Study: single men are stronger smell

Study: single men are stronger smell And it is to their advantage. Scientists from the Macquarie University in Australia found that single men the body has a more intense smell than those who is in a relationship. The study involved young people aged 18 to 35 years. They were asked to perform physical exercises. Then the women’s group of 82 people were asked to rate the “aroma” sweaty t-shirt on a 6-point scale. Found a few men received an average of 3 points out of 6, but lonely is 3.5. The smell of the male body is affected by the level of testosterone — the main sex hormone of men. Single men have it above, the scientists explain in an article published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. More intense the smell alone of men to the benefit, according to the 2013 study. It showed that men who have higher

In Argentina discovered the remains of a new species of dinosaur

In Argentina discovered the remains of a new species of dinosaur MOSCOW, 5 Feb — RIA Novosti. Remains of a new species of dinosaur, which scared off predators with the help of long studs on the back, found in Argentina, reports the Internet-the portal with reference to researchers. As noted, the skeleton of the head and neck plant-eating dinosaur that lived about 140 million years ago have been found in the Argentine Patagonia. Reproduction of the finds were exhibited in the Scientific and cultural center of Buenos Aires. A new species of dinosaur from the family of dicraeosaurids got the name Bajadasaurus pronuspinax. “We expect that these long and sharp spines very long and thin on the neck and back Bajadasaurus and amargasaurus kind cazaui served to scare away predators,” said one of the study’s authors Pablo Gallina. The scientist also noted that the spikes could represent an open

The Russians staged in social networks frosty “cold challenge” (photo)

The Russians staged in social networks frosty “cold challenge” (photo) While the weather allows. More recently, a couple from the United States published in social networks funny video of how throws boiling water in the cold. The result is beautiful and interesting, but because other users have decided that this experiment be repeated. As it turned out, the inhabitants of Siberia have begun to pour boiling water in the winter on the street in December 2018, and by February this entertainment developed into a new flashmob called #tobaccoland . Residents of Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and other cities where now there is cold weather, post on social networks fascinating photo frozen in the air water. View this post in Instagram Publication from Anastasia (@anndriyanova) 20 Feb 2018 4:47 PST During the download an error has occurred.Bashkortostan to Look at this publication in Instagram Publication from Ekaterina (@kvarnava) 4 Jul 2019 10:45

SK called “rough photomontage” photo sharing Bastrykin and Arashukova

SK called “rough photomontage” photo sharing Bastrykin and Arashukova Official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) Svetlana Petrenko has denied reports about the rest of the head of Department Alexander Bastrykin in the family Arshakovich accused of creating a criminal gang. “In connection with the spreading in the media and social networks information about the stay of Chairman SK the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and allegedly personal acquaintance with the family Arshakovich declare that he never was personally acquainted with the members of this family,” — said Petrenko (quoted by “Interfax”). She noted that the only meeting Bastrykin with Senator Rauf Arashukov was held in the Federation Council during the arrest of the latter. During summer vacation, 2018 Bastrykin on the recommendation of colleagues stayed with my family for two days in hotel “adiyuh Palace” for their own money, what are the supporting documents.Svetlana Petromaterials UK

In the UK broke with a hammer the tombstone of Karl Marx

In the UK broke with a hammer the tombstone of Karl Marx Moscow. 5 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Unknown vandals desecrated the grave of German philosopher Karl Marx at Highgate cemetery in London, said on Tuesday the British newspaper the Guardian. “Marx’s grave was desecrated! It looks like someone went through it with a hammer,” — said in a message posted on Twitter guide Highgate cemetery. “We’ll fix you (headstone — if) as soon as possible”, — stated in the social network. Karl Marx’s memorial has been vandalised! It looks like someone has had a go at it with a hammer. It’s a Grade I-listed monument; this is no way to treat our heritage. @MarxLibrary @HeritageCrime We will repair as far as possible. — Highgate Cemetery (@HighgateCemeter) February 5, 2019 The vandals did not touch the other graves in the cemetery. The Guardian emphasizes that the tombstone of Marx will

