March this year will be a winter month
February and March in the European territory of Russia will be quite the winter months.
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“Unfortunately, this year, residents of the Central regions of Russia should not count on an early spring”, — told the “Russian newspaper” scientific Director of the hydrometeorological center Roman Vilfand.
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According to him, the weather in the last month of winter and first spring will be surprises and will be very volatile. And projected periods with a 15-20 degree cold, and thaw.
“This year, we anticipated and the rapid disappearance of the snow cover, — said Vilfand. — Usually in the center of the European territory, he goes in the first week of April. Before then it is unlikely to melt. The fact that in addition to cold weather will continue and increase in magnitude of the snow cover. The snow now is not small, but for two months they’ll grow”.
Interestingly, over the last 25 years the average January temperature in the Metropolitan area increased by 2.5 degrees. “This is an incredible warming. Never before in such a short period of time the temperature so quickly did not grow,” — said Vilfand.
In the Asian part of Russia, which includes the Urals, Siberia and the far East, in February and March is traditionally the winter weather. In Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk region, the normal for these months temperature of minus 20-30 degrees.
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