In Moscow evacuated 25 thousand people because of calls about the mining

In Moscow evacuated 25 thousand people because of calls about the mining Moscow. 5 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — nearly 40 Moscow objects to the address which received threats of mining, ended at 15:00 in capital, has informed “Interfax” a source familiar with the situation. “According to preliminary estimates, to check threats were evacuated about 25 thousand people”, — said the Agency interlocutor. He said that explosive devices on the Moscow objects were found. The newsIn Moscow the next wave of mining telephone Earlier the source of “Interfax” reported that the number of calls about the mining enterprises, organizations and institutions of Moscow exceeded 200. Phone wave of mining began in Moscow about 10:30 Tuesday. According to sources “Interfax”, the threats come not only by phone but also by email of the Moscow enterprises, organizations and institutions. The news Agency also said that the signals on mining are with phones and IP

Ukraine filed charges of treason against the “other Russia” Medvedchuk

Ukraine filed charges of treason against the “other Russia” Medvedchuk The matter related to its proposal to make Donbass an Autonomous region of Ukraine. The Prosecutor General of Ukraine opened a criminal case against the Chairman of the political Council of the Ukrainian party “the Opposition platform for life” Viktor Medvedchuk. About this informed the press-Secretary of Department Larisa Sargan in his Facebook. According to her, cases brought under part 1 of article 110 and part 1 of article 111 of the Ukrainian Criminal code (public calls for actions to change the boundaries of the territory or state border of Ukraine, high treason). They will be transferred to the security Service of Ukraine (SBU) “jurisdiction,” said Gar. Cases were opened due to the application of Medvedchuk at the Congress of the party “Opposition platform for life” on 29 January, said the representative of the Prosecutor General. In it, he proposed

Prize of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists was awarded for a breakthrough in mathematics and the study of insects

Prize of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists was awarded for a breakthrough in mathematics and the study of insects In particular, the winners were the staff of the Institute of atmospheric optics named after V. E. Zuev, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Gorlov Viktor Zharkov. MOSCOW, February 5. /TASS/. Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of science and innovations for young scientists for the 2018 awarded to Russian researchers for the creation of breakthrough computational technologies for the solution of multidimensional problems, the development of a new method for remote detection of explosives, the discovery of new mechanisms of resistance of insect pests and for the study of the characteristics of the nervous system. This was announced Tuesday at a press conference in TASS, the Russian presidential aide Andrei Fursenko. “The winners of President’s prize in science

Shoigu told how Russia will respond to the U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty

Shoigu told how Russia will respond to the U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty MOSCOW, 5 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of defence has announced measures to be taken in connection with the fact that the United States has suspended the implementation of its obligations under the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles. Moscow will develop new weapons. During the 2019-2020 plan to create a land version of the complex “Caliber” sea-based cruise missile long range. The head of Department Sergey Shoigu said that “Caliber” is well established in Syria. In addition, at the same time will be developed ground-based missile with hypersonic long-range missile. According to the Minister, “the use of missiles, sea-and air-based in the terrestrial version will significantly reduce the time of production of the new missile and the volume of its financing.” “In addition, it is important to increase range developed above-ground missile systems”, —

The head of Rosstandart has promised to deliver the Russians from “testing the bondage”

The head of Rosstandart has promised to deliver the Russians from “testing the bondage” The head of Rosstandart Alexey Abramov in an interview to “the Russian newspaper” told about the plans to release the population from the duty to monitor the correctness of indications of devices of accounting of public resources. “The situation with domestic counters turned inside out. It’s as if you existed a duty to come to the market with their weights, and Yes even to listen to the demands of the seller that your scales were calibrated…”, he said. “Therefore, together with the Ministry of industry, Ministry of construction and Ministry of economic development, we will this year initiate amendments which fully exempt the citizens from what was known as “testing the bondage”,” said Mr. Abramov. The only thing in the case of the amendments is required from the owners or tenants, is to provide access intrahouse

