“It is easier to assign a new one than to re-elect these”: the governors are waiting for the resignation

“It is easier to assign a new one than to re-elect these”: the governors are waiting for the resignation Sources: in the near future would be retiring governors of five regions. Sources “Газеты.Ru” say that in the coming months, several governors can resign. Probably, this fate befall the heads of four or five regions. As candidates “on a departure” mainly referred to those governors whose term of office expires this year. However, there is a probability of early resignation: sources believe that the arrest of Senator Raul Arashukov jeopardized the position of the head of Karachay-Cherkessia Rashid Temrezov. Three sources “Газеты.Ru” close to the Kremlin, believe that in the near future we can expect a new wave of gubernatorial resignations. One knowledgeable source familiar with the situation, also believes this development is very likely. In recent years, cases of mass Exodus of governors from their posts become commonplace. In the

Donald trump caught in the love of solitude and rest

Donald trump caught in the love of solitude and rest The published daily routine of the President of the United States. The President of the United States Donald trump spends four times more time in his personal residence in the White house than it spends on political negotiations and consultation with its own advisors. Up to 60% of their time over the past three months, the President spent time on the executive — the hours that he was working with documents, watching a TV program, studying the headlines, writes messages in social networks and holds meetings, the contents of which he wished to keep secret from the employees of its administration. In the last three months, President Donald trump has used almost 60% of their time to “work with documents”. According to the online edition of the Axios, received access to the private daily routine of a President of the

Media called the main danger for Russia in the transfer of the Kuril Islands of Japan

Media called the main danger for Russia in the transfer of the Kuril Islands of Japan Experts believe that the southern Kuril Islands are the ideal place for the deployment of American missiles and missile defense systems. Наверх21фотография21фотография21фотография Four Kuril Islands, which are claimed by Japan, have the convenient geographical position to accommodate them American strike missiles and anti-aircraft and missile defense. In addition, the U.S. Navy will be able to block the ice-free Catherine the Strait between Kunashir and Iturup, thus depriving the Pacific fleet of the ability to go out into the Pacific ocean, the article says publication Japan Business Press. The author points out that the placement in the Kuril Islands of the air defense system “aegis Ashore” will allow US to quickly detect and destroy launched from submarines in the sea of Okhotsk ballistic missiles. Also it will boost the American defense against missiles of North

Sailed to China, came to Chukotka, Russia has returned home a lost American

Sailed to China, came to Chukotka, Russia has returned home a lost American From Russia at the end of January were deported to their homeland, an American, John Martin III, who illegally sailed on a boat from Alaska to Chukotka six months ago. He wrote about this in his blog. John Martin III, whom the local newspaper Anchorage Daily News describes as an oddball and a homeless activist, said he had to leave his wife and son in China, when the U.S. government recognized his passport invalid. So Martin decided on a small boat to get to China to reunite with family. In mid-July of 2018, he went to sea on the three-meter boat from the city of Emmonak in Western Alaska. To yourself he had no money, no documents, only a driver’s license. Two weeks later, the boat Martin was driven to the coast of Chukotka. There he wanted

New flash mob on the Network: find a meme with his name

New flash mob on the Network: find a meme with his name The results are very unpredictable. A Twitter user under the nickname typovatanonicho shared an interesting observation: if in a search engine write your name and add the word “meme”, then there will be many strange pictures. The result, she has published on the social network and invited the subscribers to join this exciting venture and look for memes with their names. The resulting set was unexpected. pic.twitter.com/yPoncWUu9m — ♡♡♡ (@LOa4EfkS9uGCSuq) 27 Jan 2019. Sho, true pic.twitter.com/QkGMxbl1OD — ?YourReason? (@powerful_reason) 27 Jan 2019. Here are the first 4 pic.twitter.com/vVdSUqE2kZ — dumpling (@EwgVvAjxggKjzuX) 27 Jan 2019. pic.twitter.com/zl9fFhV4aM — Anastasia Loginova (@nayaloginova) January 31, 2019. pic.twitter.com/df9rd6WbrF Alpha Dominant (@ananas_pimp) February 1, 2019. this is already enough…. pic.twitter.com/8tHvKxYXDa — Andrey Kudryashov (@flash4893) January 31, 2019. IF YOU HEAR SOMEONE YELLING, THEN you KNOW IT’s me pic.twitter.com/uddTly89JQ — Valerian (@CrazyVelll) 28 Jan 2019.

