The Zimbabwean authorities soothe people off the Internet

The Zimbabwean authorities soothe people off the Internet Large-scale protests continued in the country since the departure of the President to Moscow. 6фотографий6фотографий The largest Internet provider in Zimbabwe, Econet Wireless, the company announced the shutdown of its services on the orders of the state. Authorities trying to cope with many thousands of protests and riots caused by rising gasoline prices, went on blocking the Internet to the protest organizers could not coordinate their actions. However, I suffered from this more than not protesters, and ordinary Zimbabweans. Mass protests began on Monday, January 14, at the call of the Congress of trade Union Zimbabwe, the participants spoke out against a sharp increase in gasoline prices. On Saturday, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has announced that a litre of petrol will now cost 45 Rand ($3,3), more than two times higher than the previous — 19 rands (us$1.4). And on Monday, when Mr

The artist creates a love of vegetables made of felt (photo)

The artist creates a love of vegetables made of felt (photo) Incredibly cute toys. Ukrainian artist Anna Dougan specializiruetsya on the felting of miniature figurines from wool. Own hands she created an amazing world, inhabited with funny and love vegetables, fruits, trees, animals and birds. View this post in Instagram Publication of MANOONI (@manooni_shop) 15 January 2019 at 2:21 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of MANOONI (@manooni_shop) 10 Dec 2018 12:23 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of MANOONI (@manooni_shop) Dec 3, 2018 at 4:56 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of MANOONI (@manooni_shop) May 26, 2018 at 4:52 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of MANOONI (@manooni_shop) February 16, 2018 8:16 PST During the download an

Died a famous traveler woman Lena

Died a famous traveler woman Lena In Krasnoyarsk has passed the famous traveler Helena Erchova, better known as Baba Lena. About the death of 91-year-old woman said her friend Catherine’s dad’s in Facebook. View this post in Instagram Publication of Woman Lena Erhova (@babushka_1927) 20 Jul 2018 9:28 PDT During the download an error has occurred. “Grandmother died. The Kingdom of heaven”, — she wrote, adding his recording made the day before. Information about the death of the traveler to journalists edition of “TVK Krasnojarsk” confirmed her relatives. In December 2018, doctors diagnosed the traveler lung cancer stage four. According to relatives, the last days of Baba Lena was in the hospital in serious condition. Despite his advanced age, the woman traveled around the world with funds with a deferred pension, and kept a personal blog in Instagram. Currently, he signed about 177 thousand.

Unusual offer: the British buried the engagement ring in the ground

Unusual offer: the British buried the engagement ring in the ground To make the offer he was helped by the detector. 31-year-old Jamile Swanson decided to propose to his 30-year-old sweetheart Harriet Haseler original method. Pair prefer active Hobbies: they ride bikes, go Hiking and generally love all sorts of adventures. And after Harriet confessed that as a child I loved to look for treasures with the metal detector, Jamile decided to use this idea to propose to her. View this post in Instagram Publishing from BBC Midlands (@bbc_midlands) Jan 13, 2019 in 1:21 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Metal Detecting Holidays (@metaldetectingholidays) January 12, 2019 at 9:42 PST During the download an error has occurred. The day before he placed a wedding ring with diamonds and sapphires worth 2 thousand dollars in a small metal box and buried her

Two su-34 collided in the sky in the far East

Two su-34 collided in the sky in the far East Russia’s defense Ministry confirmed a clash between two fighter-bombers su-34 in the sky over the sea of Japan. “The crew ejected. An-12 aircraft and two helicopters Mi-8 search and rescue forces search for pilots in the area of the ejection”, — stated in the message Department (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). According to the defense Ministry, the aircraft practiced maneuvering, during which there was a touch in the air. Su-34 the far Eastern Association air force and air defense performed the flight without ammunition. The source of “Interfax” was told that rescuers from the air was able to see in the Tatar Strait emergency lights, presumably, liferaft su-34. According to the Agency, a few minutes ago, there I saw two orange parachute dome. Later, the defense Ministry said that a life raft with the crew ejected found. “The fishing vessel in

SK urged the media not to trust the messages of terrorists about the tragedy in Magnitogorsk

