The Russians will be able to see the convergence of Venus and Saturn on the morning of 18 February

The Russians will be able to see the convergence of Venus and Saturn on the morning of 18 February MOSCOW, 15 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Russians will be able to see a rare astronomical phenomenon — the convergence of Venus and Saturn, on Sunday morning, said on Friday the Moscow planetarium. “The eighteenth of February 2019 will be a convergence of Venus and Saturn. They will split the entire 1 degree (two moon)! This position of the stars in the sky astronomers call a convergence… a Beautiful morning a few can be seen in the wee hours, from 6.30 am to 7.30 am, over the South-Eastern horizon. To the right (South) and above the horizon this morning, the Duo will be accompanied by Jupiter and red Antares is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio”, — stated in the message. NewsIn the depths of the Earth were mountains and

Trees without roots planted Krasnoyarsk

Trees without roots planted Krasnoyarsk Residents of Krasnoyarsk has noticed a strange method of planting. Near the junction on the street Kopylov in the region of the Nikolaev prospectus working fir-trees were planted in the cut of a metal pipe. For this tree, which already had roots, were placed in a tube, and then spread the branches to give the tree volume. Similar stories appeared in social networks. The authors of the posts say that this way in a short time managed to plant more than 10 trees and greening a vacant lot. During the download an error has occurred. According to some, which leads KrasnoyarskMedia, trees were cut down on the objects of the company IDGC of Siberia. Not to throw away, they decided to convey to the city for decorative purposes.

The New Earth flew butterflies of North America

The New Earth flew butterflies of North America It turned out that even in the Western half of the Russian Arctic there is a Lepidoptera from the New world. Researchers from Northern Arctic Federal University named after Lomonosov, Federal research centre for integrated study of the Arctic and University of Turku (Finland) conducted a detailed study of butterflies and moths from the European part of the Russian Arctic. Russian scientists during the largest in a century of the study of Lepidoptera, the Arctic managed to find 60 species of butterflies, among which there are exactly Phoebe itysalis herbal moth, common in North America, from Arizona to Canada. Previously, the most penetrated far into the Russian Arctic flying was considered a Hummingbird landing on Wrangel island (part of Novaya Zemlya archipelago) in summer in some years. The corresponding article was published in Polar Biology. In the work summed up the most

According to preliminary data, in St. Petersburg in the collapse in high school no one was killed

According to preliminary data, in St. Petersburg in the collapse in high school no one was killed S-PETERSBURG, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. The victims, according to preliminary data, there is no in the collapse in the housing ITMO in the street Lomonosov in St. Petersburg, told RIA Novosti the representative of administration of the Central district of the city, where there was an emergency. “According to preliminary data, victims are not recorded,” — said the Agency interlocutor, adding that he has in mind cases with fatal outcome and cases of people receiving severe bodily harm. According to district authorities, after the collapse of the “26 people came on their own, now take out the remaining rescuers.”

In St. Petersburg in the University building collapsed ceiling

In St. Petersburg in the University building collapsed ceiling MOSCOW, 16 Feb — RIA Novosti. Ceiling collapsed from the fifth to the second floors of the five-storey building in St. Petersburg, told RIA Novosti in the press service of EMERCOM of Russia. “On Lomonosova street in the house № 9 there was a collapse of floor slabs from the fifth to the second floors of the five-storey building of the Saint-Petersburg UNIVERSITY ITMO (national research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics)”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the area of the collapse was about 150 square meters. The building evacuated, according to preliminary data, 60 people. “The preliminary reason — a violation of the technical requirements when carrying out repair work”, — said the Agency interlocutor. According to preliminary data, under blockages there can be people. To liquidation of consequences of collapse attracted 54 people and 14

In the US, 88-year-old priest defrocked after accusations of harassment

In the US, 88-year-old priest defrocked after accusations of harassment Moscow. 16 Feb. INTERFAX.RU IN the US, the former cardinal of the Catholic Church defrocked after allegations of sexual harassment. As informs “bi-Bi-si”, 88-year-old Theodore Maccarrick became the oldest Catholic priest, deprived of Holy orders. Earlier Maccari resigned, saying he did not remember the alleged harassment. Official representatives of the Church claim that the incident occurred about 50 years ago and they have no reason not to trust the prosecutors. However, the Statute of limitations on the crime has long passed, so no charges will be filed. Maccari, who now lives in a monastery in Kansas, was Archbishop of Washington from 2001 to 2006. He became the first since 1927 the cardinal, who resigned.

