In Venezuela wrestled with terrorism, and found weapons from the United States

In Venezuela wrestled with terrorism, and found weapons from the United States At the warehouse of the airport in the Venezuelan city of Valencia had discovered weapons from the United States. This is stated on Twitter, the Deputy Minister civil security Venezuela Endesa Palencia. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий According to him, the weapon was seized during the operation on combating terrorism and organized crime. Total found 19 guns, 118 stores for rifles, 4 strap for rifles, 3 gun, 90 radio antennas and 6 phones. The weapons were transported by Air Bus N881YV flight from the American city Miami 3 Feb. ✔19 fusiles ✔118 cargadores de fusil✔4 porta fusil✔3 miras para fusil✔90 antenas de radio✔6 teléfonos fueron hallados en el patio de almacenamiento del aeropuerto de Valencia los cuales ingresaron al país el #3Feb en el Bus Air N881YV procedente de Miami,EEUU #5Feb — GD Endes Palencia Ortiz (@PalenciaEndes) February 5, 2019. As

The United States promised to build prohibited missiles

The United States promised to build prohibited missiles The US is going to create missiles prohibited by the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty). This was stated by Deputy Secretary of state for arms control and international security issues Andrea Thompson at a briefing, reports TASS. According to her, after the withdrawal from the agreement, Washington will have the opportunity to conduct research and development that were previously prohibited. “So the Ministry of defence will take steps to create these systems,” said assistant Secretary of state. Thompson noted that the United States intends to consult with the allies before, during and after withdrawal from the INF Treaty. At the same time, the American side will be “as necessary” to continue the dialogue with Russia, which is important for bilateral relations. Lavrov: Russia’s war and the USA would be a disaster for humanity Missile Arsenal of

Groisman advised Ukrainians to “make love”

Groisman advised Ukrainians to “make love” Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman gave advice to citizens on the eve of Valentine’s Day on February 14. According to him, Ukrainians should have more children and not worry about the paperwork, especially after the appearance of the service “E-Malyatko”. “Make love, and the documents will be handled by the Ministry of justice,” — said the head of Ukrainian government, quoted by “Strenia”. Groisman noted that “children are the most precious thing we have,” and encouraged to invest in them. Service “E-Malyatko” may appear in Ukraine on the initiative of the Ministry of justice of the country. In case of approval to execute documents for the newborn will be online. 18 January it was reported that the population of Ukraine for 11 months (January-November 2018) decreased by 208,8 thousand people, and the number of deaths of citizens by almost two times exceeded the

Human ancestors were scavengers who loved fatty foods, scientists say

Human ancestors were scavengers who loved fatty foods, scientists say MOSCOW, 6 Feb — RIA Novosti. The desire to eat high-calorie fatty foods was one of the main engines of human evolution, before our ancestors invented tools and “domesticated” fire. Write about the scientists in an article published in the journal Current Anthropology. “Most likely, our ancestors tasted the fat is approximately four million years ago. Fatty bone marrow, hiding in the bones of animals killed by predators, was one of the largest and most attractive sources of calories. They, most likely, and put a man on its current evolutionary trajectory,” says Jessica Thompson (Jessica Thompson) from Yale University (USA). NewsAnthropologist said, how did the human brain for seven million years One of the main mysteries in the history of human evolution a long time is how our ancestors were able to acquire such a large and “hungry” brain, consuming

Russian lawyers will defend the right of the moon

Russian lawyers will defend the right of the moon The state Corporation “Rosatom” and the Russian Academy of Sciences consider it necessary to begin training of specialists on space law for the promotion of the interests of the Russian Federation in case the territorial disputes during the development of the moon. As RIA Novosti reported, citing the joint decision of Roskosmos and Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia offered to prepare lawyers for future territorial disputes over the moon. A Chinese spacecraft landed on the back Луны17 adwarepro in the history of the plant on the moon погибло15 enviracaire probe conducted a biological experiment on Луне14 JanuaryApril the Chinese lunar Rover on the moon showed videospace article 11 of the “Agreement governing the activities of States on the moon and other celestial bodies” adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979, “the Moon is not subject to national assignment neither by

