Worker in a Chinese hospital working on skates (video)

Worker in a Chinese hospital working on skates (video) So it turns out much faster. Cleaners West China hospital of Sichuan University has improved its performance in an unusual way: they have to ride on roller skates. Cleaners Chinese hospitals work on roller skatesDuring the download an error has occurred. Now, cleaning large areas is much faster, but there is a danger of collision with patients and visitors. See also: Chinese boss forced subordinates to crawl along the street on his knees In the Malaysian zoo celebrated the birthday of pandas (video)

Meme about the “wrong guy” is back in a new interpretation

Meme about the “wrong guy” is back in a new interpretation He became a meme on the letter. Photo with a man who goes hand in hand with a girl, but stares at the other, became popular in 2017, and during that time he had a different variation. But now familiar meme has changed markedly. In mid-January 2019 began to gain popularity the version in which the man plays the role of letters or words, and two girls — are expressions where the letter or word can be substituted. Netizens began to publish their own versions in which they play lines from songs and words beginning with one letter. saw this on facebook and I lost it — ????? (@jjohndeacon) January 15, 2019. A play on lines from the songs of the group Abba and Queen — “Mamma Mia” and “Bohemian Rhapsody” Happiness > Hate — Cory Papineau

Payments to victims in case of an emergency in Magnitogorsk amounted to more than 110 million rubles

Payments to victims in case of an emergency in Magnitogorsk amounted to more than 110 million rubles CHELYABINSK, Jan 21 — RIA Novosti. More than 500 victims in an emergency in a residential building of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region have already received social benefits by 110 million rubles, reported on Monday the press service of the Governor. A gas explosion in Магнитогорске18 Yanvarev priority gas20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий “Today from the Federal amounts people paid more than $ 51 million roubles, from regional — more than 62 million rubles. All issued payments to more than 500 recipients, and this process continues” — quoted in the message words of the Governor Boris Dubrovsky at the staff meeting. According to the regional Ministry of social relations, three families have already purchased a new apartment, decorated 106 notification of inclusion in the register of recipients of lump sum payments for the purchase of housing. Also affected citizens

On burning ships in the Kerch Strait were 16 Turkish citizens

On burning ships in the Kerch Strait were 16 Turkish citizens ANKARA, 21 Jan — RIA Novosti, Alain Palazhchenko. Sixteen Turkish citizens, according to preliminary information, were the two burning ships in the Kerch Strait, said the press Secretary of the Turkish ruling justice and development Omer Celik on Monday. Earlier it was reported that the court “Kandy” and “Maestro” under the flag of Tanzania burn in the Kerch Strait. According to preliminary information, the fire occurred while transferring fuel from port to starboard. As reported by RIA Novosti in the press service of Rosmorrechflot, ten people were killed and 14 were rescued. “Two ships caught fire in the Kerch Strait. On one ship there was an explosion and a fire, which spread to another vessel. According to preliminary data, in total, both teams 31 people, 16 of them Turks. The ships were under the flag of Tanzania. However, perhaps

Ten people died in a fire on ships in the Kerch Strait

Ten people died in a fire on ships in the Kerch Strait SIMFEROPOL, Jan 21 — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the fire on the ships in the Kerch Strait has grown to 10 people, saved 14, told RIA Novosti in the press service of Rosmorrechflot, who directs the rescue operation. Earlier it was reported that the court “Kandy” and “Maestro” under the flag of Tanzania burn in the Kerch Strait. According to preliminary information, the fire occurred during the transfer of fuel from port to starboard. “Fourteen sailors rescued, lifted out of water ten bodies”, — said the Agency. According to preliminary data, only two courts was 31 and a sailor. They were forced to leave the court after the fire started.

Nine people were killed in a fire on ships in the Kerch Strait

Nine people were killed in a fire on ships in the Kerch Strait MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. Nine people died and 14 were rescued by fire on ships in the Kerch Strait, told RIA Novosti in the press service of Rosmorrechflot. Earlier it was reported that the court “Kandy” and “Maestro” under the flag of Tanzania burn in the Kerch Strait. According to preliminary information, the fire occurred while transferring fuel from port to starboard. “Fourteen living, nine bodies”, — have informed in a press-service of Rosmorrechflot. During the download an error has occurred.

A tribute to tradition: how Shinzo Abe will fulfill his oath to his father

A tribute to tradition: how Shinzo Abe will fulfill his oath to his father Will there be enough Shinzo Abe’s courage to return the Kuril Islands. On 21 January arrived in Moscow Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. For an extremely long period of time the 64-year-old politician showed himself a worthy leader and, as you might expect, got fans and opponents at home. “Газета.Ru” — about what Abe love and hate in Japan. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was born in a famous family of politicians and is at the head of the Japanese government for the fourth time. For the first time Abe headed the Cabinet of Ministers in 2006, when he was 52 years old. So Abe went down in history of the country not only as a hereditary politician, the longest tenure since the end of world war II, but

The Senator from California Kamala Harris announced her intention to run for U.S. President

The Senator from California Kamala Harris announced her intention to run for U.S. President TASS, January 21. Democratic Senator from California Kamala Harris announced Monday the intention to take part in the fight for the U.S. presidency in 2020. “I’m running for President. Let’s do this together,” she wrote in her Twitter. Among other likely contenders for the US presidency experts call the Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren, a former Congressman Beto O’rourke Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders who was a rival to former Secretary of state Hillary Clinton for the nomination of the candidate from Democratic party on presidential election of 2016, the Senator from new Jersey Cory Booker, the Senator from Minnesota Amy Klobuchar. The first meeting of party activists in the context of a future presidential campaign will be held in Iowa in early February, 2020. The Democratic Convention, which will be officially nominated a candidate for

Volodin spoke about the imbalance of powers in the Constitution

Volodin spoke about the imbalance of powers in the Constitution MOSCOW, 21 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Constitution today is no proper balance of branches of power, said the speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. He noted that he sees Parliament as the legislative branch of government to play a key role in the analysis of the effectiveness of the Constitution. “That is, the Parliament is obliged to implement the request of citizens for the observance and full implementation of their constitutional rights, to ensure representation of the relevant interests of citizens and parliamentary control”, — said Volodin. According to him, it is necessary to expand the powers of the state Duma on control of human performance. The speaker believes that this will eliminate the shortcomings of the Constitution, which is the bias in favor of the Executive branch. He stated that his position was echoed by the President

In the Academy of Sciences decided to award the title of Patriarch

In the Academy of Sciences decided to award the title of Patriarch The question on conferring the title of honorary Professor of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill and Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko removed from the agenda of the meeting of the Presidium of RAS on January 22. This information to the correspondent Indicator.Ru confirmed in the press service of the Russian Academy of Sciences. January 18 in the media with reference to the head of the press service of the Academy of Sciences Svetlana Popova appeared information about the decision to award to Patriarch Kirill the title of honorary Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences. She claimed that the Patriarch received it as “a great popularizer of science”. Then it was reported that at the meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences 22 Jan new honorary professors will present the Vice-President