Endocrinologist of the Ministry of health told about the connection of coronavirus and diabetes

Vladimir Putin met in the Kremlin with head of the National research medical center of endocrinology Ivan Dedov. © Video: TRC “Star” © Photo: kremlin.ru About new coronavirus infection with diabetes told during a meeting with Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin chief freelance endocrinologist of the Ministry of health, head of the National research medical center of endocrinology Ivan Dedov. According to endocrinologist, due to coronavirus infection in humans may increase the level of blood sugar. Coronavirus requires energy, glucose is the fastest and easily digestible. The idea of physicians, the virus takes glucose out of the heart, liver and muscles, and translates to itself. “Interestingly, the coronavirus has shown to bring people that have never been ill with diabetes, and they have two points rises, as a ruler, sugar levels,” said Ancestors, whose words are given on the website of the Kremlin. The endocrinologist said that to date 420

Experts told how to secure your mobile banking fraud

If the smartphone is infected with malware, it can be hacked any application. © Photo: flickr To secure your mobile banking, and funds in the accounts against cybercriminals is possible with the help of antivirus software, two-factor authentication and compliance with the rules of digital hygiene. This was stated by the experts on information security. “Mobile banking is relatively safe. More often attackers to ring up customers of financial institutions or use malware – told RIA Novosti, leading expert of “Kaspersky Lab” Sergey Golovanov. According to the head of Analytics and special projects CC InfoWatch Andrei Arsentiev, if the smartphone is infected with malware, it can be hacked any application. Two-factor authentication, that is, the additional one-time code advises to use the head of the Zecurion analytical center Vladimir Ulyanov. However, for security, you must perform the operation and to receive verification codes on different devices, the expert added. He

Dozens injured: Prague trains collided

According to preliminary information, the train was about 100-120 passengers. © Video: Vojtěch Gibiš, twitter © Photo: 33newsking , Michal Kamaryt, twitter In the Czech Republic near Prague passenger train crashed into a freight train. As a result of the incident injured at least 35 people. This was reported by the Czech edition idnes.cz. According to preliminary information, the train was traveling about 100-120 passengers. The composition left the Czech capital in the city Recany nad Labem. Approximately at 00.30 Moscow time in the vicinity of the station in český Brod the collision occurred. Killed the driver of the train, the newspaper reports. Among the victims are eight minor children. Four people are in serious condition, 31 passengers got injuries of mild severity. All taken to nearby hospitals for medical aid. At the scene working emergency services. Are the causes of the incident, interview passengers and witnesses of the accident.

Kursk Governor officials were punished for the ignorance

Roman Starovoit at the operative meeting in administration of Kursk region declared that is constantly faced with the ignorance of subordinates. “Well, what is it, seven of visas is, and I correct spelling errors. You do not read the papers, or what? Next time, I’ll publicly name the names of those who endorse the documents. He first made oral comments now 5 or 6 times applied a disciplinary sanction — depriving quarterly bonus for mistakes”, — quotes the head of the region the publication “our local news”.

Putin may request documents in the case Safronova

Russian President Vladimir Putin if necessary, may request the documents by the accused in the treason of adviser to the head of Roscosmos Ivan Safronov. This was stated press Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov, reports “Газеты.Ru”. “Of course, he is aware of this case”, — said Peskov on a question, whether Putin knows about the case Safronov. 7 Jul Safronov, were arrested in the capital on suspicion of treason. The investigating authorities appealed to the European court with the petition for custody. While Roscosmos said that he had no access to state secrets. Named data transmission method Safronov Prior to his appointment as adviser to the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, Safronov worked in the Newspapers “Kommersant” and “Vedomosti”. He was dismissed after article about the possible resignation of the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

Crimea responded to the idea of Kiev about the “de-occupation”

The head of Committee of the Crimean Parliament’s public diplomacy and international relations Yuriy gempel appreciated the idea of the Kiev authorities to create an international platform for “de-occupation” of the Peninsula. Earlier, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba invited members of the European Union, the USA and the UK to participate in the creation of such a platform. Hemel have called this idea of imitation of violent foreign policy. “No one platform will not be able to change the decision of the Crimean people in 2014 — to return to live in their homeland, in Russia. No negotiations on this score can not be. The decision of the Crimeans decided finally and irrevocably. The Kiev authorities should keep a pointless venture without raising a storm in a glass”, — the Deputy told RIA Novosti. HEMPEL urged Kiev to stop the Ukrainian authorities unleashed the conflict in

Trutnev said about the poor performance of the authorities of the Khabarovsk territory

According to Trutnev, the work of the regional administration were organized poorly. “I came here primarily to make sure that the team that is in control of the Khabarovsk territory continues to work that you have met all the required functions of the authorities of the Russian Federation. I met with the leadership of Khabarovsk territory, the first Deputy Governor and with a number of colleagues,” — said Mr. Trutnev journalists (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). According to him, he asked that everything “worked regular” and residents did not feel any problems. Yury Trutnev has commented on the arrest of the Governor of the region Sergey Furgala. According to him, the police would not go on such step, if it had not been “one hundred percent, iron justification.” Make the decision, however, is the court. “If the court and the President of the Russian Federation will make a decision that Sergei

Journalists Kremlin pool spoke in support of Ivan Safronov

Journalists of RBC, Vedomosti, Moskovsky Komsomolets, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, TASS and TV channel “Rain” was made in support of his former colleagues in the Kremlin pool of Ivan Safronov. Adviser to the head of “Roscosmos”, the former correspondent of “Kommersant” and “Vedomosti”, highlights of the military-industrial complex, was detained and arrested last week on suspicion of treason. Today he should be charged. “Together, shoulder to shoulder, we have worked hundreds of events, flew thousands of miles and Ivan always remained a true professional. His article was hitting the nail on the head, and many didn’t like it, but he always conscientiously doing his job,” said Anastasia Savinykh from TASS. “Vanya is a true patriot. Such little people, and these people are not spies,” said Kira Latukhina from the “Russian newspaper”. “Vanya has always worked and behaved like a man with a clear conscience, because the work in such a sensitive sphere

Putin urged to extend the planning horizon of the projects

The President also proposed to adjust the work on national projects taking into account “the real situation in Russia and in the global economy”. He stressed the need to more efficiently allocate the capacity of the state and maneuver means. “In this connection I consider it necessary to look beyond the current planning horizon national goals and projects, i.e., for 2024 And now in the development of goals to define national challenges for the next decade,” Putin said. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in turn, said that the timing of the achievement of the national projects could be extended to 2030, but to adjust key parameters of these projects should fall to the formation of the draft budget for the next three years. According to him, the work on achievement marked in may 2018. [talking about the may decree of the President on the aims and objectives of the country’s development]

The fifth plane with the Russian military helping in the fight against coronavirus, returned from Italy

MOSCOW, may 10. Another plane with military personnel and special equipment of the consolidated group of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation arrived from Italy at the Chkalovsky airfield in the Moscow region, said in a statement on Sunday the press service of the Russian military. “On the Chkalovsky airfield came fifth Il-76 aircraft of Russian air force with the military and special military equipment from the consolidation unit of the Ministry of defense of Russia, carrying out tasks to assist in the fight against coronavirus infection in the territory of the Italian Republic”, – stated in the message. According to the war Department, all arrived soldiers have completed the mandatory sanitary-epidemiological actions. On 10 may two aircraft to Russia from Italy to be delivered 14 soldiers and four units of special military equipment. From March 22 to may 7, specialists of radiation, chemical and biological protection of