Elon Musk has his Tesla admired in the Ukrainian Mars

Elon Musk has his Tesla admired in the Ukrainian Mars The founder of Tesla Elon Musk has admired a photograph of the car of this brand is the name of the Ukrainian village of Mars. Journalists of the edition “Ukrainian truth” tweeted this picture, and after a few hours, the billionaire left by writing an enthusiastic review of “Wow, cool!”. Tesla Model S is in the Ukrainian village of Mars. How do you like this, @elonmusk? Looks like we beat you ? pic.twitter.com/IL5OV4YbFz — Ukrainian true ✌ I (@ukrpravda_news) February 1, 2019. In February 2018 and a super-heavy rocket SpaceX — another project Mask brought a Tesla Roadster on an elongated orbit that crosses the trajectory of Earth and Mars. In may 2018 Musk has promised to create a news portal Pravda to expose the fakes. He later wrote that the domain name pravda.com already “occupied and used by Russia.”

In the Ulyanovsk Suvorov military school called the cause of infection of the cadets

In the Ulyanovsk Suvorov military school called the cause of infection of the cadets MOSCOW, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. Ulyanovsk cadets was ill a parasitic disease, a carrier which are animals with catering and sanitary condition of the school it is not related, said the representative of the management of the school. “During a routine x-ray examination in the annual examination for a number of pupils showed signs of parasitic diseases, carriers of which are Pets. The disease is not transmitted from person to person and is not connected with the organization of eating in school and living conditions”, — stated in the message. Added to that hospitalization, none of the cadets do not need threats to their health or the spread of the disease there. Violations of sanitary norms and food at the school is not revealed. “Inmates undergoing treatment without departing from the educational process. Treatment involves

Qatar has allocated two million dollars to support the White helmets of Syria

Qatar has allocated two million dollars to support the White helmets of Syria DOHA, February 4th — RIA Novosti. Development Fund of Qatar by the Emir of the country, Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani has allocated two million dollars to support the activities of Syrian non-governmental organization “White helmets”, said RIA Novosti in the press service of the Fund. “The instruction of the Emir of Qatar to support the Syrian people, the Qatar development Fund has allocated assistance to the Syrian non-governmental volunteer organization “Syrian civil defense” (“White helmets”) in the amount of two million dollars”, — noted in press service. Agreement on the allocation of material assistance was signed by the Deputy Director General of the Fund, Misfar al-Shahwani and head of the “White helmets” Raed al-Saleh. As explained in the Foundation, via Qatar will go to the purchase of seven fire trucks, training of volunteers in Syria, the repair

Le Pen accused the EU in an attempt to start a war in Ireland

Le Pen accused the EU in an attempt to start a war in Ireland The European Union is trying to start in Ireland civil war his conditions of the transaction Brexit. This was stated by the leader of right-wing French party “National Association” marine Le Pen in the discussion of the transaction at the Brexit, the TV channel BFMTV. In particular, the politician noted that the EU’s aim is to make “divorce more painful.” However, Brexit will bring more problems to the EU than the UK, she said. The stumbling block in the negotiations on Brexit between the UK and the European Union, along with financial issues is the question of the Irish border. British MPs had earlier demanded Prime Minister Theresa may to exclude from the agreement with the EU reference mechanism for Northern Ireland “backstop”. The term refers to the preservation of Northern Ireland, an Autonomous region of

VOOP: achakzai February 3 in Russia has received wide support of the population

VOOP: achakzai February 3 in Russia has received wide support of the population MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/ — According to the Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of VOOP Elmurod Rasulmuhamedova, they originally bore the nature of the protest, they had no unifying agenda. Several environmental campaigns were held February 3 in cities of Russia, but they have not received the broad support of the population and were much less numerous than stated by the organizers. TASS on Sunday, said the Deputy Chairman of the Central Council (the all-Russian society of nature protection) VOOP Elmurod Rasulmukhamedov. The population has not had the broad support these actions because they initially wore the nature of the protest, they had no unifying agenda, and they were aimed at stopping the reform that is long overdue. From 1 January 2019 70 of the 85 subjects of the Russian Federation adopted a new waste management

