We have six body parts that we no longer use. Why are they needed?

We have six body parts that we no longer use. Why are they needed? Wiggling ears, and a third eyelid — millions of years ago our ancestors found a use for them. Despite the fact that some human bodies have ceased to function, people still are born and live with the “evolutionary remnants”. Some distinctive features of organisms persist for many generations even after the appropriate authority has ceased to perform the allotted function. These evolutionary remnants, or vestigial features, there are people. “Your body is, in fact, the natural history Museum!” — wrote in “Twitter” evolutionary anthropologist Dorsa Amir. So why are these properties or organs are not lost, despite the fact that they, apparently, have lost their function? Because evolution is a gradual process. Sometimes they are not exerting sufficiently hard pressure of natural selection, so they are passed from generation to generation. In some cases, vestigial organs

Correct the size of portions: all in your hands

Correct the size of portions: all in your hands How do you decide how much food to prepare for yourself and your family? Measure weights or put on eye? British nutritionists British Nutrition Foundation came up with an easy way to determine the correct serving size of this product. As it turned out, this will help your hands. Correspondent Bi-bi-si Alexander Novichenko explains how it works. During the download an error has occurred.

On the missing captain of the ship “Nord”

On the missing captain of the ship “Nord” SIMFEROPOL, January 28 — RIA Novosti. The captain of the fishing vessel “Nord” Vladimir Gorbenko held in Ukraine, were missing, said the lawyer Maxim Mogil’nitskii. “According to relatives, on Saturday around noon, Vladimir disappeared from home and no one since then has not seen. To communicate with family and counsel, the captain comes out,” wrote Mogil’nitskii on his page in Facebook. According to his lawyer, Gorbenko disappears not for the first time. “In April of 2018 captain directly from the vessel “Nord”, who was detained in the port of Mariupol, was kidnapped by employees of the security Service of Ukraine. Then, however, his whereabouts lawyers became known for, five hours later,” he said. The lawyer expressed hope that the captain is alive and well. “Rid myself of anxious thoughts about possible provocations on the part of law enforcement or members of radical

In the culture called theft Kuindzhi one of the most stupid crimes of the century

In the culture called theft Kuindzhi one of the most stupid crimes of the century Moscow. 28 Jan. INTERFAX.RU Kidnapper paintings of Arkhip Kuindzhi “AI-Petri. Crimea” living in the last century or unhealthy, said the Director of the museums Department Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation Vladislav Kononov. “He lives in the past century or not very well. In the ranking of the most stupid crimes of the 21st century he has grounds to win a prize,” said Kononov reporters on Monday. Painting Arkhip Kuindzhi “AI-Petri. Crimea” on the evening of 27 January was stolen from the hall in the Engineering building of the Tretyakov gallery, where the exhibition of the artist. The perpetrator just took it off the wall and went to the front of the numerous visitors of the exhibition. According to the Director of the Tretyakov gallery of Zelfira Tregulova, anxiety in connection with the theft

The Aussie took video of an unusual “twisted” clouds

The Aussie took video of an unusual “twisted” clouds A surprising phenomenon. 43-year-old Damien Knox from Australia during his visit to New South Wales witnessed the fascinating spectacle. Over the ocean in the clear blue sky he saw a cloud shaped like a giant roll, or, as commented by the Knox, on the “big rolled omelette”. During the download an error has occurred. The cloud was moving quickly and spun toward the shore for five minutes. Knox was so awestruck that he decided to film the event. Note that in the autumn of 2018, U.S. residents could watch not only very unusual, but creepy clouds that resembled a tsunami.

Experts have found that drinking champagne you need only with fries

Experts have found that drinking champagne you need only with fries Everyone intuitively assumed that the potatoes will go with everything. View this post in Instagram Publication from The Fashionable Foodies (@thefashionablefoodies) 14 Sep 2018 11:01 PDT During the download an error has occurred. So, we were pleased to hear that recently, Marie-Christine Asselin, quality Manager and communications for wine company Moët & Chandon, told The Drinks Business that she considers French fries one of the best products for combining with a glass of champagne. According to Asselin, “salinity” and “crunchiness” French fries are the perfect complement to the delicate champagne bubbles and zesty acidity. In fact, one of the most famous snacks at Sylvain in New Orleans is ordering champagne and French fries. “Perfect combination” champagne and French fries as described on the menu, $ 50, or $ 90 for a small or large portion. NewsSausage as we know

Formed as waves in the ocean?

Formed as waves in the ocean? Meets Alex Alabuzhev, Phys. and mathematical Sciences, Professor of Department of theoretical physics, Perm state University. Waves occur for various reasons: because of the wind, the passage of the ship, falling into the water of an object, the attraction of the moon, earthquakes, the eruption of an underwater volcano or landslide. But if the passing ship or the fall of the subject they are caused by the displacement of a fluid, the pull of the moon and Sun contributes to the appearance of tidal waves, and earthquake can cause a tsunami, with the wind more difficult. Here is the movement of air — it has the chaotic eddies have a small surface and large in the distance. As they pass over a reservoir pressure decreases, and its surface is formed a bulge. The wind begins to push harder on her windward slope, which leads

Russian students poured boiling water from the ceiling during class

Russian students poured boiling water from the ceiling during class In the gymnasium of Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai during class burst radiators, there was a flood, the water flooded several floors. A video from the scene of the incident published in the “Abituguru-26. Zheleznogorsk” in “Vkontakte”. According to the information of the public, the flood started at about 9:50 a.m. local time in the chemistry lab on the fourth floor of the building. During the lesson the office was cold, and the teacher went to check the battery. At this point, from the radiator poured boiling water and went pairs reacted to that fire alarm. Hot water quickly seeped below and reached the third and second floor, where classes were held. The ceiling fell down in the kitchen, peeling the covers from the bulbs. Teachers rushed to save office equipment. During the download an error has occurred. All the children were

The interior Ministry said the pressure on the Russians abroad for the sake of compromising

The interior Ministry said the pressure on the Russians abroad for the sake of compromising The Russians who went abroad to work or permanent residence, are under pressure to collect compromising information on Russia. About it on January 28 said the Deputy interior Minister Igor Zubov on total Board of the Ministry of interior in Tatarstan. According to him, intensive work is underway with the Russian citizens who are abroad property or assets. “Obviously, we feel that they are focused to collect compromising information on Russian leadership and on the country as a whole,” Zubov was quoted by the Agency “RIA Novosti”. On January 25 the Russian foreign Ministry warned traveling abroad Russians about the threat of persecution by the US intelligence. The Minister said that American law enforcement officers go on provocation, “outright theft” and “psychological impact”, including direct threats. It is also added that ekstrudirovannye in the USA,

The United States agreed with the terrorists about the world

The United States agreed with the terrorists about the world The American delegation agreed on the principles of a peace agreement with representatives of the Taliban (banned in Russia). About it The New York Times told the US Ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad. “We have a draft framework agreement, which prior to the adoption will still need to specify — said the diplomat. The Taliban have promised, to our delight, to do everything possible so that Afghanistan not become a platform for international terrorists and terrorist groups.” Khalilzad stressed that the us strongly presented their intention to study the points of the peace agreement. As the newspaper notes, the agreement, though preliminary, was a breakthrough in the conflict resolution process, which lasts for almost 20 years. January 26, sources in the Taliban said the agreements reached with US representatives in Qatar regarding the agreement on ending the war. It was