affairs will discuss whether to subpoena to testify interpreters present at meetings of the US President Donald trump with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, according to ABC. According to sources, the channel, the meeting of representatives of the committees will be held today, January 14. “We are studying the legal implications (call interpreters.— “B”) and discuss all the options. Our lawyers will meet to figure it out,” he told ABC source from the foreign Affairs Committee. The reason for this was the publication of The Washington Post, according to which Donald trump has concealed from members of the administration the details of the negotiations with Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg in

Source: the reason for the failure “the Spectrum-R” it could be cosmic radiation

Source: the reason for the failure “the Spectrum-R” it could be cosmic radiation MOSCOW, January 14. /TASS/ — According to the source, experts suggest that the efficiency of the device was affected by the dose of radiation accumulated in electronics for nearly eight years. The reason for the failure of the command transmitter of the radio telescope “Spektr-R” could be cosmic radiation that has accumulated in the electronics of the camera for nearly eight years of flight. This was reported on Monday TASS source in the space industry. “As the inoperability of the receiving / transmitting device “the Spectrum-R” experts suggest the influence of the radiation dose accumulated over the period of the flight in the electronic components of the satellite”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He explained that this is the third backup transmitter for receiving control commands from Earth, the first two — the primary and the second

Attacked the mayor of gdańsk explained their actions revenge for the torture in prison

Attacked the mayor of gdańsk explained their actions revenge for the torture in prison WARSAW, Jan 14 — RIA Novosti. Man, wounding of the mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich during the charity concert, explained their actions revenge for the torture in prison, according to Polish television TVN24 citing data from the investigators. Armed with a knife man attacked Adamovich Sunday night during a charity concert in Gdansk. According to local media, doctors for a long time revived Adamovich at the scene, then transported to the hospital. Attacking it is detained, the motive is not officially reported. Attending the event, journalists reported that the man before the attack were screaming about what was illegally sentenced to a prison term. According to the channel, the investigators interviewed the suspect immediately after the arrest, the night he will spend in custody. Monday will decide on the qualifications of his actions, and the measure

Trump announced the beginning of withdrawal of troops from Syria and threatened Turkey

Trump announced the beginning of withdrawal of troops from Syria and threatened Turkey The US President Donald trump has threatened Turkey with ruin, if after the departure of American troops from Syria Ankara in the course of their operations will be attacking the Syrian Kurds. About this he wrote on Monday, January 14 in Moscow, on Twitter. The American leader said that the upcoming withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, “long overdue”, while he clearly outlined what will happen to Turkey if it continued to attack Syrian Kurds, who are us allies in the region. “We emptied Turkey economically in that case, if they attack the Kurds,” said the White house. Starting the long overdue pullout from Syria while hitting the little remaining territorial caliphate ISIS hard, and from many directions. Will attack again from existing nearby base if it reforms. Turkey Will devastate economically if they hit Kurds. Create

The construction of the wall on the border with Mexico received a record support of the Americans

The construction of the wall on the border with Mexico received a record support of the Americans As shown by the results of a public opinion poll conducted by ABC News and The Washington Post (.pdf), the number of Americans supporting the President’s position Donald trump to build a wall on the border with Mexico, reached a record level. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий The data from the survey conducted January 8-11, and was published on January 13, the construction of the wall support 42% of respondents. A year ago the figure was 34%. Against the construction continues, the majority (54%), but the number of opponents has decreased significantly — a year ago, they were 63%. But although the question of the wall the Americans are more supportive of the President, a clear majority — 53% — accuse him and the Republican party in continuing in the country the shutdown. Blame the Democrats see

When one can and others can not

When one can and others can not What is forbidden to men in the Madrid bus, as in Turkmenistan, the woman to buy cigarettes and why the streets of Ireland on February 29 desert? “My planet” — on gender bans in different countries. For men Saudi Arabia: to walk the cats and dogs Walking the four-legged Pets — a great excuse to strike up a passing acquaintance with the woman. Therefore, to violate the norms of Islam. So considered the religious police of the country and, apparently, thinking that women taboo enough, forbidden to walk the cats and dogs to men. The offender faces confiscation of the pet. And its owner will have to sign a written oath not to repeat the offense. If caught again, the case will be resolved in court. Spain: spreading your legs on public transport The relevant law was adopted in Madrid. In 2017, local

Bare Queen: a tragic story of Linda Lovelace

Bare Queen: a tragic story of Linda Lovelace The world’s first adult film star has dedicated himself to the struggle with pornography. She was the first actress of films for adults that were called star — and the press-agents, and the public; and even that part that didn’t go to this movie (it was for a dozen years before the revolution of home video). And that she left the porn industry, gave all the remaining power of her exposing: not a factory of dreams languid and sensual illusions, and dirt, dirt and again dirt. January 10, Linda Lovelace would have turned 70 years — and the journalist Alexey Korolev remembered for “News” what else besides a “Deep throat” was also famous for the world’s first porn star. A victim of circumstances There was a time when porn stars simply did not exist. Adult movies were shot, but who played in

The Nobel laureate was deprived of the honorary titles for doubt in the mind of blacks

The Nobel laureate was deprived of the honorary titles for doubt in the mind of blacks Moscow. January 13. INTERFAX.RU James Watson, who once had expressed doubts about the future of Africa, reiterated that intelligence is connected to race. American scientist James Watson won a Nobel prize for the discovery of DNA, stripped of all honorary titles due to his controversial statements about race and intelligence. As informs “bi-Bi-si”, the famous biologist in the television show reopened the issue, claiming that genes contribute to the differences between the average IQ of the representatives of Caucasoid and Negroid races. In a laboratory in cold spring Harbor, which Director Watson had previously been called his words were unsubstantiated and reckless. 90-year-old scientist and has previously made such assumptions. In particular, in 2007, he said that the future of Africa seemed rather sad, because “all our social policies are based on the assumption

The Polish mayor of Gdansk hospitalized after the attack

The Polish mayor of Gdansk hospitalized after the attack An unidentified man with a knife attacked the Polish mayor of Gdansk Pavel Adamovich during the charity concert, reported local Internet portal Onet. The mayor was hospitalized in serious condition. The offender ran on stage at the concert and stated that he was illegally imprisoned in the reign of the previous government of Poland. A scuffle ensued, during which the mayor was wounded. It first tried to revive on the spot, then was taken to the hospital. The assailant arrested. At the scene police work. The health of the mayor was assessed as “very serious”, said “RIA Novosti” at University clinical center of Gdansk. “There is no information about his condition will not be served. Tomorrow (14 Jan.— “B”) scheduled a press conference at the hospital,” — said in the clinic.

The ROC responded to Poroshenko’s demand to “show Tomos”

The ROC responded to Poroshenko’s demand to “show Tomos” MOSCOW, 13 Jan — RIA Novosti. The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church has responded to the demand of Petro Poroshenko to the ROC “show Tomos”. In conversation with RT, he stressed the unprecedented nature of the intervention Poroshenko in the case of Orthodox believers in Ukraine. We believe that this is a blatant mixture of religion and politics that we see in the face of this man, will not bring anything good to the Ukrainian state. The representative of the Russian Orthodox Church noted that “the flirtation of the Ukrainian authorities with Constantinople reached its peak”. The interlocutor of TV channel has noted the reluctance of the Russian Orthodox Church to enter into dialogue with Ukrainian President when he claims to the ROC and the UOC. Earlier the President of Ukraine during a trip to Vinnitsa questioned the canonicity of