SK urged the media not to trust the messages of terrorists about the tragedy in Magnitogorsk MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/ — a gas Explosion remains the main version of the investigation. A gas explosion in Magnitogorskgas Explosion in Magnitogorsk. Operational информация8 (351) 239-99-99″hotline” of EMERCOM of Russia in the Chelyabinsk областиПодробнее8 (495) 400-99-99Единый “telephone hotline” of EMERCOM of the Russian federation8 (495) 983-79-01Справочная of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Russian federation8 (351) 268-98-54Горячая line of the Ministry of health of the Chelyabinsk области8(351) 940-26-23Штаб of emergency in Magnitogorsk EMERCOM of Russia in the Chelyabinsk region The official website of EMERCOM of Russia The list of the dead 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий Investigators found traces of explosives on the site of the collapse of the house in Magnitogorsk, the version of explosion of gas remains a priority, said TASS, the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko.

Interpol expressed willingness to assist in the investigation of the terrorist attack in Bogota

Interpol expressed willingness to assist in the investigation of the terrorist attack in Bogota TASS, January 18 — the attack killed 21 people. Interpol expressed his condolences in connection with death of people as a result of the terrorist attack that took place Thursday in Bogota, and expressed readiness to provide any necessary assistance. The corresponding statement was published on Twitter the international police organization on Friday. We Express our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the attack at the national police Academy of Colombia. We are ready to provide the necessary support.Jürgen Stargeneral Interpol Secretary On Thursday morning a car filled with explosives crashed into the wall of the building of the national police Academy of Colombia. According to the latest figures, 21 people died. In medical institutions of bogotá remains of 68 victims. The President of Colombia, Ivan Duque announced three-day mourning.

The German foreign Ministry urged Russia to destroy missile 9М729 for the sake of preserving the INF Treaty

The German foreign Ministry urged Russia to destroy missile 9М729 for the sake of preserving the INF Treaty Russian Federation can save the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty), if you destroy a cruise missile 9М729, which allegedly violates the provisions of the document. This was stated by foreign Minister of Germany Heiko Maas in an interview to “Interfax”, published January 18. The head of German diplomacy said that “serious doubts” was discussed with Moscow in the course of various negotiations, but they were unsuccessful. It should be noted that a return to the observance of the INF Treaty and its conservation potential and possible suspension after his actions. In his opinion, in this issue the ball is on Russia’s side. On the eve of US Deputy Secretary of state on arms control and international security Andrea Thompson called the preservation of the INF Treaty, the destruction of

A former lawyer, trump confessed to rigging the poll in his best interest

A former lawyer, trump confessed to rigging the poll in his best interest Former counsel to Donald trump Michael Cohen has publicly acknowledged that in 2015 actually paid for cheat an online poll on the website of The Wall Street Journal in the interests of the current President of the United States. “Regarding the WSJ article about the falsification of the polls: what I did was I made at the direction and in the sole interest of Donald trump. I sincerely regret his blind loyalty to the man who doesn’t deserve her,” — wrote Cohen in his Twitter. This post was a response to an article in the WSJ, which stated that Cohen underpaid for cheating the owner of a small technology company RedFinch Solutions John popular gouger. Himself popular gouger told the newspaper that Cohen promised him $50,000 for two surveys (one of the possible candidates from the Republican

Tokyo has called the date of Abe’s visit to Moscow and Davos

Tokyo has called the date of Abe’s visit to Moscow and Davos TOKYO, 18 Jan — RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on January 21-24, will visit Russia and Switzerland, reported on a press-conferences in Tokyo the Secretary General of the government of Japan Acehide Suga. “Prime Minister Abe from 21 to 24 January will pay a visit to Russia, in Moscow and in Davos, Switzerland. In Moscow, as it was announced after a meeting of Ministers of foreign Affairs, 22 January the meeting will be held at the highest level”, — said the Secretary General. The arrangement of the meeting between the leaders of Russia and Japan in January have been achieved in the last year and reaffirmed in the negotiations of the foreign Ministers of both countries on Monday. They were officially announced the first round of bilateral negotiations on the conclusion of a peace Treaty at the