Accused of hijacking argued that involved in the September 11 attacks

Accused of hijacking argued that involved in the September 11 attacks KHANTY-MANSIYSK, January 23 — RIA Novosti. Pavel Shapovalov, accused in the attempted hijacking of Aeroflot, was required to change course on Afghanistan and claimed that he was allegedly involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States, according to the materials of the case. In the environment of the Khanty-Mansi district court considering a petition for election measures of restraint to the passenger, the suspect in the capture of flight “Surgut-Moscow”. “Flight attendant flight “Surgut-Moscow”, said that Shapovalov said, as if it was involved in the September 11 attacks, asking to change course on Afghanistan,” read the judge Rinat Akhmetov excerpt from the case. A representative of the investigation asked to sign Shapovalova in custody for two months, “given the outcry and public safety act”. In turn, the representative of the defense insisted on the election of house

Trump acknowledged, Guido President of Venezuela

Trump acknowledged, Guido President of Venezuela WASHINGTON, 23 Feb — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump announced the recognition of the head of the opposition, Parliament of Venezuela Juan, Guido President. “Today I’m officially admitting the head of the National Assembly of Venezuela Juan, Guido transitional President of Venezuela. As the only branch of government that was legitimately elected by the people of Venezuela, the national Assembly, citing the country’s Constitution declared Nicolas Maduro to be illegal, and the post of President vacant,” — said in a written statement, trump. “I will continue to use the full weight of economic and diplomatic power of the United States to restore democracy in Venezuela,” added trump. He expressed his willingness to work with Guido. Trump also added that he will prosecute “regime of Maduro” over any “threat to the people of Venezuela”. Earlier, the Venezuelan Parliament elected a

Print and trade seals of the Byzantine period found during excavations in Novgorod

Print and trade seals of the Byzantine period found during excavations in Novgorod A large collection of ancient and Byzantine seals and commercial seals have been discovered by specialists of the Institute of archaeology RAS during the excavations in the framework of historical and cultural examination before construction of a private house in Novgorod. Excavations were conducted in that part of the district where there has never been archaeological studies, the press service of the Institute of archaeology RAS. “During the excavation we found 21 printing and 6 blanks is a lot for such a small excavation. It is important that the found of the workpiece, because they are found only where the put printing. Therefore, in this place lived people who had the right to verify any order of the higher authority ecclesiastical or secular,” says Pyotr Gaidukov, Deputy Director of IA RAS. Newsthe Skull of a mammoth with

In China, for the night had replaced all the rails at the station

In China, for the night had replaced all the rails at the station At the railway station of XI’an in Chinese Shaanxi province replaced all the rails on the new just six hours of continuous operation. It has taken part more than 1000 people and about 20 pieces of construction equipment. In the Chinese city of Xian is in full swing reconstruction of the railway station, which will be replaced by all paths, and the station will be expanded. Work must be completed by February 4, 2019, the start of the New year celebration according to the lunar calendar. For the Chinese, it is a Grand celebration which is a must to meet with the family. Imagine that in this period is happening on the stations? Hundreds of millions of people of China ride the train to their home, so to keep on schedule, the builders had to replace all

In the US, Niagara falls frozen due to cold weather

In the US, Niagara falls frozen due to cold weather MOSCOW, January 23 — RIA Novosti. Extreme cold in the northeast U.S. led to a partial freezing of the most powerful in North America Niagara falls, according to CNN. Now in Berlin: Berlin: -6° 79% 749 mm Hg. article 6 m/s 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий According to the channel, the cause of the freezing could be a snow storm that struck the region. It is noted that on Tuesday, 22 January, the temperature there dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius. “Cold winds will continue in the region for another two weeks,” said channel meteorologist Michael guy. Tourists who come to see the falls, take photos of water, covered with a crust of ice, and note that now the landscape is reminiscent of Elsa’s Palace from the cartoon “the Cold heart”. HelpHow to survive the frosts. Tips expertone forewarned is forearmed. What to do

