Mesmerizing Northern lights filmed in Norilsk

Mesmerizing Northern lights filmed in Norilsk Northerner Mikhail Podolyak took video of the mesmerizing Northern lights and published in “Vkontakte” its accelerated version. Frames are made on the route Norilsk — Alykel. The background of two sculptures with inscriptions “good Luck” and “Happy trails” green luminous band moved slowly across the dark sky, coiling like a snake, and in the end almost disappeared.

A log in the woods became a hit in social networks (video)

A log in the woods became a hit in social networks (video) Camera traps are a surprise. For observing wildlife conservationists and researchers often use camera traps. A small camera is automatically triggered from a motion sensor and take photos or video without human intervention. Video captured one of these traps in the French forest, became a hit on social media. The camera is mounted near a forest stream near a fallen tree. When setting a camera observers reviewed the video, they were amazed. The beam turned into a bridge, which has been used by numerous animals to cross from one Bank to another. The life of one fallen tree in the forest. Video with photo-traps. France. — Hi-color! (@obedennyy) 3 Feb 2019 In the video you can see wild cat, beaver, Robin, otter, mouse, Fox, duck, swamp hen, Heron, slowly creeping snake, a curious squirrel and other animals.

Scientists visited the island unusual that occurred 4 years ago

Scientists visited the island unusual that occurred 4 years ago Scientists first called for an unusual Pacific island which was formed about four years ago (usually, such Islands are not more than a few months). In late 2014, scientists noticed in satellite images of the eruption of an underwater volcano in the Pacific state of Tonga. By the end of next year, the eruption ceased, and between two small Islands, a new (it was named Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai). A researcher from NASA Dan Slayback (Dan Slayback) tracked the appearance of the island, and later decided to visit it sobstvennolichno. He arrived on the island in October 2018 with a group of scientists, reports the portal As noted, the new island is unusual because it has existed for about four years, whereas typically, such Islands disappear within a few months (the same was assumed with regard to this island). Hunga

The constitutional court of Russia has clarified what types of incomes are not held alimony

The constitutional court of Russia has clarified what types of incomes are not held alimony St. PETERSBURG, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. The constitutional court (CC) of Russia has declared unconstitutional the provision of the list of types of salaries and other income of citizens for the retention of maintenance that allows you to charge them with compensation paid by the employer when use of personal vehicles of employees for work purposes, follows from the materials of the court. KS were published on Monday on the official website of the ruling in the case about the verification of constitutionality of the subparagraph “p” of the second paragraph of the list of wages and other earnings from which the alimony on minor children. The basis for the consideration of the case was the complaint of the inhabitant of Krasnoyarsk region Gennady Belobrova. Since his work in “Centralized regional technical service” is

In Bashkiria dismissed police officer, springing to the man on the floor off the bench

In Bashkiria dismissed police officer, springing to the man on the floor off the bench UFA, February 4th — RIA Novosti. Of internal Affairs of Bashkiria dismissed the police officer who appears in a scandalous video where two police officers took off from the bench to the floor of the old building of a rural station in respect of other law enforcement checks, reported in the management of transport Ministry of the Russian Federation in the Volga district. In social networks on Sunday there was a video where in the station waiting room, two police officers approach the bench where an elderly man. Law enforcement officers face lying on the floor, while the record shows that at the elderly man from the hands of slipping the cane. After that, the police transport the beginning of the test. It turned out that the incident took place in 2017 at the railway

SK posted a video of the scene of a fire in a house on Nikitsky Boulevard

SK posted a video of the scene of a fire in a house on Nikitsky Boulevard MOSCOW, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. Russia’s investigative Committee posted a video of the scene of the fire, which occurred in the house on Nikitsky Boulevard in the city. The fire on the area of 1 thousand square meters occurred on the night of Monday on Nikitsky Boulevard, 12. SK filed a case of causing death by negligence. The footage video published by the investigation into WhatsApp, you can see how the investigators and criminologists of the UK, as well as emergency workers and ambulance visiting the rooms of the house. Visible charred walls and personal belongings of the tenants. During the download an error has occurred. Earlier it became known that the death toll in the fire has risen to eight, two of them children. The building was built before the revolution is

The former head of Bank “Opening” has declared wanted for embezzlement

The former head of Bank “Opening” has declared wanted for embezzlement Moscow. 4 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — as a result of fraud with the bonds was spent more than 34 billion rubles. Russia’s investigative Committee has declared wanted the former head of Bank “Opening” Evgeny Dankevich for embezzlement, said Deputy Prime Minister Igor Krasnov, the newspaper “Kommersant”. TFR is working together with the FSB, trying to establish partners Dankevich. According to investigators, in the summer of 2017, as Chairman of the Board, Dankevich entered into a criminal conspiracy is not established by the CEOs of “01 of 01 Grupp Finans” which was the borrowers “Open”. “Borrowers organized the production and placing on the Moscow stock exchange of 40 million bonds with a nominal value of RUB 1 thousand According to the investigators, knowing that the real value of the bonds is less than half of their nominal value, Dankevich instructed about

Canadian for 11 years filming selfies and made them into impressive video

Canadian for 11 years filming selfies and made them into impressive video To show all changes, only took two and a half minutes. 23-year-old resident of Canada Hugo Cornellier back in 2008 (when he was 12 years old) began daily to do a selfie. Since then, Hugo never missed a single day and shot himself for 11 years. All the resulting images he combined in one video, which occupies two and a half minutes. During the download an error has occurred. As said the canadian, over the 11 years it turned from a scruffy schoolboy in a grown man with a wife and own house. Hugo also said that the video is only the intermediate result of his self-experiment: he intends to continue to take pictures all my life. I wonder whether he has enough patience for it. Incidentally, a similar experiment was set and a girl named Olivia Smith,

Patients of Russian hospitals forced to pay for TV viewing

Patients of Russian hospitals forced to pay for TV viewing Patients of the emergency hospital No. 2 in Rostov-na-Donu have to pay 50 rubles a day per person for the opportunity to watch TV in the house. One of the locals took the payment process on video, which was published in the public “Is Rostov-on-don! — News” in “Vkontakte”. The footage shows a man who introduced himself as an electrician, charges patients money for watching a small old TV. The author of the video gives him 100 rubles for the payment of two days of viewing, the second man to pay “wholesale” for four days. During the download an error has occurred. The author of the video appealed to the regional Minister of health Tatyana Bykovskaya. “Why the prices? 90, whether that occurred? Understand, please, with the pay TV in this hospital,” he said to the clerk. In the comments

The nasty cold winter through the eyes of a philologist

The nasty cold winter through the eyes of a philologist So whether our ancestors enjoyed the winter? Tell about the origin of the “winter” of the words, their unexpected ancestors and descendants. Now in Berlin: Berlin: 0° 86% 766 mm Hg. article 4 m/s When we think about winter, imagine in the first place? “Frost and sun, day wonderful”? Our ancestors in the perception of this time of year was not so enthusiastic. The proof is the many words and idioms related to winter and to preserve negative values. Remember the expression “frozen heart”, “cold reply”, “feeling’s gone”… These linguistic metaphors clearly show that the cold in our minds is associated with something not very pleasant. Figurative meaning of the above expressions, we are fully aware. But there are words that initially also was such metaphors, only now we don’t think about it. Frost Now the word “frost” is neutral.