The life of the oldest person on Earth is shrouded in mystery. She’s still trying to solve

The life of the oldest person on Earth is shrouded in mystery. She’s still trying to solve The complicated story of the old woman well over a hundred years, boasted the love for chocolate and cigarettes — in the material “”. Jeanne Louise calment has more than 20 years is considered the oldest man in the history of the planet with the verified documents, and also the only one who managed to live longer than 120 years. The woman died more than 20 years ago, but the controversy about its status has still not subside: several researchers insist that the Frenchwoman many years pretended to be her daughter. Beloved mother-in-law Jeanne was born in the French commune of Arles in February 1875 in a bourgeois family. At 21, she married her second cousin Fernand Nicolas, part-owner of a successful shop. Married Jeanne has not worked a single day. She went

Malarial mosquitoes in Zanzibar has adapted to the persecution

Malarial mosquitoes in Zanzibar has adapted to the persecution Scientists from Sweden summed up years of study of malaria control in Zanzibar. It appeared that malaria had almost given up, but not quite. Zanzibar is an Autonomous region of Tanzania, two Islands in the Indian ocean in 30-killometrah from the African coast. As in most countries of sub-Saharan Africa, which account for about 80% of malaria cases in Zanzibar the problem with this disease is acute. Since 2003 in the country’s campaign against malaria. Measures not so much — spraying with residual insecticides in the premises, distribution of mosquito nets treated with insecticides, treatment of cases of malaria using artemisinin (the invention of this drug was awarded the Nobel prize in 2015), and diagnosis of the population using tests for antibodies to the malaria Plasmodium and polymerase chain reaction. NewsInfection that can come with you from vacation Scientists from the

The CPS told us how to avoid frostbite

The CPS told us how to avoid frostbite The Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection (Rospotrebnadzor) in connection with the established in the Russian frosts reminded about the basic rules of prevention of frostbite when walking and working in the conditions of negative temperature. In order to avoid hypothermia and frostbite, the CPS recommended: To avoid the use of alcohol. Alcohol intoxication causes a great loss of heat. At the same time a person thinks that he is warm. They may also fail to notice the signs of frostbite. No Smoking. Smoking reduces the peripheral blood circulation, which makes the course more vulnerable. Wear loose-fitting clothes. It promotes normal blood circulation. Dressing should be layered between layers of clothing will be a layer of air, trapping heat. You can also use special underwear. Outerwear should be waterproof. NewsBest doctor in Moscow told how to survive the cold Not

The FSB uncovered a network for the production of munitions, operating in 32 regions

The FSB uncovered a network for the production of munitions, operating in 32 regions MOSCOW, January 23 — RIA Novosti. Security forces stopped the 86 people involved in making and selling weapons. The network has covered 32 Russian region. This was reported in the public relations Center of the FSB. Criminals “restored fighting properties civilian weapons” and were also manufactured ammunition, and then sold them. “Discontinued operations nine sweatshops in the modernization of weapons and ammunition,” — said the Agency. During the searches, seized 197 firearms of domestic and foreign production: 18 rifles, 126 handguns and revolvers, 16 submachine guns, 38 carbines and rifles. Also discovered jet flamethrower “RPO-a “bumblebee”, two hand-held antitank grenade launcher “RPG-26”, 11 hand fragmentation grenades, 33 pounds of explosives, electric detonators, 88, 300 main parts to the weapon, as well as more than ten thousand cartridges of various calibre and more than nine thousands of

Detained in KHMAO passengers of “Aeroflot” accused of attempted hijacking

Detained in KHMAO passengers of “Aeroflot” accused of attempted hijacking Moscow. 23 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — TFR is going to make the arrest of Pavel Shapovalov, who was on a flight from Surgut to Moscow and demanded to deploy the liner in the direction of Afghanistan, he will conduct a psychological and psychiatric examination. Detained for attempted hijacking Pavel Shapovalov charged and assigned to a psychiatric examination, said the official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) Svetlana Petrenko. “Today in Khanty-Mansiysk earlier detained 41-year-old Pavel Shapovalov charged with hijacking the aircraft. The investigation is planning in the near future to go to court with the petition for arrest of the accused,” — said Petrenko, “Interfax”. She noted that the results of the medical examination in the blood Shapovalova narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as well as alcohol, are not detected. “However, given the inadequacy of his behavior on Board the aircraft