Oxxxymiron published correspondence with Declan

Oxxxymiron published correspondence with Declan MOSCOW, 4 Feb — RIA Novosti. Myron Oxxxymiron Fedorov has published on Twitter a screenshot of correspondence with Cyril “Declam” Tolmatsky. Fedorov admitted that he was not listening creativity Tolmatskogo, but noted that he did a lot for rap in Russia. RIP Decl. I never listened to and accepted, jiving, but the fact that he prepared the ground for the next REP wave, foolish to deny. It is partly through the denial of such hip-hop such as I was able at the time to formulate your answer.In the end, never crossed. — Oxxxymiron (@norimyxxxo) on 4 February 2019 “Partly it is through the denial of such hip-hop such as I was able at the time to formulate your response,” wrote Oxxxymiron. From the correspondence it becomes clear that the performers were going to meet, however, they failed to do so. See also: This here

An American couple staged a wedding photo session in 33 countries

An American couple staged a wedding photo session in 33 countries They traveled for 9 months. 24-year-old Nick OST and his 27-year-old wife Zoe from new Jersey decided that one wedding photo shoot is too boring, and threw himself a Grand honeymoon, during which were photographed in their wedding attire in different countries of the world. And this festive photo album would be the envy of everyone. View this post in Instagram Publication from NICK ╳ ZOE | MARRY ME?N (@marrymeintravel) Jan 21, 2019 at 8:54 PST During the download an error has occurred.Vienna, Austria According to Zoe, the idea of travelling around the world came to them even on their first date when they both voiced this desire in a joke. But it got serious when the couple got engaged in 2016 and get married in 2017. Married, Nick and Zoe do not have to save money to buy

In the Kuzbass closed the kindergarten due to the discovery of radioactive gas

In the Kuzbass closed the kindergarten due to the discovery of radioactive gas The bailiffs of the city of Belovo of the Kemerovo region has suspended the work of a private kindergarten No. 171, JSC “Russian Railways” due to the discovery there of exceeding the level of radon, is spoken in the message of regional government of Federal bailiff service (FSSP). “It was established that the annual average equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity of radon daughter products in the premises of the medical office, middle bedroom group, bedroom first the younger group does not meet the requirements of SanPiN” — said in the message. Court enforcement officers sealed the premises of the medical office, the average bedroom and the first Junior groups, according to the requirements of the court, recognized the garden is in violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements (article 6.4 of the administrative code). As explained in the Department,

In Moscow began the trial of a top Manager of Aeroflot

In Moscow began the trial of a top Manager of Aeroflot The Tushino court of Moscow has started consideration of criminal case concerning the Deputy Director of Department of the airline “Aeroflot” Anatoly Yakimchuk, who is accused of giving a bribe to a public official. About it reports “Interfax” with reference to the court’s press Secretary Marina Sviridov. The trial began in late December, the next meeting will take place on 8 February. Yakimchuk is under recognizance not to leave. Informed RBC with reference to sources reported that Yakimchuk was detained by the FSB in late December 2018, and then against it criminal case about bribery of a public entity (part 3 of article 291 of the criminal code). The maximum punishment under this article is punishable by a fine in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. or deprivation of liberty for a term up to eight years with a

Several thousand people were evacuated to Moscow because of reports about mining

Several thousand people were evacuated to Moscow because of reports about mining Moscow. 5 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — About 7 thousand people were evacuated from buildings, universities and shopping centers (TC) of Moscow after reports of mining, reported “Interfax” on Tuesday informed source. “E-mail received messages on a mining of buildings of the Russian state humanitarian University, Moscow state technical University and Russian state University of physical culture, sport and tourism, Institute of Russian language named after Pushkin” — said the Agency interlocutor. Exercises in University – evacuation — Artem Nikiforov (@tema_1999) February 5, 2019 Came to savok, and here evacuation Green (@4ever_Green_) February 5, 2019 #MGTUGA declared #evacuation. Handlers to inspect the premises. Looks like someone reported the page. — Fiction (@klasnovse) February 5, 2019 Also evacuated the pool, “the Seagull”, the tower “City of capitals” in Moscow-city, several shopping centers and a hotel. Additionally, about 2