A student opened fire in a school in the Yenisei district of the Krasnoyarsk territory

A student opened fire in a school in the Yenisei district of the Krasnoyarsk territory TASS, January 25. The incident occurred in the village of Abalakovo in the Yenisei region. A student opened fire in a school in the village of Abalakovo in the Yenisei district of the Krasnoyarsk territory, told TASS on Friday the head of the district Sergey Ermakov. “The fact this was, the student brought the gun, started shooting,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Details of the incident he had not. News is supplemented by

China showed the start “the killer of aircraft carriers” United States

China showed the start “the killer of aircraft carriers” United States Video of the launch of Chinese ballistic missiles, medium-range DF-26 appeared in the Network. In China, the missile called “killer of aircraft carriers”. The range of the missile, the DF-26 is estimated at 4 thousand km With a distance weapon capable of hitting the island of GUAM, where the largest strategic U.S. military base in the Pacific. The launch of the DF-26 IRBM. pic.twitter.com/wH1ou9vPjG — dafeng cao (@dafengcao) 23 Jan 2019. DF-26 entered service in China in April 2018. The missile is able to strike a blow aimed at targets on land, in the large and medium ships at sea for medium and long distances, and also give a prompt retaliatory nuclear strike.

In the Council of Europe spoke about the tremendous debt of Russia

In the Council of Europe spoke about the tremendous debt of Russia The press Secretary Secretary General of the Council of Europe Daniel of Holtgen said that Russia’s debt to the organization is around €60 million On 24 January, reports “RIA Novosti”. Earlier that same day, the foreign Minister of Finland Timo Soini said about the need to find a compromise on the return of Russia to the Council of Europe and to try to force Moscow to pay the debt. In April 2014 the Russian delegation was deprived of voting rights in the PACE of events in Ukraine and the reunification with Crimea. In response, Russia suspended the payment of contributions to the Council of Europe, which led to the financial crisis in the organization. On 22 January, speaking PACE, thorbjørn Jagland stated that the deprivation of Russia’s voting rights in the parliamentary Assembly did not lead to the

U.S. withdraw some diplomats from Venezuela

U.S. withdraw some diplomats from Venezuela The U.S. Department of state issued a decree about the withdrawal of Venezuela from American diplomats, whose activities are “not urgent”. The reasons for the opinion not specified. The state Department added that the US government “has limited capacity to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens in Venezuela.” “U.S. citizens residing or traveling in Venezuela should consider leaving the country”, — said the Agency. The crisis in Venezuela turned into a coup attempt. The country remains a situation of dual power: on January 23 the head of the National Assembly Juan Guido declared himself acting President of the country. His power was acknowledged by the USA, Canada, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Argentina, Georgia. Venezuelan army remains loyal to the current government headed by Nicolas Maduro. He said that the coup attempt in the country are the United States and broke off diplomatic relations

Siberian archaeologists have discovered on the Yamal Peninsula the burial of men of the European race

Siberian archaeologists have discovered on the Yamal Peninsula the burial of men of the European race Scientists came to the conclusion that the burial relates to the first third — the middle of XVII century. NOVOSIBIRSK, January 24. /TASS/. Novosibirsk scientists have found that the remains of two people, the burial of which are found on the archaeological site of Ust-Waikaraka settlement on the Yamal Peninsula, belong to men of the Caucasian race, which is unusual for this area. About the uniqueness of the burial and other features of Ust ‘ -Waikaraka settlement TASS was told by geneticists and archaeologists. Genetic examination Burial in Ust-Vocarska the settlement in the floodplain of river Gornaya Ob was discovered in 2016 on the last season of field work in the monument. Two skeletons found in the remains of a wooden house, right in the hearth, where the fire burns. That men were buried,

The greenback showed the instantaneous transformation of water into ice (video)

The greenback showed the instantaneous transformation of water into ice (video) Real magic. 60-year-old Alaska resident, Rod Coop, going through the rubble in the attic in the winter, made an unusual discovery. He found a few bottles of drinking water, but dropping one on the floor, he saw that the water instantly turned to ice. During the download an error has occurred.NewsScientists have recreated the “wave-killer” in the lab Rod came down, captured with a smartphone and filmed the same phenomenon, but with another bottle. In the video you can see how the normal water when hitting the table immediately begins to freeze and for a split second becomes ice. American call it real magic, but the users of the Network explained the phenomenon from the point of view of physics. In the review they wrote that the reason drinking distilled water which is cleaned from any impurities. If its

The period of the appearance of man in Europe, moved to 5 thousand years

The period of the appearance of man in Europe, moved to 5 thousand years Archaeologists from Seville University found that modern humans appeared in the South of Spain’s 44 thousand years ago. Previously, scientists believed that Homo sapiens appeared in Europe 39 thousand years ago, so the new discovery is forcing them to reconsider their views on the dispersal of modern humans. A study published in Nature. Until recently, scientists believed that Homo sapiens, which is also called the CRO-magnon began to displace the Neanderthals in Europe about 39 thousand years ago. Archaeologists believed that in southern Spain, this process was delayed, and the Neanderthals have gone there only 32 thousand years ago. However, during recent excavations in the cave, Bajadilla researchers from the University of Seville found that 45-43 thousand years ago there lived a CRO-magnon. Such a conclusion they did, after studying the tools that were found in

In Russia started a wave of reports of mass mining buildings

In Russia started a wave of reports of mass mining buildings In Chita, Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk evacuated state bodies, schools and hospitals due to reports of mining. Threatening letters are received on e-mail, reports “Interfax”. According to the Agency, in Irkutsk evacuation organized in the regional children’s hospital, the regional children’s tuberculosis hospital, Irkutsk regional hospital, city hospitals # 8 and # 10, as well as in regional psychiatric hospital № 1 and school № 14. The health Ministry also reported that the verification of hospital No. 10 is completed, the explosive devices are discovered, patients and doctors back to the hospital. TASS reports that the security services are checking government buildings, Parliament of Buryatia, city of Ulan-Ude. Inspection of buildings special services will last until 13:00 local time (08:00 Moscow time). According to eyewitnesses, the center of Ulan-Ude, where the building of the Republican government and of the legislative

Maduro refused to leave his post

Maduro refused to leave his post Elected President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro has refused to leave his post. He stated in his speech in the Supreme court, reports Agencia Venezolana de Noticias. “I will never abandon its obligations to the Fatherland, I will never do it,” he said. Furthermore, Maduro announced the decision to close the Embassy and all the consulates of Venezuela in the United States. The diplomats return home on Saturday, January 26. January 23, in Venezuela, began mass protests. During a rally in the capital, the leader of the opposition and the speaker of Parliament Joan Guido proclaimed himself interim President and declared that will perform the duties of the head of state with the support of the armed forces to hold free elections. His authority was recognized by Donald trump, as well as the authorities of Argentina, Canada, Peru, Colombia and other countries. Russia refused to

USA gave Russia the letter with requirements to comply with the INF Treaty

USA gave Russia the letter with requirements to comply with the INF Treaty WASHINGTON, January 24. /TASS/. Washington gave Moscow a document which outlines the requirements of the United States on the observance by Russia of the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty). This was announced on Thursday at a meeting with a small group of journalists, which included the correspondent of TASS, the Deputy Secretary of state for arms control and international security Andrea Thompson. She said that this message was transferred its Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov at the talks on the situation around the INF Treaty, held on 15 January in Geneva. “We left them a letter outlining that they [Russia] need to take to return to compliance with [the INF Treaty]”, she said. While the Deputy state Secretary said that the letter does not contain new information. “This is