Became aware of the atrocities of the “gas king” of the Caucasus

Became aware of the atrocities of the “gas king” of the Caucasus Senator Rauf Arashukov and his father — “gas king” of the Caucasus Raul Arashukov suspected of involvement in three murders. About it reported to “” a senior source from Republican leadership. He said that by order of the clan Arshakovich in the late 1990s in Donetsk was shot dead businessman Boris Hapsirokov, in 2003, was killed the head of the detention center of Cherkessk Hasan Canan, and in 2006 — head of the security service of assistant to the head of the Russian presidential administration Ali Afaunov. “Bob [Hapsirokov] helped Raul to sign the contract between “Gazprom” and local plant, which manufactures pipes for the transportation of gas. But Arashukov decided to throw Hapsirokov for money. During the feast this information surfaced, and Hapsirokov “slapped on the cabbage soup”Arashukova senior. Soon after these events, Hapsirokov was killed, he

The Governor of Virginia apologized for the photo racist costume, and then took back his words

The Governor of Virginia apologized for the photo racist costume, and then took back his words First, the politician admitted that the school pictures he is depicted with black makeup on his face in the way of Michael Jackson. But later he retracted his words. His call to resign. Last Friday, the network appeared the photo from the Yearbook of the Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam. In the picture more than 30 years ago shows two people: one in theatrical black make-up (“blackface”), depicting the African American and the other in the costume of the Ku Klux Klan. BREAKING: Multiple publications have confirmed that a picture has emerged of Virginia Governor, Democrat Ralph Northam appearing in a KKK and blackface photo in his 1984 yearbook at Eastern Virginia Medical School — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) February 1, 2019. According to CBS, first this photo appeared on the portal of Big

Lavrov assessed the impact of the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty at the risk of a nuclear conflict

Lavrov assessed the impact of the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty at the risk of a nuclear conflict The US decision to withdraw from the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) dramatically increases the risk of a nuclear conflict, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. His words leads to “Interfax”. “We are committed to the arms race that characterized the cold war era, it is the President (Vladimir Putin) said very clearly,” — said Lavrov. However, Russia will respond to threats related to the U.S. withdrawal from the Treaty, the military-technical means. At the same time, according to Lavrov, “of a new cold war is out of question”. NewsRussia will respond to the U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty by developing new missiles Earlier, Putin said that Russia suspends its participation in the agreement as a mirrored response to a similar US decision.

A number of EU countries have recognized Guido interim President of Venezuela

A number of EU countries have recognized Guido interim President of Venezuela Several EU countries declared the recognition of opposition leader Juan Guido interim President of Venezuela. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий His position on this issue was confirmed by the Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian, Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez, Minister of foreign Affairs of Sweden Margot Wallström, the British foreign Secretary Jeremy hunt, Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz, foreign Minister of Denmark. NewsAccidental President Recall, February 2, Germany, France, Spain, and then Britain and the Netherlands have announced their intention to recognize the Chairman of the National Assembly of Venezuela Juan, Guido interim President, if within eight days in the country will be announced new elections. Previously the acting President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro reiterated previously articulated position and has rejected the ultimatum of Europe on the presidential elections. The term of the ultimatum expired the day

The military did not put hot spots

The military did not put hot spots Families of combatants in Syria have to achieve that they are entitled to payments through the court. As it became known””, the court in Vladimir upheld the claim of the widow of the dead in Syria, the Russian officer Andrei Pylenka to the regional military registration and enlistment office, which denied her entitlement supplementary pension for loss of breadwinner. Payments to Vera Pylenok and her two children had to be indexed by 32% as family members of combat veterans, but the military refused to classify such of the deceased. In military office of public Prosecutor of the Vladimirskiy garrison told “Kommersant” that the military has always refused to recognize such claims. The 35-year-old captain of the 3rd separate reconnaissance aviation squadron Andrew Pylenka, who was killed during the landing approach plane An-26 at the Russian base in Syria Hamim March 6, 2018, in

A no-brainer. Where did the expression that we use every day?

A no-brainer. Where did the expression that we use every day? Daily we are using in speech a number of idioms without even thinking about the expressions and what they actually mean. The history of one of the most popular phraseologisms of the parse along with the Professor of the State Institute of Russian language. Pushkin Irina Lestini. RUB points It is believed that the value of this idiom is not due to the optics, as with playing cards, but rather playing the “point”. In the XIX century the players have learned to cheat, by changing, for example, four of the top five. Therefore, the expression means “to deceive” or “mislead”. By the way, this method of cheating was described by Pushkin in “the Queen of spades”. On the nose The “nose” comes from the word “sissy”, meaning “blow”, and it describes the process of getting the axe in the

Reveal the Creator of the “record” eggs

Reveal the Creator of the “record” eggs “Egg” has already given an interview under different aliases, but the real identity of its Creator was revealed for the first time. Now we know what kind of person “disappeared” for the most popular picture in the history of Instagram: it even managed to beat the world record Kylie Jenner. This man was a Chris Godfrey, an employee of London advertising Agency. The publication Mashable writes that it has long been aware of the individual “eggs”, but Godfrey was asked not to reveal it. The Creator of the eggs said that the popularity of unusual photo growing organically: none of its creators did not pay influencers for promotion and used “rough” tools SMM. During the download an error has occurred. The identity of the “egg” took place in anticipation of the super bowl for American football and now it is promoting a short

The number of victims of the fire in the center of Moscow increased to two people

The number of victims of the fire in the center of Moscow increased to two people MOSCOW, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. The number of victims of a fire in a residential building in the center of Moscow increased to two, told RIA Novosti press-service GUMCHS across Moscow. Earlier it was reported that at Nikitsky Boulevard, 12 caught fire, which spread over an area of 2 thousand square meters. The fire is localized in the 3.50. “The fire killed two people. The fate of one becomes clear”, — said the Agency interlocutor.

Erdogan urged trump to fulfill a promise to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria

Erdogan urged trump to fulfill a promise to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the Turkish side expects the speedy implementation of the US President’s pledge of Donald trump about the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. He stressed that Turkey supports the territorial integrity and political unity of Syria. “Mr trump promised that the US will withdraw from the East of the Euphrates. We hope that this promise will be fulfilled in the near future. We don’t want to live under the threat and ready to do everything necessary to resolve it. We will take all measures to ensure security in this area,” said Mr. Erdogan in a TV channel TRT. In December 2018 Donald Trumpkin announced the withdrawal of American troops from Syria. U.S. lawmakers and U.S. allies in Europe and the middle East said that the withdrawal of US troops is

German psychiatrist called the addiction of social networks

German psychiatrist called the addiction of social networks BERLIN, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. Too long being on social networks can lead to the formation of poor self-esteem, frustration and depression that affected children and Teens, so parents need to pay special attention to their behavior, told RIA Novosti the regional managing Director and Director of the medical unit of the hospital of St. Joseph (Alexianer St. Joseph-Krankenhaus) in Berlin-Weissensee, PhD, psychiatrist, Hout iris (Iris Hauth). In 2017 in Germany, conducted a representative survey in which participated more than a thousand children and adolescents aged 12 to 17 years. Most respondents said that they use social networks 2.5−3 hours a day, mostly it was girls. Every third said that they used social networks in order “not to think about unpleasant things.” 14% of respondents said that they can’t stop using social networks. 13% said they agree with the statement that