The media learned about the prohibition of burning in the Black sea the tanker to enter the port

The media learned about the prohibition of burning in the Black sea the tanker to enter the port MOSCOW, January 23 — RIA Novosti. The fire on the tankers “Kandy” and “Maestro” in the Black sea occurred after one of them was forbidden to enter the port of Temryuk in the South of Russia because of U.S. sanctions, according to Reuters. According to sources, the Agency, the ban came from the leadership of the gas terminal “Maktren-Nafta”. As a result, the crews of the ships were forced to start a direct fuel transfer from ship to ship outside port. It is noted that tankers with such names (previously tanker “Kandy” was called “Venice”. — Approx. ed.) was included in the sanctions list of the USA because of the supply of fuel to Syria in 2016-2018. In American Finance indicated that any transaction with these vessels can lead to the introduction

“Roscosmos” disrupted the timing of construction of the cosmodrome “East” and asked for more money

“Roscosmos” disrupted the timing of construction of the cosmodrome “East” and asked for more money Of the 19 sites that were supposed to be ready last year, finished only five. Moscow. 23 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the state Corporation “Roscosmos” requests additional funds for the construction of the cosmodrome “East”, where completed only a quarter of the planned volume, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “The first phase of construction was completed last year, and really built, if you count in pieces, although it is considered not very correct, but built a quarter of the planned facilities — 5 of 19”, — said Medvedev at the meeting on economic and financial condition of the Corporation “Rosatom” and its affiliated organizations.Newsof the Flights in dreams and on the moon The Prime Minister said that it is necessary to look and at a cost and technological difficulties. “On completion of other objects Roskosmos asks

The defense Ministry showed the military attache of the missile, to which there are claims in the US

The defense Ministry showed the military attache of the missile, to which there are claims in the US Moscow. 23 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian military has demonstrated foreign military attaches and journalists 9М729 missile that the U.S. believes violate the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty). The missile was demonstrated at a news briefing held in the Moscow Park “Patriot”. Earlier, the military announced that Russia violates the INF Treaty. Newsof the Missile Arsenal of China. What are they afraid of US? The President of the United States Donald trump announced on 20 October, of the intention to withdraw from the INF Treaty due to the fact that the Russian side allegedly violates the provisions of this agreement. Following this, on 4 December, U.S. Secretary of state Mike Pompeo issued an ultimatum to Russia with the request within 60 days destroy or modify the

Donald Trump filed a skyscraper in Moscow

Donald Trump filed a skyscraper in Moscow The published details of the Russian project of the President of the United States. View this post in Instagram Publication from BuzzFeed News (@buzzfeednews) January 17, 2019 in 7:55 PST During the download an error has occurred. The American BuzzFeed edition published documents refuting the statements of the US President’s son Donald trump Jr. and a personal lawyer in the White house Rudolph Giuliani that the negotiations with the Russian side about the construction of a Moscow skyscraper Trump Tower is only limited to the preparation of “letters of intent”. According to the publication, the future President personally approved the project and the location of high-rise buildings, and negotiations on the construction of the skyscraper continued when the election campaign of 2016, the U.S. was already in full swing. Earlier in the week the representatives of “team trump” tried to reiterate that the

The British police showed a photo of the offender, similar to Ross from Friends

The British police showed a photo of the offender, similar to Ross from Friends And found that is common between them is small. In October, police in the British city of Blackpool published a photo from the surveillance camera of one of the shops, on which was depicted a thief. While police asked for help from people in the identification of the offender, social media users joked on the similarity of the thief with actor David Schwimmer, who played Ross Geller in the popular TV series “Friends”. David Schwimmer lookalike skips court appearance over shoplifting arrest — New York Post (@nypost) December 18, 2018. The actor even had to make an official statement that the theft of beer in UK shop he has not the slightest relationship. Schwimmer recorded a parody video in which he steals beer from the American supermarket and wrote that while in Blackpool committed