In Russia check 160 objects after calls about a mining

In Russia check 160 objects after calls about a mining MOSCOW, 5 Feb — RIA Novosti. 160 shopping centers, schools and other facilities check in Moscow and regions of Central Russia after a wave of anonymous calls, “telephone terrorists,” evacuated nearly 40 thousand people, reported RIA Novosti the representative of the emergency services. “Threatening phone calls “mining” came out in 99 objects in Moscow and 61 facilities in the Moscow region and five regions of the Central Federal district”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Just evacuated nearly forty thousand people. Validation was completed in 70 of the 160 “mined” objects. None of the messages was not confirmed. View this post in Instagram Publication from Katerina (@apellcinovaya) Feb 5 2019 2:51 PST During the download an error has occurred.The newsIn Moscow the next wave of phone minireunion “mining” In January, the country swept the next wave of reports about the “mining”

Astronomers have published a unique photo of the milky way

Astronomers have published a unique photo of the milky way It was made a powerful telescope in Hawaii. The researchers have received an unusually detailed picture of the milky way, which shows 800 million of stars and asteroids. Milky Way map shows 800 million stars, galaxies and asteroids and it’s stunning — Mirror Tech (@MirrorTech) on 4 February 2019 The image was obtained at the Observatory Pan-STARRS in Hawaii. Here on the island of Maui on top of Haleakala volcano, is a 1.8-meter telescope, which captures how visible and near infrared radiation. The telescope attached to the camera with a resolution of 1.4 billion pixels. The survey was conducted in 2010. The total collected data amounted to 1.6 million gigabytes. It resulted in the most complete and detailed picture of our galaxy. In the center of the image is the North star, and closer to the bottom image

The Americans turned into icicles riding the surf in the dead of winter

The Americans turned into icicles riding the surf in the dead of winter And become like ice sculptures. Photographer from Michigan Devon Haines has published on Facebook a fun and very unexpected images taken in early February on lake superior, on the border with Canada. During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred. Now in this area abnormal frosts that did not prevent the two surfers Dan and Allen to ride waves. And friends not only ride, but jump into the water from the ice coast, and posed for the photographer among the snow covered trees with a makeshift Trident. During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred.During the download an error has occurred. After the water fun Dan and Allen got soaked and frozen so that turned into walking icicles. But the pictures

Scientists: Chernobyl zone fauna of amazing variety

Scientists: Chernobyl zone fauna of amazing variety The researchers studied the inhabitants of the banks of the Pripyat river. A new study published in the journal Food Webs, showed that the number and variety of wild animals in the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl NPP increases. Fishing for CEZ scavengers! Efficiency and composition of vertebrate scavengers at the land-water interface in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone by P. E. Schlichting @CISAASU, @CaraNLove @UGAEcology, Sarah C. Webster @UGASREL, James C. Beasley @UGAWarnell — SREL (@UGASREL) January 31, 2019. Dr. James Bisley of University of Georgia and his colleagues used to observe the animals camera traps, which were placed on the banks of the river Pripyat and the nearby irrigation channels. Nearby they left the fish as bait. 98% of fish carcasses were eaten in one week a variety of animals. During the 83 tests the camera took 10 mammal species

The Prosecutor’s office dismantled words

The Prosecutor’s office dismantled words The Director of the school in Primorye punished for the lecture “authorities” on sex education. The administrative proceedings are initiated against the Director of the school in the Mikhailovsky district of Primorye after the lesson, which was allegedly carried out by criminal authorities. About this informed the official representative of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexander Kurennoy. Informed about the lesson involving criminal authorities said the mother of one of the students. The Director of the school then the situation did not comment, but local officials said that the school to talk with students came with no criminal record parents, concerned about the form of communication of students with each other. “On the facts of violations of legislation on education about the fact that unreasonably interrupted the educational process, failed to comply with the permit regime on school property, the district Prosecutor has