The court has arrested the founder of Baring Vostok Michael Calvey

The court has arrested the founder of Baring Vostok Michael Calvey MOSCOW, 16 Feb — RIA Novosti. Basmanny court of Moscow arrested for a period of 2 month the founder of a major investment company Baring Vostok and a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank “East” American czars in the case of embezzlement of 2.5 billion rubles, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. “The petition of the investigator shall be satisfied,” said judge Arthur Karpov. Thus, the arrest of Kabir is set to April 13. On Friday, the court extended the detention of an American investor and postponed to Saturday a decision on his arrest, as the investigation failed to provide supporting low cost of the controversial stock of materials, in addition, the case has not translated into Russian language documents, which the court could not assess. Protection Calvey, in turn, on Friday requested

Named head coach of the “Leaders of Russia”

Named head coach of the “Leaders of Russia” The main instructor of the participants of the contest of managers “Leaders of Russia” is Russian President Vladimir Putin, said first Deputy Director General of TASS Mikhail Gusman. About it reports TASS. “He really is the main mentor of this competition, he is the main mentor of all of you. And I congratulate you on this,” said Guzman, welcoming the participants of the first semifinal of the contest for the regions of the Central Federal district. Media Manager admitted that he feared that the second competition “Leaders of Russia” will not be able to repeat the success of the first, but then changed my mind. “Indeed, this competition is much more organized, or rather, if you like, smarter and brighter than the first. This says a lot”, he added. The first semi-final of the contest of managers “Leaders of Russia” for members

Merkel saw no reason for refusal from the Russian gas supplies

Merkel saw no reason for refusal from the Russian gas supplies Moscow. 16 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — German Chancellor Angela Merkel believes that dependence on Russian gas, which critics say construction of the pipeline Nord Stream 2 (“Nord stream-2”) is bad, but the Soviet Union supplied the gas and during the cold war, and supplies were regular. According to her, Germany has consistently emphasized the desire to preserve gas transit through Ukraine in spite of the construction of a new gas pipeline under the Baltic sea. However, the politician believes, the Russian gas remains a Russian gas regardless of which way it enters the EU via Ukraine or the Baltic sea. “This means that the question of how we are dependent on Russian gas, can not be solved a question through what pipe it goes. And then I will say: nobody wants to be unilaterally dependent on Russia. But during the

Austrian foreign Ministry: the EU agreed on sanctions against Russia because of the incident in the Kerch Strait

Austrian foreign Ministry: the EU agreed on sanctions against Russia because of the incident in the Kerch Strait The EU has decided on new sanctions against Russia in connection with the incident in the Kerch Strait, said on the sidelines of the Munich security conference, foreign Minister of Austria Karin Kneissl. The details of the impending restrictive measures she did not disclose. “The decision has been made at the appropriate level,” — said “RIA Novosti” Minister. As reported by the Financial Times, the sanctions are directed “against those individuals and companies” who participated in the arrest of Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait. According to Bloomberg, the black list can get 6-7 people from the “middle”. We will remind, on November 25, 2018 in the Kerch Strait, the Russian border guards with weapons detained three ships of the Ukrainian Navy and the 24 members of the crew. Sailors accused of

The researchers found in a British cave “gate to hell”

The researchers found in a British cave “gate to hell” The stone walls are carved with spells against evil spirits. A group of researchers from the Subterranea Britannica organisation headed by Haley Clark and ed waters found strange marks inside one of the caves in Creswell Crags, on the border between Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire in the UK. ‘Gateway to hell’ discovered in cave with hundreds of ‘anti-witch marks’ lining walls — NewsBop! (@NewsBop) February 15, 2019. On the walls and ceiling, they noticed carved symbols, which later turned out to be a spell against evil spirits and witches. The cave inscriptions, according to the researchers, did not allow the demons to get out of the underworld and cause harm to humans. Typically, such symbols the ancient people drew near doorways, Windows, fireplaces and the building of churches. Such inscriptions were often found in caves, where, according to old