In light of the cadets found larvae of worms

In light of the cadets found larvae of worms In the Suvorov military school in Ulyanovsk, an outbreak of hydatid disease. On Sunday, 3 February, told the radio station “Moscow speaking” the mother of one of cadets of educational institutions. According to the woman, some students have found “worms in the lungs.” She lamented that over the weekend the children are not examined, the source or focus of infection is still not found, and 500 cadets and 300 members of staff the school currently employs only one specialist in ultrasound. The mother of the cadet added that echinococcosis also hurt the employee kitchen and two officers. Disease students echinococcosis was confirmed by the press service of the regional Ministry of health. The Ministry said that a medical examination revealed a hydatid cyst in 26 of our pupils. Echinococcosis affects the lungs, liver, and other organs and tissues, which then formed

In the Russian regions held rallies against garbage reform

In the Russian regions held rallies against garbage reform In the regions of Russia is all-Russian action ecoprotect “Russia is not a dustbin!”, directed against garbage reform. From 1 January, the Russian regions have adopted a new system of waste management, according to which now for the collection, transport, processing, recycling, disposal and dumping of debris determined by regional operators that have been chosen through competitions. Agreed by the authorities the rallies were held in Novosibirsk, Omsk and Krasnoyarsk. In the Novosibirsk branch of the “Yabloko” party held a mass picket near the metro station “Krasny Prospekt”. As reported by “Kommersant” the leader of the local Yabloko Svetlana Kaverzina, environmental action it is stated in the notice of the number of participants — about 15 people. In Omsk rally on the square in front of the CCM for them. Victor Blinov has gathered around 100 people. We have a recycling

The missing plane with the player Saloy found at the bottom of the English channel

The missing plane with the player Saloy found at the bottom of the English channel A search team found the crashed in January, the plane, on Board of which was Argentine footballer Cardiff city FC emiliano Sala. According to Sky News, aircraft Piper PA-46 was found at the bottom of the English channel on Sunday morning. The relatives of the missing player was informed about this discovery. On the evening of 21 January, the footballer emiliano Sala converted from the club “Nantes” in Cardiff, said goodbye to former team-mates and flew to private light aircraft Piper Malibu in Wales. After departure, the aircraft disappeared from radar, it occurred near the channel Islands. A few days continued search and rescue operation, but on 24 January, the authorities stopped her. On 27 January the family of a missing Argentine footballer emiliano Sala started its own operation to search for the plane, on

Arrested the owner of capsized near Kaluga bus

Arrested the owner of capsized near Kaluga bus The owner of the bus that overturned in the Kaluga region when transporting children, is detained. This was reported on the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia. The official representative office, Svetlana Petrenko, said that it appeared to be an individual entrepreneur from the city Yartsevo Smolensk region. He was arrested in a criminal case under part 3 of article 238 of the RF criminal code (Rendering services not meeting requirements of safety, entailed on imprudence death of two and more persons). The accident occurred on February 3 at 09:15 Moscow time on the 128-kilometer road Kaluga — Vyazma. The bus in which there were, according to 45 people, including 31 children, drove into a ditch and overturned. According to the latest data, the accident killed seven people, including four children. Preliminary causes of the accident called human factor and technical

The SC noted the insufficient level of control over the transport of children

The SC noted the insufficient level of control over the transport of children MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/. Russia’s investigative Committee notes the insufficient level of control over the transportation of large groups of children. TASS reported on Sunday the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko. “As the investigative practice shows, the organizers and the carriers ignore the requirements established by the legislation on the safe transport of groups of children, do not pay attention to weather conditions, technical condition of vehicles and do not inform the competent authorities about these trips,” said Petrenko. It is recommended that responsible for the transportation of children in case of impossibility of compliance is to refuse to travel. On Sunday morning a bus carrying children EN route from Yartsevo Smolensk region, Kaluga, fell on the territory Babyninskaya district of Kaluga region. The bus was carrying more than 40