The greenback showed the instantaneous transformation of water into ice (video)
Real magic.
60-year-old Alaska resident, Rod Coop, going through the rubble in the attic in the winter, made an unusual discovery. He found a few bottles of drinking water, but dropping one on the floor, he saw that the water instantly turned to ice.
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Rod came down, captured with a smartphone and filmed the same phenomenon, but with another bottle. In the video you can see how the normal water when hitting the table immediately begins to freeze and for a split second becomes ice.
American call it real magic, but the users of the Network explained the phenomenon from the point of view of physics. In the review they wrote that the reason drinking distilled water which is cleaned from any impurities. If its temperature is reduced gradually and without any external influence, the ice crystals formed in it, can’t. But after the impact starts a chain reaction, and the water instantly freezes.
See also: Dutch ice skating on the frozen pond, and then dove into the next (video)