In Mexico city showed the shield of the last Emperor of the Aztecs

In Mexico city showed the shield of the last Emperor of the Aztecs It was made from the skin of an ocelot. Ancient Aztec shield that belonged to the last Aztec Emperor, Montezuma II, was put on display in the Mexican National Museum of history. Luxury shield decorated with feathers and gold, was made from the skins of the ocelot is a major American predatory cat. This graceful ceremonial weapons used during the festivities, and not for protection in battle. In the world, only four have survived such shield. Shield Montezuma II was exhibited in Mexico cityDuring the download an error has occurred. Montezuma II was crowned in 1507 as the Emperor of the world. He stood at the head of the Triple Alliance, which in addition to the Aztec of Mexico city (Tenochtitlan) was part of the city of acolhua Texcoco and the tepanec city of Tlacopan. With the

The artist makes the figures of people in the form of trees (photos)

The artist makes the figures of people in the form of trees (photos) A lot of detail and deep meaning. Artist sun-Hyuk Kim draws inspiration from nature. He creates amazing sculptures of people in life-size of steel wire, but makes them in the form of roots and trunks of trees. View this post in Instagram Publication of Sun-Hyuk Kim (@sunhyukk) 10 APR 2017 11:55 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Sun-Hyuk Kim (@sunhyukk) 22 Oct 2018 8:25 PDT During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Sun-Hyuk Kim (@sunhyukk) 24 Dec 2018 6:16 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of Sun-Hyuk Kim (@sunhyukk) May 7, 2018 at 9:34 PM PDT During the download an error has occurred. In his works, nature and man become one. According to

Sister of the former head of the foreign office undressed live from Brexit

Sister of the former head of the foreign office undressed live from Brexit Sister of the former Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain Boris Johnson, journalist Rachel Johnson exposed himself on live TV Sky News during a debate the country’s withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit). It is reported by the tabloid the Mirror. Johnson said that “it is difficult to make your voice over Brexit has heard of”. “The feeling that we have reached the saturation point” she said. Sister of ex-foreign Minister recalled that the opponent of Brexit, a teacher at the University of Cambridge Victoria Bateman found “striking method” to make her noticed — came to the interview naked. Johnson said that he decided to follow her example — just to make sure that her opinion also notice. After that 53-year-old journalist took off his silk blouse. Co-host Johnson met her steps with laughter, some in

Creative flash mob: Canadians make the hair covered with icicles hair

Creative flash mob: Canadians make the hair covered with icicles hair For fun and money. To swim in the winter, when the outside temperature falls to -40 degrees is not only a Russian national pastime. Just as our countrymen boldly dive into the hole, Canadians swim in the hot springs. View this post in Instagram Publication of OffTrack Cheechakoes (@offtrackcheechakoes) 12 Feb 2018 at 6:15 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Kelly (@lilysroad) Jan 7, 2019 at 1:24 am PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication from Brett Elliot (@btelliot) 13 Dec 2016 10:46 PST During the download an error has occurred. One of the most popular resorts in the country are the hot springs Tahini. There the water temperature is always kept around +40 degrees Celsius. View this post in Instagram Publication from

In the biological clock of a person found the main gear

In the biological clock of a person found the main gear For the determination of age turned out to be only a single group of genes. For the past 5 years biological age is determined by “hours of methylation” — a method that considers the number of sites in the genome that were subjected to methylation. The longer an organism lives, the more such sites. Scientists from Massachusetts claim to have found the heart of this clockwork — a group of genes that works so actively that age can be accurately determined by her alone. NewsProducts, which make you age faster than others DNA methylation is the process of mounting on the double helix inactivating the labels of the methyl groups. The DNA is twisted and becomes unavailable to read the information. This process occurs gradually, and with age, more genes are found to be closed and cease to operate.