The artist combines popular characters in one piece (photo)

The artist combines popular characters in one piece (photo) Unusual characters that we haven’t seen. Illustrator from France Bouderbala Linda is a big fan of pop culture. Her last series of works called FUUUUUUUUUSION! (The”merger”). In it the artist combines two completely different characters, movies, comics and cartoons, and the result is a completely new characters, which are sometimes even more interesting than their “parents”. Scroll to see the result. View this post in Instagram Publication of Linda Bouderbala (@linda_bouderbala) 30 Jan 2019 3:09 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Linda Bouderbala (@linda_bouderbala) 16 Jan 2019 2:22 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Linda Bouderbala (@linda_bouderbala) Feb 2, 2019 at 3:00 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Linda Bouderbala (@linda_bouderbala) 4 Jan 2019

Disclosed the cost of the most expensive yachts in the world

Disclosed the cost of the most expensive yachts in the world Designer Calhoun Park (Chulhun Park) has revealed the cost of the largest and most expensive yachts in the world and Valkyrie (“Valkyrie”), a draft of which he presented at the Royal College of art in London with the support of Palmer Johnson. Reported by the Daily Mail. View this post in Instagram Publication of chulhun park (@chulhun_design) 21 Oct 2018 8:17 PDT During the download an error has occurred. “Construction “Valkyrie” will cost $ 800 million. I’ve received several proposals, but the contract I have with no one signed,” said Park, who worked on the project for eight months. NewsStay at five for 35 million rubles Boat length is 229 meters, which is almost 40 metres is longer than the length of the current record holder — yacht, Azzam, President of the UAE Khalifa bin Zayed al Nahyan. On

The authorities of the Australian city opened the dam and flooded thousands of homes

The authorities of the Australian city opened the dam and flooded thousands of homes This was done on purpose. In the Australian state of Queensland for more than a week the heavy rains. According to local media, this time in Townsville had the annual rainfall. The storm caused flooding, for which hundreds of homes were left without electricity and were cut off from the city. View this post in Instagram Publication from David Lane (@davidjl91) 2 Feb 2019 11:29 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Taylor Jayne (@grumpycrumpet_) 4 Feb 2019 3:06 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication Support from Local Townsville (@supportlocaltownsville) Feb 2, 2019 at 7:09 PST During the download an error has occurred. To reduce flood damage, power Townsville opened the dam Ross river holding back the river. After the

In the vast underwater Park in Bahrain will appear palaces and airplanes

In the vast underwater Park in Bahrain will appear palaces and airplanes Announced the opening of the world’s largest theme Park. In the summer of 2019 in Bahrain, will open the world’s largest underwater theme Park, total area of which amounts to more than 100 thousand square meters. Snorkellers can see here artificial reefs and sculptures made from environmentally friendly materials, the exact copy of traditional houses of Bahraini merchant, pearls, and even a sunken “Boeing-747”. Who wants to dive on a 747?https://t.co/ZrzVmLquti https://t.co/ZrzVmLquti — One World Divers (@uwpsouth) 3 Feb 2019 The new attraction, which was called “Dive Bahrain”, built with the support of the government and several private companies. The exact date of the opening of the Park is not yet known. The power of the Kingdom of Bahrain, hope that the underwater Park will contribute to the development of tourism, diving and help to convey the importance

In the fields in England there was a mysterious snow rolls

In the fields in England there was a mysterious snow rolls In England was marked by a rare meteorological phenomenon: rolling through the fields of snow rolls. This large snow clods, which are formed due to the force of the wind, gravity, and specific weather conditions. Now in Berlin: Berlin: 0° 80% 765 mm Hg. article 6 m/s Brian Bayliss, living in Wiltshire, I discovered a strange snow rolls on their own field. He said at first he thought that these fancy designs blind some pranksters, but then noticed that the snow had no footprints. Like rolls of snow occur when snow covers the ice, but does not stick to it. The snow should be fluffy and loose, and the air temperature is just above zero. The wind must be strong enough to move the snow, but not too strong so the coils are not destroyed. Sam Bayliss, who is