Scientists: night flying squirrel glow in pink

Scientists: night flying squirrel glow in pink New data published in the Journal of Mammalogy. Northern flying squirrels — small squirrels from the USA and Canada at night fluoresce pink under ultraviolet light. Amazing facts helped to establish Allison Kohler, a graduate of Texas A&M. Supervising graduate student of Professor John Martin conducted the monitoring with a UV flashlight. He was looking for a fluorescent mosses and lichens. Martin accidentally grabbed a ray the flying squirrel, which ran up to the trough. Under ultraviolet light, the protein turned out to be bright pink. Fluorescent pink flying squirrel in UV light at night — ScienceDaily — MAINUDDIN মঈনউদ্দিন (@MAINUDDINBD) 6 Feb 2019 A scientist has formed a team of researchers who engaged in research samples of flying squirrels at the science Museum of Minnesota. Allison Kohler has studied a huge number of effigies of flying squirrels — they were

Rescuers pulled six people from the rubble of a house in Istanbul

Rescuers pulled six people from the rubble of a house in Istanbul Moscow. 6 Feb. INTERFAX.RU Six persons rescued from under the rubble of a house collapsed in the district of Kartal in the Asian side of Istanbul, reports on Wednesday, the Daily Sabah. According to the latest edition, two people were killed. The search for victims continues. On a scene there arrived the speaker of the national Assembly of Turkey Binali Yildirim and the Minister of internal Affairs of Turkey Suleyman Soylu. UPDATE — 3 people rescued from the rubble of the 8-story building that collapsed in Istanbul”s Kartal district; search and rescue teams continue to look for those still trapped under debris — DAILY SABAH (@DailySabah) 6 Feb 2019 Earlier it was reported that the building had 14 apartments, according to preliminary data, they lived from 27 to 30 people. In the collapse was easily wounded

Veteran beaten in Perm from-for debts

Veteran beaten in Perm from-for debts 90-year-old Basil Ushakova, participant of the great Patriotic war, was beaten in Perm broke into his apartment unknown, with the result that he received injuries, writes URA.RU. According to the veteran, burst into the apartment called himself her new owners, and also announced that the funds they have his daughter. Some time before the incident, his daughter Tatiana turned to microfinance organizations in order to take the money in debt. There’s also persuaded her to lay flat. The publication notes that the beating veteran already interested in the police.

In the European Union, told a separate boiler in hell for the British

In the European Union, told a separate boiler in hell for the British The head of the European Council Donald Tusk said that the British vote for withdrawal from the EU without a deal, a separate boiler in hell. His words, reports The Guardian. “Interesting, it looks like a cauldron in hell prepared for those who favour a Brexit even without a plan outline of how to get out of the EU with minimal losses”, — he said during a speech in Brussels. The head of the European Council expressed the hope that during his visit to Brussels on 7 February, Prime Minister Theresa may will present a “realistic proposals” on the way out. Tusk added that the EU is ready to “potential fiasco”, if London decides to leave the Union without an agreement. At the same time, he would be happy if Britain refused to Brexit. 4 February it

NATO and Macedonia signed a Protocol on accession to the Alliance

NATO and Macedonia signed a Protocol on accession to the Alliance Representatives of NATO countries signed a Protocol on the accession of Macedonia under the new name of the organization. On 6 February in his Twitter wrote to the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “This day will go down in history. All NATO members have signed the Protocol on the accession of Macedonia, which will provide security and prosperity to the whole region. Looking forward to the day when the headquarters of NATO will develop 30 flags,” wrote Stoltenberg. To ratify the Treaty to the parliaments of all countries-participants of the organization, and then most of Macedonia. As reported TASS, the procedure will be completed this year, and the country will formally become part of NATO, the 70th anniversary of the Alliance. However, the publication Balkan Insight points out that the process can take up to two years. Greece more