In the Israeli airport have detained 140 the citizens of Ukraine

In the Israeli airport have detained 140 the citizens of Ukraine TEL AVIV, 16 Feb — RIA Novosti. About 140 Ukrainians were detained by the immigration authorities of Israel when entering the country through the international airport Ben-Gurion after the incident with the Israelis at the airport of Kiev, according to the Israeli portal Ynet. It is noted that a total of 140 Ukrainians, who arrived in tel Aviv, were arrested, according to the testimony of the victims, about 7 hours. As informs the edition, detained in Ben-Gurion Ukrainians were given the opportunity to get into Israeli territory, but due to the beginning of the weekend — Shabbat — they were having extra difficulty to reach the destination. The publication suggests that detention at Ben-Gurion began after the scandal with Israeli tourists in Boryspil international airport in Kiev, where on Friday was detained 50 Israelis. The Ministry of foreign Affairs

The Network launched the flash mob, which explain the difference on the rabbits

The Network launched the flash mob, which explain the difference on the rabbits One small and the other muscular. Tweets with different graphic drawings have already appeared in the social network. Now, Twitter users launched a new flashmob: they explain the difference between people, events and States using two painted rabbits — very small and very strong. ⠀ (__/) ⠀ (•ㅅ•) his ex _ノ ヽ ノ\ `/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ ( (三ヽ人 / | | ノ⌒\ ヽ ノ ヽ___>、___/ |( 王 ノ〈 (__/) /ミ’ー―彡 (•ㅅ•) you — totanus (@kotyanus) February 15, 2019. . (__/) ⠀ (•ㅅ•) Cyril _ノ ヽ ノ\_ `/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ( (三ヽ人 / | | ノ⌒\ ヽ ノ ヽ___>、____/ |( 王 ノ〈 (__/) . /ミ`—-彡 (•ㅅ•) Cyril . / —— / > — Keereal The Patriarch (@keeereal) February 15, 2019. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀(__/) ⠀ (•ㅅ•), my social friend _ノ ヽ ノ\ eating `/ `/ ⌒Y⌒

Astronomers have found the missing third Universe

Astronomers have found the missing third Universe Once upon a time, in the Big Bang the Universe was formed many substances: hydrogen, helium and other elements. Then it became stars, planets and nebulae, and the radiation now allows scientists to estimate its mass. On the other hand, some theoretical models allow to estimate how much of the matter in the Universe should be. And then there is the problem — about a third of the matter we are somehow not visible. We emphasize: we are not talking about dark matter or something else invisible. No, we do not see the normal hydrogen with oxygen that it needs to be. One of the versions is that the missing mass is collected into a giant filamentous structure warm (temperature less than 100 000 degrees Kelvin) and hot (>100 000 K) gas in the intergalactic space. These threads are invisible to optical telescopes,

The Russians saved the nearby high-rise building from a gas explosion

The Russians saved the nearby high-rise building from a gas explosion A resident of Yaroslavl learned of a gas leak in a neighboring high-rise building and saved the sleeping inhabitants of the explosion. He told the publication, “”. View this post in Instagram Publication of Tamarancho (@staspancher) Feb 3, 2019 at 6:47 PST During the download an error has occurred. The incident occurred on the night of 13 Feb. 21-year-old Stanislav Mavrenkov friends and I were in a bakery near the house, when a man came on crutches and Smoking a cigarette, and he was escorted out of the institution. After some time the young man went outside and saw this man lying in the snow. Newsa Bill to install a system notification about a gas leak in the houses introduced in the state Duma “I went up, said, “let’s raise”. I shrugged and said sharply: “If you want to