Venediktov called on the public Prosecutor responsible for the investigation of the murder of colleagues in CAR

Venediktov called on the public Prosecutor responsible for the investigation of the murder of colleagues in CAR Chief editor of radio station “Echo of Moscow” Alexei Venediktov has issued a public request to the Russian Prosecutor General’s office concerning the investigation into the murder of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic (CAR). He asked whether the resonant case under the supervision of the attorney General and has the authority over the investigation. A copy of the application is placed in the section “Blogs” on the website of the radio station. Venediktov also noted that in September, 2018 (one month later with the murder of the crew — approx. “Of the”) the Prosecutor General the CAR was in Russia. The journalist asked, had contact with his Russian counterpart and touched on the topic of the murder of compatriots. Earlier, the “Moskovsky Komsomolets” published diplomatic correspondence, from which it follows

In the CAR commented on the investigation centre “Dossier” of the murder of Russian journalists

In the CAR commented on the investigation centre “Dossier” of the murder of Russian journalists Advisor to the President of the African country confirmed the existence of the policeman and the instructor involved in the private investigation. The crew Orhan Cemal from the first day was under the control of its stay in the Central African Republic. As spy spoke, the policeman Emmanuel Tragende, Kuopio, which in July last year, allegedly was in contact with the driver dead Russian journalists on the phone and working with in CAR instructor Russian Alexander Cell. The latter has repeatedly called for the Advisor to the President of the African country’s national security Valery Zakharov. “The comb really worked as an instructor in the CAR. To disclose the terms and content of his contract I can’t. At your request, I found out that Kotoyo is a member of the gendarmerie, but no increase was

The authorities of Dagestan and Chechnya and established a Commission to determine the boundaries of

The authorities of Dagestan and Chechnya and established a Commission to determine the boundaries of Moscow. 23 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — a Delegation from Chechnya arrived in Dagestan, where the first meeting was held on the definition of borders between republics, said Wednesday the Agency “Interfax” the press-service of administration of head and government of Dagestan. “Set up a joint working group, which on both sides is comprised of members of national parliaments, the relevant specialists of Rosreestr, the Roskadastr and other interested departments, heads of border municipalities”, — said the representative of the press service. NewsIn the Kremlin responded to a request from Kadyrov about the money According to him, from Dagestan the working group is chaired by the head of the Republican Parliament Khizri Shikhsaidov, the Chechen Republic — the President of the Parliament of the Chechen Republic Magomed Daudov. “The work will be carried out during 2019, with

The weakening of Western democracy and Russia’s struggle for influence: what are the threats listed in the new strategy, U.S. intelligence

The weakening of Western democracy and Russia’s struggle for influence: what are the threats listed in the new strategy, U.S. intelligence The US intelligence community on January 22 presented an updated version of the national intelligence strategy for the next four years. RTVI chose the most important thing in this document. The main threat in the US Intelligence community believe traditional opponents, who continue to use changing conditions in the international arena to expand their influence. The actions of these countries may conflict with the interests of America in the military, economic and political spheres. The new strategy notes that the greatest threat to the U.S. are Russia and China. “Russia will likely continue its efforts to expand its influence and enhance the authority, it could lead to conflict with the objectives that the United States pursue in different regions”, — the document says. In Washington also fear that China

Kiev has decided to withdraw from the three agreements on economic cooperation within the CIS

Kiev has decided to withdraw from the three agreements on economic cooperation within the CIS Moscow. 23 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decision on the termination of three agreements on economic cooperation, concluded in the framework of CIS: agreement on interstate exchange of economic information, information exchange in the field of foreign trade and cooperation agreements in the field of foreign economic activity. As the press service of the Ministry of economic development and trade (MEDT), a draft resolution developed by the Ministry of economic development pursuant to presidential decree “On the national security Council decision of 2 may 2018 “to suspend for Ukraine a separate international treaties concluded within the CIS”. Intergovernmental agreement on the exchange of economic information, concluded June 26, 1992 in Minsk, and the agreement on exchange of information in the field of foreign economic activity concluded on 24 September