Media: group IRA has claimed responsibility for the explosion in Northern Ireland

Media: group IRA has claimed responsibility for the explosion in Northern Ireland TASS, January 29. The group, acting under the name ceased 20 years ago, the terrorist activities of the “Irish Republican army” (IRA), claimed responsibility for the bombing in the Northern Irish city of Londonderry on January 19. On Tuesday publication reports the Derry Journal, a version of which received a letter from alleged terrorists. The statement claimed that members of the group placed a car bomb near the courthouse on Bishop street in Londonderry more than a week ago. Police had to evacuate several hundred people in the area ten minutes after the receipt of reports about the bomb. As a result of explosion nobody has suffered. According to the newspaper, followers of the nationalist IRA threatened in this letter, a new violent actions against the British security forces, civil servants and cooperating with the authorities of the

Moskalkova proposed to consider parenting to career women

Moskalkova proposed to consider parenting to career women Moscow. 29 Jan. INTERFAX.RU Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova offers to include women raising children as work experience. “I advocate that homework education is counted in the seniority of women” — said Moskalkova told reporters. According to her, to ensure the rights of women in the country also need to legalize and to grant the right to Fund crisis centers for women who, according to the Ombudsman, justified, but there are currently by volunteers. “The state should have the right to support them, provide them facilities and to Finance their activities,” — said Moskalkova. According to her, it is also necessary to give women the opportunity to work from home if it is due to family circumstances and will not be detrimental to the work.

The Italian President signed a law reducing the retirement age

The Italian President signed a law reducing the retirement age Italian President Sergio Mattarella has signed a law on pension reform, which provides for the reduction of the retirement age and the introduction of a basic income for the poor. About it on January 28 reports Agency ANSA. The Italian government approved the law on 18 January. The changes will come into effect from April for the private sector and since August — for government agencies. The age of retirement will now rely on the so-called “quota 100”, which means that the sum of the age and experience must equal 100. The minimum age is 62 years, with 38 years of experience. With the increase in the age pension will require less experience. Now the retirement age in Italy is 67 years old. This rule was introduced in 2011 during the economic crisis. The government believe that the sooner people

Colombia commented on the entry in the Notepad Bolton

Colombia commented on the entry in the Notepad Bolton In Bogota said that I don’t know why in Notepad, assistant to the President for national security John Bolton has a record about the transfer of 5 thousand American soldiers in Colombia. “As for the mention of Colombia in the notebook, which was in the hands of Mr. John Bolton, then the value and the reasons for such mention is unknown to us”, — stated in the message the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Colombia. At the same time, the Ministry stressed that the country will continue to develop relations with the United States on all mutually interesting issues. Bogota shares the position of the countries of the Group of Lima, said the foreign Ministry. News“People just have nothing to eat”. Russian language — about the political crisis in Venezuela Recall, a photo of a page from the notebook of Mr.

The financiers gave a forecast of the growth of wages for two years

The financiers gave a forecast of the growth of wages for two years This year the real wages of Russians will increase by at least four percent, while the optimistic scenario is seven percent. In 2020 the growth of real wages will continue. This forecast was made by experts of the Financial University under the government of Russia, summarizing studies of consumer sentiment (“RG”). On their basis was updated forecasts of socio-economic development of Russia in 2019 and 2020. According to experts, despite the growth of salaries, growth of real incomes (wages constitute only part of the real disposable income) in the current year will slow down. “Only in 2020 this figure, according to our estimates, should return to growth. On an annual basis, it can increase at least one percent. In the optimistic case the growth of real incomes of the population in 2020 can be up to 6-7%,”

March this year will be a winter month

March this year will be a winter month February and March in the European territory of Russia will be quite the winter months. Now in Berlin: Berlin: +1° 86% 748 mm Hg. article 7 m/s “Unfortunately, this year, residents of the Central regions of Russia should not count on an early spring”, — told the “Russian newspaper” scientific Director of the hydrometeorological center Roman Vilfand. NewsIn USA Niagara falls froze due to cold weather According to him, the weather in the last month of winter and first spring will be surprises and will be very volatile. And projected periods with a 15-20 degree cold, and thaw. “This year, we anticipated and the rapid disappearance of the snow cover, — said Vilfand. — Usually in the center of the European territory, he goes in the first week of April. Before then it is unlikely to melt. The fact that in addition

Scientists have found a link between the use of smartphones and overweight

Scientists have found a link between the use of smartphones and overweight An international group of scientists found that children who use the smartphone before sleep, there are sleep problems, resulting in reduced immunity, and increases the risk of depression, anxiety and obesity. This was reported in the Monday, January 28, in a press release on the website MedicalXpress. Scientists analyzed the data obtained in the study of 6616 adolescents aged 11-12 years. It turned out that those who before going to sleep in the dark used a smartphone or watched TV, had 1.5 times more problems falling asleep. In the future, according to experts, these children had health problems, including they noted depression and excess weight. Scientists report that adolescents are recommended to sleep for 11 hours a day. According to the study, long sleep can not afford, only 10% of boys and girls, largely due to the infatuation

Flying from Saint Petersburg to Antalya the plane landed in Sochi because of a brawl on Board

Flying from Saint Petersburg to Antalya the plane landed in Sochi because of a brawl on Board It is expected that staged mess, the passenger was drunk and behaved provocatively. SOCHI, January 29. /TASS/. The plane flight Saint Petersburg — Antalya made an unplanned landing at the airport of Sochi because of the fact that one of the aboard passengers staged a riot, told TASS on Tuesday in a press-service of airline “Russia”. Aircraft flight FV5863 from St. Petersburg to Antalya made an emergency landing at the airport of Sochi because of the destructive behaviour of one of the passengers. Presumably, the passenger born in 1985, was in a state of intoxication, insulted and provoked a fight with the flight attendants.The representative of the airline According to him, the rowdy on arrival handed over to the police. The plane landed in Sochi at 13:35 GMT. Estimated time of departure is

Media: Germany has defended the “Nord stream — 2” from amendments to the European gas laws

Media: Germany has defended the “Nord stream — 2” from amendments to the European gas laws According to the German side, the proposed changes aimed at regulating only one infrastructure project. The EU has provided written comments on the third revision of the amendments to the Gas Directive (2009/73/EC). The most significant claim was expressed by Germany. (“Vedomosti” has read the documents, their authenticity is confirmed by a European official and a person close to the European energy company). Germany has no objection to regulation of infrastructure connecting the EU with third countries, but are not willing to accept the current version of the bill. “We reject the European Commission’s proposed amendments contained in the third revision, which, if you comprehend to its logical conclusion, aimed at regulating only one infrastructure project, and others provide options exception,” says the German document. NewsWarsaw will have to coordinate with Gazprom the construction

CBO estimated the impact of the “shutdown” on the economy of $11 billion in December-January

CBO estimated the impact of the “shutdown” on the economy of $11 billion in December-January Moscow. 29 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — the damage to the U.S. economy from the partial suspension of work of Federal institutions (“shutdown”) will be approximately $11 billion in December and January, according to the calculations of the congressional Budget office (CBO). 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий This is potentially the reason that the rise of GDP by the end of 2018 will not be able to reach 3%. The last time the American economy has shown growth rates above 3% in 2005, says MarketWatch. The work of state bodies of the USA partially suspended from 22 December 2018 due to disagreements about funding the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico. On the assessment of the CBO, 35-day “shutdown” will reduce GDP growth by 0.1 percentage point ($3 billion) in the fourth quarter of last year and by